Mister Tudball's Avatar
Sorry, Tara, but you're going to have to post a head shot if you want us to look at your eyes. He,he,he.
WooHoo! He said Tara AND head in the same sentence!!!
Tara your eyes are stunning! Originally Posted by Kristin Keys
Thank you Kristin so are yours.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
It's weird because men and women compliment me on my eyes. Both the color and the length of my eye lashes. My eye lashes are long and a customer told me today they are like Venus fly traps. Haha

Kristen Keys, Cassidy Blue, Berkleigh, Aidan MacKenna, & The Original Becky. Just to name a few.
That does it!! I have to get my act together and schedule some time with Jade. Dang!!
Sorry, Tara, but you're going to have to post a head shot if you want us to look at your eyes. He,he,he. Originally Posted by Mister Tudball
I know the pic is not very big, but here are mine

Attachment 3661
netman's Avatar
IMHO... Alana Nicole has the most STUNNING blue eyes...

Of course, Kristen Keys...


.. and, last, but most definitely not least, Tara Evans...

... tie for a VERY close second.

Yes sir...Alana is HOT!
Nice thread Brooke, and ladies the closeups are really sexy. Kristen and Jade, Ive never seen your close ups before...outstanding!.....More please!
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Alana Nicole is just gorgeous all around! Tara and Kristen have amazingly beautiful eyes...

And Berk, well I'm a sucker for those big cheeky green eyes any day!
Guest100610-2's Avatar
IMHO... Alana Nicole has the most STUNNING blue eyes...

Of course, Kristen Keys...


.. and, last, but most definitely not least, Tara Evans...

... tie for a VERY close second.

netman Originally Posted by netman

Thank you Netman!!!!!!!
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Alana Nicole is just gorgeous all around! Tara and Kristen have amazingly beautiful eyes...

And Berk, well I'm a sucker for those big cheeky green eyes any day! Originally Posted by Nicole Preston

Thank you Nicole!!!