Why do Obama and Eric Holder hate people with blood diseases?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What about the Executive Order from the White House as you claimed, JDIdiot? You're just deflecting.
Hero Zimmerman's Avatar
What about the Executive Order from the White House as you claimed, JDIdiot? You're just deflecting. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do you worship AG Monkeyboy Holder too?
Anytime you put a price on something it increases the supply because it now has value. The buffalo was saved because suddenly there was a market for bison meat. Someone could now make a profit by raising them. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Double check it was for the hides, and for starving the native Americans.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
HEADUPYOURASS - read this you bitch.

http://minnesota.publicradio.org/dis...-marrow-donors Originally Posted by satexasguy

Maybe you don't understand....(of course you don't) I'm talking about the 1970s and not the 1840s. In the 1840s buffalo had no value, their hides did and their meat had value to hungry people but there were so many that they were considered vermin. They were killed and left to rot. In the 1970s someone wanted to save the buffalo but no one cared. Did someone want to donate 100,000 acres so the buffalo could roam? NO! Then someone asked the question, what does buffalo taste like? How much fat was in it and how much can we charge for a bison steak? Suddenly the buffalo had value. Yes, the hides were still nice and could be charged money for but when you could part out a buffalo for the dinner table then you had something. There are even eateries that serve only bison. Now the buffalo herd is back up into the hundreds of thousands rather then the hundreds.
What about the Executive Order from the White House as you claimed, JDIdiot? You're just deflecting. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

There is no executive order. This is the justice department bumbling along for the department of health and human services. Some bureaucrat at HHS decided that blood born diseases would be more likely transmitted from paid donations than voluntary donations, even through this has never happened and modern screening techniques virtually eliminate the possibility from any donor, paid or voluntary. Another bureaucrat trying to enact sweeping changes to our lives to protect us from imaginary harm, and in the process causing great harm. Save us from these idiots, and other idiots too lazy to read one level below the headlines they see on entertainment tonight.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yep! I didn't say one word about an "executive order". No wonder FuckZup is the Dipshit of the Year. He can't read, he can't write, he can't think, but we....really don't like him anyway.

The order that I'm talking about is called oversight. That means that the Justice Department and HHS are under the control of the White House.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep they did the same thing with a plant that cant be named and have been supporting the lie ever since.
Among the primary reasons, to increase the size of a government agency and get more money to run it.
interesting article that will make all of this moot if it comes to pass
