Way to defend YOUR pussident going off to golf and go to a DNC fund raiser out in Mexifornia right after HIS play for the cameras yesterday JUST LIKE HE DID AFTER THE BEHEADING OF THE JOURNALIST BY HIS MUZZIE BUDDIES IN ISIS !! GFY LIB !!
Because they're typical elitist dumbascraps who think that they are right ALL the time even when facts prove them wrong. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You wouldn't know right or facts if they fucked you in the ass. You're a typical dumbass redneck who clings to his guns and his religion.
You wouldn't know right or facts if they fucked you in the ass. You're a typical dumbass redneck who clings to his guns and his religion. Originally Posted by WombRaider
But you are the site's authority on glory holes, bukkake, and getting your fudge packed woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker. And once againg you make ASS-umptions about me, this time about my positions on guns and religion, without know JACK SHIT about where I stand on the issues. GFY and GFshammy ya lying lib !
  • shanm
  • 06-19-2015, 06:40 PM
You and and progressive America are the "tired" old fucks; your go-to knee jerk reaction is to blame guns...................

How about blaming the seeds of what Progressive America sows; namely broken homes, disregard for life, failed schools, and Hollywood violence.....common themes in most of these mass killings. Not to mention the violence that occurs everyday on the streets of Chicago, NYC, and Baltimore.

Why does the left always look for the boogeyman to blame and runs away from introspection - all the left can muster is "racism, cops and guns, racism, cops and guns, racism, cops and guns".....a broken record that doesn't work.

About time you look in the mirror.
__________________ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You spew so much bullshit everyday I don't think you have any idea what's what anymore. You are a fucking loon. We're out here talking about a racially motivated massacre and your solution is to call us un-American.

You and your nut-job crew, always like to talk in ideals. With your "European socialism" to "American Freedom" equation. If you break down your argument it's nothing more than a hoorah to get the rest of your nut job crew behind you. "I can't really come up with anything substantive so let's just go with the good ol' freedom bullshit". Do you even fucking hear yourself?

Gun Control is not socialism, it's common sense. It's a dangerous fucking weapon that shouldn't be so easily accessible to whoever the fuck wants it. You'd have to have someone in your life die from senseless gun violence, only then would you understand. Every death that you sweep under the rug as "shit happens, my guns are more important" is an end-all tragedy to the people who lose someone. I could give a rat's ass about the second amendment.

Yeah. *gasp*. Fuck you.
But you are the site's authority on glory holes, bukkake, and getting your fudge packed woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker. And once againg you make ASS-umptions about me, this time about my positions on guns and religion, without know JACK SHIT about where I stand on the issues. GFY and GFshammy ya lying lib ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Why is it assumptions when I do it but fact when you do the same thing?
You spew so much bullshit everyday I don't think you have any idea what's what anymore. You are a fucking loon. We're out here talking about a racially motivated massacre and your solution is to call us un-American.

You and your nut-job crew, always like to talk in ideals. With your "European socialism" to "American Freedom" equation. If you break down your argument it's nothing more than a hoorah to get the rest of your nut job crew behind you. "I can't really come up with anything substantive so let's just go with the good ol' freedom bullshit". Do you even fucking hear yourself?

Gun Control is not socialism, it's common sense. It's a dangerous fucking weapon that shouldn't be so easily accessible to whoever the fuck wants it. You'd have to have someone in your life die from senseless gun violence, only then would you understand. Ever death that you sweep under the rug as "shit happens, my guns are more important" is an end-all tragedy to the people who lose someone. I could give a rat's ass about the second amendment.

Yeah. *gasp*. Fuck you. Originally Posted by shanm
This is spot on. He has nothing, so he goes for the patriotic shit, which his crew eat up with spoons like they're at an all you can eat shit buffet. Conservatives don't deal in reality. They deal in hyperbole and ideals. No real solutions are ever put forth. Hate or love the ACA, it was a change that needed to be implemented. Conservatives have done nothing. They had a chance and the blew it. Tort reform is their go-to argument.
  • DSK
  • 06-19-2015, 08:46 PM
More stupidity from you.

We've got this post from 'Tardaway criticizing the President for making a statement about these horrible events. Not only does 'Tardaway disagree, somehow, it is a "disgrace" to offer what seems to be a completely lucid comment about the prevalence of gun violence in the US while most other western democracies who carefully control access to guns rarely have these events, while we have one every two or three months.

At the same time, we've got the mouthbreathing monosybillic idiot Rey Linquini complaining that the President doesn't hide in a dark room weeping every time 10 or 12 old people or kids get shot because half-wits like Tard and Linguini can't abide the idea that it might not be so smart to allow everybody and anybody to walk into a store and walk out with a Glock 5 minutes later.

Morons. Originally Posted by timpage
If you want to ban guns then get enough Americans to amend the constitution to ban them, or pack the court with modern liberals who don't care about the constitution and will allow blatantly anti-gun laws to pass. .

Since I care about the constitution and would like to ban guns, I vote to change the constitution.
Why is it assumptions when I do it but fact when you do the same thing? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Maybe because I'm an adult and you are a juvenile lying liberal. You'd rather climb a telephone pole and tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the TROOF ! And you've demonstrated it over and over and over again here with EVERY one of your posts. Suck on THAT woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker !!!
“We should be reforming our criminal justice system in such a way that we are not incarcerating nonviolent offenders in ways that renders them incapable of getting a job after they leave office,” Obama said.

"they leave office,” Obama said.



CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Whirly is right. The roots of this problem go much deeper than access to guns. The culture of dependency, the lack of personal responsibility and the tyranny of low expectations play a much greater part.
Way to defend YOUR pussident going off to golf and go to a DNC fund raiser out in Mexifornia right after HIS play for the cameras yesterday JUST LIKE HE DID AFTER THE BEHEADING OF THE JOURNALIST BY HIS MUZZIE BUDDIES IN ISIS !! GFY LIB !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
What did you do rey? Go fishing? Call a hooker?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe because I'm an adult and you are a juvenile lying liberal. You'd rather climb a telephone pole and tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the TROOF ! And you've demonstrated it over and over and over again here with EVERY one of your posts. Suck on THAT woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You have emerged as a leading candidate for dipshit of the year.
You have emerged as a leading candidate for dipshit of the year. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Oh...but I'll NEVER be able to take YOUR crown ! And woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker and shammy are coming up fast in the running for your crown. It's your fellow lying liberals that have the best chance of taking your crown from you, assup.
What did you do rey? Go fishing? Call a hooker? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No, you inbred chimp ! I contacted my Senators and the conservative Congressmen from my area and called them out on your liberal / communist bath house boy pussy-dents behavior and told them how pissed I was about it !
Obama never misses an opportunity to exploit black people for his own agenda. His problem is that the Dems will not support him the closer the elections get, other than the sad people here and a few others. He is irrelevant now and gun control won't go anywhere.