The oil field has fucked the pooch on everything out West. Rental property, 1 bedroom efficiencies and small houses start at $ 1500. plus a month. Look on Craigslist for housing and you'll see what I mean. The duplex I stay in is a 3 bedroom on one side, each of us pay $ 600. a month rent & it includes gas, water, and elect paid. Do the math, 6 bedrooms per house, $ 3600.00 a month gross less utilities. The landlord is making a killing...
Don't buy a used car out here, they don't offer lubrication with the screwing your going to get. If you own a travel trailer and you want to sell it bring it with you, you put a For Sale sign on it you'll have a 100 people call you in the first 30 minutes and you can jack up the price $ 1000, - $ 1500. & still sell it.
If I was a Provider I would post in the Coed Section and see if any of the West Texas gentlemen have a interest in you first. This would determine whether to drive out and invest in accommodations. Advertise 1 month in advance and Pre-book appts.
One of the most economical places to stay anywhere else in Texas, Super 8 in Odessa @ exit 120, the rate is $ 150.00 a night.. They may have a weekly rate that is slightly lower.
Lubbock, Amarillo, and El Paso seem to be hot spots but don't count your chickens before they hatch, the Midland Odessa area is bustling with an influx of oil field workers... Oil field companies litter the service roads along I-20 east of Odessa to west of Pecos. There is a dollar or two to be made here and the ladies with the most to offer can have a field day here if they play their cards right. Look at some of the ladies who advertise their Showcase in West Texas, look at last months Provider Ads.....
Research is the key to success out west.
West Texas is 5 cities. My advice, give 2-3 weeks notice if you come out west, so you can get some responses and prebook.
Originally Posted by Phrasing