President Rapist

Clinton tried to unite, Trump only divides. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
I'm tired of hearing this horse shit. Trump's not dividing anyone, it's the shitty leftist assholes dividing everyone.

Look at who's rioting, look at who's trying to kick people kicked out of their jobs, look who's trying to ruin people's lives. It's not Trump, it's not anyone in the country who is politically to the right of Joseph fucking Stalin.

The Marxists are the ones trying to divide this country. And they're gonna get the rope eventually if they keep this shit up.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Nice try but just listen to yourself.
You sound as nutty as your idiot leader.
It’s a conspiracy I tell ya, it’s not that I’m a complete asshole who stoked the division.
Not that I try to turn everything I do into a realty tv show.
Not that I’m a vain, narcissist that loves my ratings.
Nice try but just listen to yourself.
You sound as nutty as your idiot leader.
It’s a conspiracy I tell ya, it’s not that I’m a complete asshole who stoked the division. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
Shit that's happening in broad fucking daylight isn't a conspiracy, it's a goddamn fact. Y'all are the goddamn crazy ones actin' out.
beelzebubba's Avatar
But why can’t Law and Order Trump get it under control?
He’s a god, he says he can do anything.
If being a blowhard is doing anything?
Bet you it disappears with him

I think it’s funnier than shit that he has placed his whole campaign on that he will steal it in the courts.
He was planning on a close election... fool.
All his idiot conspiracies about the mailing of ballots made people decide to vote in person to make sure.
That’s gonna be the thing that bites his dumb ass.
He’s gonna be landslided and look like a fool when he tries to contest.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The media definitely does a good job of dividing people based on politics, gender, race, and religion.
  • oeb11
  • 10-28-2020, 03:38 PM
Tiny demon is getting obstreperous - insecurity about biden and the future
we will see
A poster's comment about 'rope' has validity!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Second, and try to get this straight, Trump did NOT say he grabbed them by the upset. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You're wrong.
"Barleycorn- Please show me proof to substantiate your statement. All I can find is that you can as long as you take a Tic Tac first (good advice, by the way). I think an apology was even issued (sort of). Dude, we here all think alike, why deny it? Might work on Christian Science Monitor, but doesn't pass the sniff test here."

Common trend on this board by some. No response to an honest request.
Looks like the rapist and chief gets to remain a defendant, no matter how the fat bastard tries to wiggle out. All his little tricks to use the tax payers money and the justice department won’t be enough to save his ass. If he doesn’t go down as a rapist, there’s always the tax evasion
At least now the broke ass bastard will have to scrape up the dinero to defend himself. lol
Poor broke ass Donnie.

White House to the Big House lol it’s only fitting, the ratings will be spectacular. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
Maybe he raped maybe he evaded taxes. Accusations are there. They always will be.

But he has still done more for American since Roosevelt was in office. I don't care about his personal life. I care that he is Pro America and it is long overdue!
beelzebubba's Avatar
You need to take your rose colored glasses off and look around you.
He’s pro destroy America... he’s #1
Yep he’s a winner alright
matchingmole's Avatar
I'm tired of hearing this horse shit. Trump's not dividing anyone, it's the shitty leftist assholes dividing everyone.

Look at who's rioting, look at who's trying to kick people kicked out of their jobs, look who's trying to ruin people's lives. It's not Trump, it's not anyone in the country who is politically to the right of Joseph fucking Stalin.

The Marxists are the ones trying to divide this country. And they're gonna get the rope eventually if they keep this shit up. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

Hahaha dude really? You can't be that gullible
Hahaha dude really? You can't be that gullible Originally Posted by matchingmole
Maybe you left people can explain to everyone why Socialism is the answer, Explain why only black lives matter, explain why you need to remove God, explain why believing a communist nation like China is the answer, explain why choosing a VP running mate based on skin color is the answer, and explain the need for total control of American life. Lets just start with that.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Lol how about you explain why it is you think everyone that voted for the democratic nominee naturally give a shit about BLM? Why you assholes always got to push your fucked up religion on people?
How about you ask yourself if you are better off now then during the Obama presidency?
If you answer anything other than NO... you’re a liar.
You are now in a country that is spiraling downward.
Civil unrest
Stock market in shambles
Deficit higher than its ever been
That means the dollar is over inflated, nothing backing the paper
We are all prisoners

All that fucking idiot had to do was enforce a 3 week lock down, nothing open... period, wait 3 weeks, open back up, with NO travel in or out of US.

Problem solved in 3 weeks not 8 fucking idiotic months and counting while the country falls apart.
He is a giant fucking pussy that has absolutely no common sense!
All that fucking idiot had to do was enforce a 3 week lock down, nothing open... period, wait 3 weeks, open back up, with NO travel in or out of US.

Problem solved in 3 weeks not 8 fucking idiotic months and counting while the country falls apart.
He is a giant fucking pussy that has absolutely no common sense! Originally Posted by beelzebubba
Please explain first the legality of your suggestion that Trump could even do that, then describe how many deaths you would have as a result of "nothing open... period".

beelzebubba's Avatar
Typical Republican response ignore the obvious solution.
Nooooo we’ll stretch this shit into years and destroy a nation because we’re too fucking stupid to do what needs to be done.
Better yet... let’s wait on a vaccine for a disease that your immune system stops being effective on after 3 months or so,
What is every American gonna go every 3-5 months for more experimentation?
It’s just gonna keep going round and round til you have no civilization.
Would have been much easier biting the bullet for 3 weeks.
Those who would die... die... but this shit would die out.
Block N and S borders.
Shipping containers are able to be unloaded without anyone on ships touching ground.
Sacrifice the travel industry to save the nation,
Otherwise it is doomed... it will fail.
Just wait til that happens... people cried about toilet paper.
This shit is on a clear path.