Under handed or shady providers. How do you handle them?

Kayleehotchick's Avatar

LOL.....well, I guess this is what happen when I put myself in a kitchen. I guess I'm going to stand some heat for now.

Sorry guy's, I didn't NOT intend for this to be a drama thread.

Lesson for Kaylee through all this? That it's better to say nothing at all.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Wow...for a nice guy DFW, you sure are trying to turn this into a ugly thread.

But if you want to throw in my edit, do what you got to do if that makes you happy.
daty/o's Avatar
If she is lying and saying something good about me, I would want to know. If she is lying and saying something bad, it's probably better than I deserve.
Fair enough, and I'll leave it at that as going into more for a reply to that would require bringing up what you edited out. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
I "edited out" ".... To the right person." And the same thing fits. All money is good money, to the right person. A pimp doesn't care how he gets his money. The electricity company doesn't care how it gets their money. But a single independent girl should care how she gets her money.
You also edited a post in that thread too. Post number 4. The your momma..
I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just well... A say it how it is.

There ya go, L.A. That's all the "drama" that I have the energy to bring for the year.
Fair enough, and I'll leave it at that as going into more for a reply to that would require bringing up what you edited out.

AM - why are you discussion a PM in a public thread? If you have something to say about my PM, PM me. I wasn't calling her out for editing anything. The details lead to my last comment which was based on speculation add to how it came about. Which, she stated, was unnecessary and incorrect. Which is a fair reply. That's is very specific PM information. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Nice edit. Sorry, could resist!
Very specific PM information? Hardly. Hardly. Hardly. Are you pmsing today?
FunInDFW's Avatar
Wow...for a nice guy DFW, you sure are trying to turn this into a ugly thread.

But if you want to throw in my edit, do what you got to do if that makes you happy. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
If someone calls me out, I will reply in kind. Why she chose to call me out from a PM I sent her perplexing.
I told you I wouldn't discuss what you edited before my quote, and I won't. 'details' is rather innocuous.

My original fair enough comment wasn't to you AM, was to Kaylee. But yes, keep discussion private information openly.

I edit posts all the time. The bane of not being able to use a propper pc to post. If you think I was calling someone put negatively for an edit, you're very mistaken. Why would I put a wink if not to say "I saw what you originally had, but I won't talk about it"?
Depends on who the provider is that you are requesting a reference from. Some may say bad things about a potential client because she has a vendetta against him as there may have been a falling out and consequently make up stuff that is not there, not necessarily to have another provider not make the money, but to see how many other providers they can keep from seeing the said client. Since it is a he said/she said matter, I would request a couple more references, if he has them, to see what they say about their session with him (was he respectful of time and person, did he pay the required donation, did he practice good hygiene) and that is basically what you need to know. Then, you would know if the provider who said the bad things is just shady and vindictive should the other ladies report no problems.

I would definitely let the client know about the under handed provider so that he can stop using her for a reference and possibly even delete her OK on p411 if he has it.
FunInDFW - were supposed to read how you passive aggressive posted today?
Two people thought you were posting in a negative fashion.
Today isn't the first day either.
People say I post in negative fashions too.
It's constructive criticism.
You just say no, no, the other person is wrong.
Oh well.

By the way, what I mentioned from a pm was so ridiculous. There was nothing "private" about it. I'm not about to jeopardize my over 10 years on and off of this over some silly comment in a PM. Perhaps Fun is just a little annoyed that it was silly that he wrote it in the first place. Considering I never mentioned his name.. Oh well, can't win them all!

Of course you edit posts all of the time.. This last post of yours was nothing like this when I saw it. So, who really knows what you said when I saw it anyway. Instead of focusing on increasing a post count so quickly, maybe focus on what you're posting.

I'm not going to argue over something that shouldn't even exist in the first place.

In re to the actual topic at end. I would just ignore it. I feel with he says she says you never win.
FunInDFW's Avatar
I didn't realize the p in PM didn't stand for private anymore. Heaven forbid it was sensitive information and you decided it wasn't and plastered it publicly...
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Yeah....I think ignoring it is a good idea.

It's sad because to try to p block a hobbyist fun.

Thanks for the feed back everyone!
Are you effing kidding me???????
You have got to be kidding me!??

Oh my god, I'm so stuck in the middle of dumbfounded and wanting to hysterically laugh.
Go outside. It's nice today.
Fun, I'm not sure if you lost your mind today, but whatever it is you lost.. I hope you find it tomorrow.
FunInDFW's Avatar
#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.

From the guidelines.

AM - I'd be happy to discuss this with you via PM as I've tried before. If you change your mind, do PM me and let me know.
No dude. You're only pissed because I called you out on getting upset over something you claim I did then you did the exact same thing.
You want some tissues?
For goodness sake. You are acting like a cry baby.
I do not want to pm with you because I can't stand when people blow things entirely out of proportion.

Next time don't do something to someone else that you complain about when you say is done to you.

I'm so over this. I'm not feeding in to your theatrics.
FunInDFW's Avatar
No dude. You're only pissed because I called you out on getting upset over something you claim I did then you did the exact same thing. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Sorry Kaylee and everyone else. I cannot PM her to talk to her. - My original PM was a tease. As someone once said their form of flirting was teasing, I was paying you back (in a good way) in kind. I didn't to the exact thing you think you did, at least not as I see it. And because I've given my word, I will not divulge what was originally edited by Kaylee. It was not the same text in my quote of hers, though.

Seems we've both had mishaps today. Unfortunate; but such is life when we can't express emphasis over text.