Fun at the After Party

Okay dummy, can I call you dummy?
No, you can't, Professor Ex Post Facto.

Anyway, this has very little to do with the drone strike but my post was about why they had a lunch meeting we did NOTHING about it.

Really? How the fuck do you separate the two? The drone strike is part of an on-going campaign against jihadis in that area of the world. For some eason, you think the missed lunch meeting has a special carve out. According to whom? YOU?

You don't congratulate the fire department for turning out to fight a fire but you do question why they DIDN'T roll out and fight the fire.

WTF does THAT mean?

So maybe you can answer the question that Rep. Peter King and I asked (I asked it first), why didn't we know and if we did know then why didn't we do something?

King asked those question, you did not. You spewed a sarcastic diatribe based on your assumptions about what happened.

I mean, Obama was embarrassed by that video and as expected he reacted.

How do you know he was embarrassed? Did Obama call you up to tell you he was embarrassed? Or is this just your idiotic conjecture?

Barry can always be counted upon to react when he gets buffalo'd like the video from Yemen but not when Americans are being killed in Benghazi. It is always about Obama.

Your stupidity knows no boundaries. He got buffaloed? How so?

Second posting for this Go to 1 minute and 5 seconds for the questions. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And I already answered it here:
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wrote it a day before Peter King asked the question.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I wrote it a day before Peter King asked the question. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Since you both asked the wrong question, it doesn't matter which one of you was wrong first.

"The question isn't why didn't we know," he said. "The question is: What are we going to do about it?"
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why don't you try placing blame where it should be placed instead of your knee jerk "blame Obama" response each time? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Ok LittleEva, who is to blame?
Ok LittleEva, who is to blame? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ok clueless old fart, the intelligence community (take your pick) that missed it.
Ohhh, Obama killing muzzies again, takes a lot to get him to do that...Way to go BaaaaarrrrrRRRRRYYYY!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok clueless old fart, the intelligence community (take your pick) that missed it. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And who selects and directs the intelligence community in the US, LittleEva?

Chica Chaser's Avatar

"Al Qaeda Has Been Decimated"
Barack Obama

And who selects and directs the intelligence community in the US, LittleEva?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
LMAO another clueless bit of drivel from the clueless one. Which branch curly? They all have directors.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Uh, LittleEva, the President is the chief of intelligence. Thought you'd like to know.
Uh, LittleEva, the President is the chief of intelligence. Thought you'd like to know. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Now we have it, you are one of the wingers when the neighbors dog shits in their yard they blame Obie. Just another Obie hater that it doesn't matter who does it or where in the world it is his fault. You constantly tell me how smart you are do you really think he runs every thing in the government? That every piece of intelligent comes directly to him?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Uh, LittleEva. The President is responsible. Deal with it. I know, as an "independent" who always WKs for Obama, it's hard for you to understand that, at times, the POTUS can sometimes be less than perfect. You worship him like a god, but in reality, he's human. Sorry to burst your bubble.

This is kind of like how you refuse to take responsibility for the stupid things you say. You don't want your idol, President Obama, to take responsibility for the stupid things he does.

Just like a true "independent".
Uh, LittleEva. The President is responsible. Deal with it. I know, as an "independent" who always WKs for Obama, it's hard for you to understand that, at times, the POTUS can sometimes be less than perfect. You worship him like a god, but in reality, he's human. Sorry to burst your bubble.

This is kind of like how you refuse to take responsibility for the stupid things you say. You don't want your idol, President Obama, to take responsibility for the stupid things he does.

Just like a true "independent". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Sill old fart I didn't know you thought Obie single handed tracked down OBL led the seal team was the first man up the stairs fired the killing shot then dumped his body in the ocean.

Obie is not my idol, however he lives in your head rent free. To not acknowledge there are layers of people below him taking care of running their departments shows how out of touch of reality you are.

Go change your depends they are stinking up the board.