Ted Cruz ,Tea Party favorite spends like a liberal!

Obombya ain't done yet...

The Latest Obama Outrage: the Family's $100 Million Vacation
By GUEST EDITORIAL, Contributing Writer, Money Morning - June 21, 2013

How much do you spend on your summer vacation? American households usually spend about $1,200 per person on summer vacations, according to a recent American Express survey.

Presidents spend more on their vacations than you or I. They have to. Air Force One and security does cost more than loading the Honda and heading to the beach.

Here's how much some recent presidents spent our tax dollars on vacation.

Ronald Reagan spent most of his free time at his California ranch. Taxpayers covered the cost of approximately $8 million for presidential travel during Reagan's first six years in office, according to the Los Angeles Times. That amounts to $1.3 million a year.

For George Bush the cost of flying Air Force One to his Texas ranch was approximately $56,800 per trip, for each of the 180 trips according to Media Matters. President Bush spent Christmas during his two terms at the White House so his staff and secret service could spend the holiday with their family, according to Conservative Byte.

Now Obama plans to blow away all previous presidents' leisure travel costs on our dime with a better than Disney World extravaganza trip to Africa.

However Obama had to cancel the safari because of the need to fill the surrounding jungle with snipers to guard the president from wild animals!

The trip will cost upwards of $100 million, the highest cost for any presidential vacation since Bill Clinton spent $50 million for a single vacation and it wasn't to Arkansas.

The Obama vacation will require a hospital ship stationed near their resort in case anyone needs medical attention, 14 limousines, aircraft and an additional 56 support vehicles. The cost for protecting a president is enormous.

Even so $100 million is a lot of money and I wondered just how far it would go were it spent on disadvantaged children who in their lifetimes might never have taken a single vacation. It's a wonderful thing to take a vacation. I hope the Obama's enjoy theirs.

The cost to send an impoverished child to camp for a week is around a $100.00.

My figures came from the NAACP's website.

Obombya ain't done yet...

The Latest Obama Outrage: the Family's $100 Million Vacation
By GUEST EDITORIAL, Contributing Writer, Money Morning - June 21, 2013

How much do you spend on your summer vacation? American households usually spend about $1,200 per person on summer vacations, according to a recent American Express survey.

Presidents spend more on their vacations than you or I. They have to. Air Force One and security does cost more than loading the Honda and heading to the beach.

Here's how much some recent presidents spent our tax dollars on vacation.

Ronald Reagan spent most of his free time at his California ranch. Taxpayers covered the cost of approximately $8 million for presidential travel during Reagan's first six years in office, according to the Los Angeles Times. That amounts to $1.3 million a year.

For George Bush the cost of flying Air Force One to his Texas ranch was approximately $56,800 per trip, for each of the 180 trips according to Media Matters. President Bush spent Christmas during his two terms at the White House so his staff and secret service could spend the holiday with their family, according to Conservative Byte.

Now Obama plans to blow away all previous presidents' leisure travel costs on our dime with a better than Disney World extravaganza trip to Africa.

However Obama had to cancel the safari because of the need to fill the surrounding jungle with snipers to guard the president from wild animals!

The trip will cost upwards of $100 million, the highest cost for any presidential vacation since Bill Clinton spent $50 million for a single vacation and it wasn't to Arkansas.

The Obama vacation will require a hospital ship stationed near their resort in case anyone needs medical attention, 14 limousines, aircraft and an additional 56 support vehicles. The cost for protecting a president is enormous.

Even so $100 million is a lot of money and I wondered just how far it would go were it spent on disadvantaged children who in their lifetimes might never have taken a single vacation. It's a wonderful thing to take a vacation. I hope the Obama's enjoy theirs.

The cost to send an impoverished child to camp for a week is around a $100.00.

My figures came from the NAACP's website.

http://moneymorning.com/2013/06/21/t...lion-vacation/ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So this article is basically saying they use tax dollars for their personal use like vacations and fun in the sun? Sounds to me like misappropriation of funds. But Liberals don't care, after all Obama gave them this unbeatable Healthcare plan right.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I love the opening line by WTF. Cruz spends like a LIBERAL. He recognizes the fact that liberal spend outrageously and wastefully but he really doesn't care I guess....as long as it is a democrat doing it. WTF is the worst kind of American ever produced. He is short sighted, he is bigoted, he is lazy, and he cares more about his party than he does the country. The founders would have driven you out of the country WTF.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-09-2014, 11:11 PM
The founders would have driven you out of the country WTF. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You think our founders would rather have taxpayer money spent on you sucking semen out of Seamen?

You think 3.8 Million is excessive don't ya? Excessive spending could be looked at not just how much is being spent but what you're spending it on as well. Texas has 26 Million people, ya want to sing the praise of the Democrats over in California they'll show ya what excessive spending is California is going bankrupt.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
The Senators out in Cali did not run on cutting government spending like Ted Cruz and then not cut spending from his own department. What kind of example is that?
You think our founders would rather have taxpayer money spent on you sucking semen out of Seamen?

The Senators out in Cali did not run on cutting government spending like Ted Cruz and then not cut spending from his own department. What kind of example is that? Originally Posted by WTF
He didn't promise you he would cut spending in his own department so get over it.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please, Jim, present us with a logical,defense for Ted Cruz's wasteful spending.

