Best method for providing references?

I like to assist with references, but when a provider I've not met calls me out of the blue asking for me to verify that one of my customers is really a customer of mine I never know if I'm speaking to a real provider or the customer's wife's private investigator who's got his phone record.

If you can please have the customer call me first so I know he's really approving of the referral then I'm happy to cooperate.

Regarding P411, I've spoken about the ease of LE penetration in the past. Please be aware that there are LE as members of P411 and they easily obtain good references thereby. I know a well-known provider in Austin who worked for an agency here [still operating] which used P411 and aspd for screening. The client was in Round Rock and had both aspd and P411 memberships in good standing. When she showed up she was placed under arrest by the posing officer. She isn't one to solicit, so the arrest was probably illegal, but try explaining that to a Williamson County Judge near election time.

I've posted before about the misconceptions of screening practices I see used frequently in Austin, and her experience is a case in point.
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If you can please have the customer call me first so I know he's really approving of the referral then I'm happy to cooperate. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
That's a really good point. Makes sense, making sure everyone who needs to be is in the loop.

This is an issue I've thought about too, being new. Good to hear your take on one of the fallibilities of P411, because I'd much prefer to not use it and do it "old skoo" myself (i.e. find a "newbie friendly" or two, then ask if they'd be open to being my first references).

I don't care if they destroy it or if it's encrypted, I don't want to share my real name, phone #, and work info if I don't have to.

PS: Williamson County...sorry to hear that. It's like a different country over there.
Ahhh!!! Finally!!
I love to see an email with "Hi I'm X, I am blah blah (insert hobby, age and self descript) I would love to spend some time with you and would love to know when you'd be available. In the past I have spent time with provider A and B"
Now at this point he gets an email saying thank you for your interest type convo and a I will be contacting the ladies and I will contact you as soon as I know.
What I love about Austin ladies is I know most of them and the ones I don't still reply within a 24 hour period. After all, no one expects you to be chained to the computer all day for this. I know some ladies have times a day they faithfully check and I know I will hear from them as soon as they log in for that time. A polite and respectful dismeanor is always helpful and while I understand this web thing is kinda mechanical, there are still ways to convey you are sincere and interested.
Now with that said, I am only as fast as your references... so while you know you have a couple of favs, if you have more the chances of getting approved go up, in that the more ladies I have to email the sooner I am gonna get a reply from at least two of them. I know we all complain about screening. But it is for the safety of BOTH parties. Because come on really, how many guys wanna see the girl who lets just anyone through the door? Devils advocate... if she DIDN'T screen properly all kinds of things could happen, her stalker could become your stalker. PM me for more scenarios, I don't have the infinite time to go into the WHAT IF'S.
It's not just for us it's for you. Look at it like a club... if you had rules and standards you'd want to know exactly WHO you were granting a membership to. It's that simple... while the "skirters and those who try to cry foul"... I'm just wondering what motive or agenda they are running, because really it's not rocket science.