For Men and Ladies:: Have Yolu Ever "Bottomed-Out?"

I did with only one provider. Her vagina was so short. I felt unsatisfied...not being able to plumb deeper.
I had a girlfriend that didn't like the pill, so she would occasionally wear the thing thing the covers the tip of the cervix(she liked the exchange).

It is covered with spermicide.

That shit hurts when in gets in you device.
Satyrrical's Avatar
She said, "Gimme 12 inches and make it hurt!" So I fucked her twice and punched her in the mouth.
beguilingvoice's Avatar

Old Redd had so many great jokes.

Here is one of my ATF

A woman goes to her doctor and says
Doctor those harmone pills you gave me are doing strange things to me.

Doctor said. Well Miss they can have side effects what is happening?

The woman says with embarisment
Hair is growning on my chest.

That's not uncommon, how far has it grow. Ask the doctor.

And in a deep voice she says.
All the way to my dick.
loveitdou's Avatar
Not a problem for me, I do however have some experience with "accidental greek" resulting in a bruise where I put a 90 degree bend in Jr.

I was hitting her pussy at warp speed in K9 when I inadvertently took a 7" stroke with my 5.5 member and stabbed the provider in her starfish. For some reason I am persona non grata with that provider ever since....I swear it was an accident.
G-Spot stimulation, without fingers?? Take notes
awl4knot's Avatar
More than once (that could be twice) providers have told me that they avoid guys with big cocks because they painfully bottom out too easily. The vehemence of their opposition made me glad for my modest but appreciated equipment.
I may not bottom out but i am going to bang the hell outta the sides!
Thanks for the frank and straightforward sharing.

Check out the Pam Anderson/Tommy Lee sex tape for a technique. She is seen actually stiff-arming his chest . . .and he is nearly in the category of the late Johnny Holms. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I've seen the video, Tommy isn't even in the same ballpark as Holmes. I've never really understood the fascination with Tommy's dick. Is it small? No. Bigger than average? Probably. Big as Holmes? Not even close.