Or take the path of least resistance and call people names.

.either way, you're an asswipe.
Please, Jim, present us with a logical,defense for Ted Cruz's wasteful spending.

Or take the path of least resistance and call people names.

.either way, you're an asswipe. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's impossible to talk logical with Liberals you people are all a bunch of drunken idiots. You screw offs are only worried about what conservatives do. How about giving us a logical explanation why Obama spends excessively and then lies through his fucking teeth about it. Think ya can do that without running your stupid fucking mouth about totally irrelevant shit. You're a fucking drone. Go jog on I-10 during rush hour traffic.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-10-2014, 04:50 AM
He didn't promise you he would cut spending in his own department so get over it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

So the Tea Party mantra is for everybody to sacrifice except for the Tea Party?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Most of the liberals are just useful idiots, dupes if you will, for the leadership. They get to spend money and name things after themselves as long as they vote for the party line that the leadership puts together. Talk about puppets...

Imagine Pelosi's bony hand up your ass for two years.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-10-2014, 08:11 AM

Imagine Pelosi's bony hand up your ass for two years. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

JD prefers John Boehner, boner up his ass until Teddy Cruz can stick his tongue up there.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
and please don't forget that Slobbrin's post was based on a year-old story.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-10-2014, 09:44 AM
Obombya ain't done yet...

The Latest Obama Outrage: the Family's $100 Million Vacation
By GUEST EDITORIAL, Contributing Writer, Money Morning - June 21, 2013

How much do you spend on your summer vacation? American households usually spend about $1,200 per person on summer vacations, according to a recent American Express survey.

Presidents spend more on their vacations than you or I. They have to. Air Force One and security does cost more than loading the Honda and heading to the beach.

Here's how much some recent presidents spent our tax dollars on vacation.

Ronald Reagan spent most of his free time at his California ranch. Taxpayers covered the cost of approximately $8 million for presidential travel during Reagan's first six years in office, according to the Los Angeles Times. That amounts to $1.3 million a year.

For George Bush the cost of flying Air Force One to his Texas ranch was approximately $56,800 per trip, for each of the 180 trips according to Media Matters. President Bush spent Christmas during his two terms at the White House so his staff and secret service could spend the holiday with their family, according to Conservative Byte.

Now Obama plans to blow away all previous presidents' leisure travel costs on our dime with a better than Disney World extravaganza trip to Africa.

However Obama had to cancel the safari because of the need to fill the surrounding jungle with snipers to guard the president from wild animals!

The trip will cost upwards of $100 million, the highest cost for any presidential vacation since Bill Clinton spent $50 million for a single vacation and it wasn't to Arkansas.

The Obama vacation will require a hospital ship stationed near their resort in case anyone needs medical attention, 14 limousines, aircraft and an additional 56 support vehicles. The cost for protecting a president is enormous.

Even so $100 million is a lot of money and I wondered just how far it would go were it spent on disadvantaged children who in their lifetimes might never have taken a single vacation. It's a wonderful thing to take a vacation. I hope the Obama's enjoy theirs.

The cost to send an impoverished child to camp for a week is around a $100.00.

My figures came from the NAACP's website.

http://moneymorning.com/2013/06/21/t...lion-vacation/ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It was not a vacation. So your article starts off with a lie and continues to distort from there. Were Ted Crus to get elected President and he takes a trip abroad, this is how much it will cost.


While the preparations appear to be in line with similar travels in the past, the document offers an unusual glimpse into the colossal efforts to protect the U.S. commander-in-chief on trips abroad.

So the Tea Party mantra is for everybody to sacrifice except for the Tea Party?

Originally Posted by WTF
First of all you're going along with the article. Who's to say 3.8 mil is excessive anyway. Plus you never did answer my first question, so I'll ask it again, If 3.8 mil is excessive what should it be? Apart from that how do we know this article has accurate information in it in the first place. Is the author of this article privy to Ted Cruz's financial records? Probably not. Besides I could give a shit if Ted Cruz spends like a Liberal or an Arab Oil Tycoon. The only thing I concern myself with is if their spending is criminal, that's what you should look for.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-10-2014, 10:02 AM
First of all you're going along with the article. Who's to say 3.8 mil is excessive anyway. Plus you never did answer my first question, so I'll ask it again, If 3.8 mil is excessive what should it be? Apart from that how do we know this article has accurate information in it in the first place. Is the author of this article privy to Ted Cruz's financial records? Probably not. Besides I could give a shit if Ted Cruz spends like a Liberal or an Arab Oil Tycoon. The only thing I concern myself with is if their spending is criminal, that's what you should look for.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If you read the article....you can see that it is accurate.

Next, you are correct, it is not criminal.

So as long as a Tea Party leader does nothing criminal it is ok for him to spend money on himself and his staff , while preaching that the rest of government needs to cut back on spending?

Hot damn and some of you Tea'billies question why I make fun of your party!
pyramider's Avatar
I miss Kay Bailey Hutchinson. I used to see her and her entourage get on Southwest flights. They used to stand in line, too. Cruz is an idiot, a dangerous idiot.