Definition of GFE

gleemonex's Avatar

Simple answer . . . you know it when you experience it and you damn sure know it when you don't! Originally Posted by Oafer
Honestly, that is a great summary. The problem is, for a lot of providers now-a-days, they pretty liberally through around the "GFE" term because they know that a lot of guys like to hear that, so trying to use that as an explanation of why they are not GFE would never work.
Doggy style GFE: He sits up and begs, then she rolls over and plays dead.

Badda boom!

Seriously, I'll quote and paraphrase the words of Maggie McNeill, aka The Honest Courtesan

GFE is subjective, but generally means that the escort will cuddle, kiss, refrain from obvious clockwatching, and generally make the experience seem much more natural and less mechanical.

I don't think GFE is defined by the inclusion of particular mechanical acts, such as DFK.

GFE is essentially a performance, no different from acting or singing. For most of human history the majority of actresses were also harlots, and though the professions have diverged to some degree the whore (especially the call girl) is still essentially an actress in a private erotic drama, with the customer as her audience rather than her equal partner.

Clients seeking GFE want to feel the sense of connection which can only result from honest personal interaction, the feeling that they are spending time with a real human being with hopes, dreams, loves, sorrows and quirks which make her a distinct individual. The competent professional knows how to strike the perfect balance between illusion and honesty which will give her client the most memorable and satisfying experience possible.

Like a film actress a great whore must draw upon her own personality and experience in order to create a true interaction with her client, and unlike her actress sister she must do so without either a script or a director to guide her.

Put another way, the clients seeking leather-clad mistresses to bind them, tease them, and/or humiliate them are seeking one kind of performance. Those seeking GFE want a different performance. A skilled whore can serve both audiences, changing her costumes, persona, and style of interaction as each role requires. Originally Posted by ahutch
This is exactly what I was looking for.

A good provider is a skilled funambulist (Miss V is rubbing off on me!). And it truly is a delicate balance, because all too often I end up being asked out for a RW date after a session (usually following a series of texts/emails), which puts me in the awkward position of having to explain that any non-BCD activities are 100/hr, that I'm not on the market to date. I recently had a client who thought he could text me every day just to make small talk, and to continue to inquire about RW dates. I was forced to end our business relationship because of his very obvious attachment.

I'm not saying that I don't genuinely like most of my clients (I truly enjoy most of y'all!), I just don't like it when they get too attached because the GFE is perfect.

So, hobbyists, how often do you find yourselves getting in too deep? (Pun intended)
Mr Peabody's Avatar
A simple solution for the date request is to ask if your 250 pound Biker-Husband can come along too.

Are you sure the guy didn't just want to be friends. You are an interesting person. You could start charging $5 per email/text and then it would be worth your while to play along.
PREACH, Sister Blows.

One of the most common pieces of client feedback that I get, especially from clients closer to my age, is "you're totally the kind of girl I would want to meet at a bar/date/take home/marry up." And it really is flattering, truly, on the days I take it at face value. And it makes me roll my eyes on the days I'm more likely to be of the "dude just wants free pussy" camp. I find myself sliding along that spectrum, trending toward the flattering end.

Most days when I hear such flattery I think "man,'re such a good hooker!" 1) It means I'm advertising properly to attract the right clients and 2) it means I was on, either from magical GFE-fairydust or just from natural chemistry.

The rub comes when I realize that I'm not JennsLolli. I think I'm preeeeetty close to her, but this shit's made-up to at least some degree almost every single time. We respond to men differently when we're on the clock. For example, I might cuddle the fuck out of a cute stoner working to finish his dissertation in evolutionary psychology when he's not following Dane Cook around the country as though he were Jerry fucking Garcia. And I might compliment him on his embroidered jeans, laugh at his overtly misogynist jokes, and not mind that he doesn't laugh at my awesome jokes. And I might truly, truly enjoy the slutty bits. And I could get really excited when he emails to book. JennsLolli digs that guy! But at the end of the day, the woman behind the JennsLolli curtain is not dating that guy. Ever. Never. Fucking ever.

So when dude asks me out I smile, pat myself on the back, then scramble to figure out how to say no. Possible deflectors include: "'re too sweet, ramble ramble ramble" (which doesn't answer the invitation), "yeah, actually I have a boyfriend and don't date other men in the RW" (which crushes the fantasy), "no" (which crushes his balls), "maybe sometime" then never agreeing to it at the time (which makes me come across as flakey), and "umm...actually, this is a business arrangement and I have no interest in fucking you or getting to know you off the clock" (which is way harsh, ball bustin, fantasy destroying, a good way to lose a regular, and not always the case because often I am interested to some degree). Clients not respecting boundaries? NO WAY!

The 3-4 times over my hooking years when I've bumped into someone who expresses interest and who I'm truly interested in for friendship, penis-friendship, or romance, he's found out. Because I mentioned it. Clearly. Without prompting.

To pull things back on topic...

My definition of GFE is when I get the rubber taste out of my snatch from the previous client before a new client arrives. It gives the illlluuusion that I haven't been fucking other men. Also, eye contact.


ETA: Mr. Peabody...I don't think many of us girls are here for friendship...but I dig your price structure.
Miss V is rubbing off on me! Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

can I watch?
nanette3480's Avatar
I know I am not as experienced as most of the posters here, but yes, the whole idea is you act like a girl friend would act. So a simple question to ask is "would I do this to my boyfriend?" if the answer is yes, you should do it. If the answer is no, then you wouldn't.

So with that being the case, I think GFE includes but is not limited to:

BBBJ - No girl is ever going to give their BF a CBJ.
DFK - This isn't light pecking, this is kissing someone like you would kiss your BF, with passion, deeply, on the mouth, but also all over, and letting him kiss you all over
DATY and FIV - I think these are both pretty obvious
MPCFS - This is pretty obvious too
flawless IOP - even if you aren't into it, you better be giving me an oscar worthy performance to make me think you are. And I guess I would say that GFE IOP and PSE IOP are very different things.
The customer is always right - I think this is self-explanatory.
genuinely treating the trick/john/monger/whatever you want to call him as if he is the most important person in your life for the duration of your appointment - Shut your fucking phone off when someone is there. If you wouldn't answer a text message while giving your boyfriend head, don't fucking do that shit to someone while he is there. Neither of us should know or care if someone else is texting/calling you. If you have something important that could be going on at that point, you shouldn't have scheduled the appointment in the first place. If I am in a meeting at work with a customer, and my phone started going off, I would get my ass handed to me and could potentially get fired. You are in meetings with customers at your work, treat it like that. Originally Posted by gleemonex

I do turn my phone off when I have an appointment.. My view on GFE is if you will do it with a boyfriend...then I will try it with a client!
FS_ITC's Avatar
My definition of GFE is when I get the rubber taste out of my snatch from the previous client before a new client arrives. It gives the illlluuusion that I haven't been fucking other men. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
So this is either really, really funny or really, really scary. Not sure I've figured out which yet!
So this is either really, really funny or really, really scary. Not sure I've figured out which yet! Originally Posted by FS_ITC
So mysterious. So sexy.
redbeard42's Avatar

My definition of GFE is when I get the rubber taste out of my snatch from the previous client before a new client arrives. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
The wonders of Febreeze. Now in new snatch scent!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
A REAL gurlfrend lets meh stick it inner butt. Awl tha way in, ballsdeep, an' lets meh crank it! Yeeeee-Haaaaaaw!
I would say passionate DFK and flawless IOP top the list.