Houston Provider Secretly Video Taped During Session

yngtxn's Avatar
the camera looks like a desktop/laptop camera. you never know when those things are on.
I agree with yngtxn. The guy was probably her pimp.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
That is the worst sex I have ever seen. That surely is not a promotional video.

That is not her pimp. And she does not know she is being tapped. He is a client, she even tells him she does not normally see black men.… then around 7 minutes into the video she checks her phone and tells him time is almost up.

She keeps her phone in her hand the whole time and wonders why he cant get hard?

I don’t know who is worse in this matter ,him for the video or her for that shitty ass service.
iomega's Avatar

What if this were the other way around and it was she who was taping a session in anticipation of blackmailing a client?

This doesn't seem to be the case but I could see it happening with a untrusting BP girl out to make a quick buck off a little blackmail.
ANONONE's Avatar
Well, hopefully no one's life was ruined over this. It looks like she may have known about it, since there are credits at the end with her name and you here her say, "let me watch," when he sits down at the computer as she finishes dressing.

Maybe it is mean to say it without knowing the facts, but. . .

This was a horrible video. I can't decide who is a lamer lay, the gal or the guy. That was some piss poor sex all the way around. Money was exchanged for this? They should both pay into a charity.

Did anybody else think the guy looked like Walt on LOST?
onehitwonder's Avatar
That wasn't a date, session or erotic encounter folks, that was a trick..........

just sayin....
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-06-2010, 02:59 AM
That dude should save some of his cash and get his hair done he looks bad off man. She dont look that bad though not what I thought she would from pics but not bad. With that video im sure the NBA rule is set in stone for her now. No telling how many guys got some secret cam footage out there im sure most dont post it on the web though. I wanted to make a video and found one girl that was into it that was cool but a long time ago. Still got the video from that (she knew of course she had cam in her face) works much better when both parties know obviously much better shots.
boardman's Avatar
That is not her pimp. And she does not know she is being tapped Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Sometimes the Freudian slips lead to some funny shit!
Man, that's terrible! CBJ...
topcat19542001's Avatar
And the rubber looks like a thick, steel-belted industrial type...
ibechill's Avatar
she is nasty.
i like that...damn it.....i been wanting to hit that puss but after NBA policy and host of bad reviews....not worth but 20 bucks and a bj to me.

funny though, NBA policy yet she banging a brotha? I am not totally convinced here. need more analysis done. might have to copy image and blow it up and smooth out the pixels to get a better shot and wording of tat.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I taped one of my sessions once... everyone who saw it asked why it was in slow motion... and I told 'em, "It's not... that as fast as I can move"
Omari's Avatar
  • Omari
  • 07-06-2010, 09:33 AM

What if this were the other way around and it was she who was taping a session in anticipation of blackmailing a client?

This doesn't seem to be the case but I could see it happening with a untrusting BP girl out to make a quick buck off a little blackmail. Originally Posted by iomega
Hold on a minute; let's not give anyone any ideas.
wouldnt get me to pay, she would have to have your personal info....then again...the law works both ways. oh....sweetheart, are you acknowledging you had sex for money? huh.....bimbo....