Encounter: Lindsay Sinclair

and sucks if you got a cbj, but YMMV… don’t blame the chick if you’re where she draws the line, maybe you need to use a trimmer or take a bath. (not being mean, just keepin it real)
Yep, I think you hit the nail on the head, P'man, if Linds required coverage, you have the problem ... I never have...it appears this is a first encounter, idk..
I like that " not being mean, just keeping it real" line... maybe it will keep me from getting banned again in the future... probably not, lol... this site is ruined anyway... thanks, Linds, I will defend you anytime, anywhere... I'm just telling the truth, it's easy... You mongers should prepare yourself accordingly, Lindsay isn't (Staff edit) ...
She's cool, and she's smart, go see for yourself... I dare you, you will be a believer, I promise...
Any idea what to search for those vids? Searched her name and couldn't find.
Ask her, I don't know how to see them anymore, they used to be on pornhub.
Not to dig up too old a thread, has anyone been able to contact her? I text her with no response, is there a trick to getting her attention? PM is fine, thanks all
If you have a problem with that doc, you are the one with the problem, I'm just telling the truth about something that I know... I thought this site existed to advise, not advertise, ...
You’re right (Staff edit)
I hear ya, Bubba, I know exactly what you mean... I just can't and or won't back up, ever!!