Tell Me Why I should Vote a Straight Democrat Ticket . . .Without Referring to either Biden or Trump.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Vote how ever you fucken want. Originally Posted by Ripmany
You see what I mean? A jewel among the muck. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
per DEM, he needs a nanny . How dear you think that way Sir

BUT I agree with Rip
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Want more?

. . ., this is Jessica Cisneros.

I first met Michelle Vallejo back in 2019. It was at my launch party in Hidalgo County when I decided to run for the first time. She was there from Day 1, ready to fight for the change South Texas deserves. From the very beginning I knew Michelle cared deeply about her community and was working hard to make sure our gente thrive. When she launched her campaign, I knew she was going to fight for our dreams as hard as we do.

And when she won the May Runoff Election, despite being outspent 3 to 1, she proved that she has us — the pueblo — on her side.

Her passion for her community and consistent ability to win elections should mean the DCCC is doing everything they can to make sure Michelle gets elected.

Unfortunately, the DCCC and House Majority PAC have decided to spend close to a million dollars protecting anti-choice Henry Cuellar, who has years in office, millions of dollars in his war chest in what should not be a competitive race, instead of supporting a first time candidate and the the only progressive latina running in South Texas.

Michelle's background is a quintessential South Texas story. It's powerful and has inspired a new electorate to get involved in politics because she gives them something to vote for. This is the kind of energy we should be embracing, not abandoning.

If Cuellar wins and Michelle loses in November, mark my words: the establishment will try to paint this as "South Texas voters are conservative." But the reality is that they are not giving people like Michelle — and all of the South Texas voters that chose her as their Democratic nominee — a fair shot.

The status quo isn't working and voters here recognize that. Michelle is the breath of fresh air that energizes them and makes them believe that a better future is possible.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Vote how ever you fucken want. Originally Posted by Ripmany

i vote for whoever i want too, as long as they are republican.


the democrat i would vote for doesn't exist. if i check their policy stances i guarantee you i can find at least one major stance that is important enough to me to disqualify them.

“If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for ... but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong.”

― Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love
HedonistForever's Avatar
I don't give a damn if there is a D behind your name or a R. Don't care if you are White, Black or Brown. I want to know what your policy positions are and if they don't match mine, I will not vote for you.

It doesn't get any more simple than that unless you are one of those Diversity, Equity and Inclusion people who only care about labeling all White people as White Supremacist. I don't mind telling you, getting a whole lot tired of hearing that, admittedly by a small group of anarchist..... so far but their ranks seem to be growing and fueled by the very White people they condemn on an hourly basis. And FYI, I want the White anarchist dealt with just as much. As a matter of fact, as I've stated before, we'll deal with the White ones first, then the Black and Brown. How's that for a deal?

Watch Joy Reid and Tiffany Cross the "race ladies" of MSNBC and see if they make any distinction at all between Democrat Whites that will get on their knees, asking for forgiveness for the pain their race has caused and White Republicans who they rail against most. For these two, if you are White, they don't give a damn whether you support them or not, you're on their list, you're just to...... to know it.

And if your number one priority isn't pro Law and Order, tough on violent offenders, keeping violent offenders in jail not releasing them, you probably won't get my vote even if it is your second priority because without a society free from violent street crime, no country can propose. No society afraid to walk the streets in the day time much less at night, can prosper and be happy. It breaks my heart to see all these mostly elderly but not exclusively, people being beaten up, car-jacked. It doesn't take more than a few seconds watching a woman being kicked in the head repeatedly for me to say, a change must be made. Whoever is sitting in a position to stop, at least mitigate it and you won't lift a finger like Eric Adams and Hocul in New York, you have to go no matter your party, no matter your race.
adav8s28's Avatar
Why should I, or any conservative, flip and vote a straight Democrat ticket come November?. Tell us without referring to either President Trump or President Biden. . . .and without calling us something derogatory ending in "-tard".

What will a Democrat sweep bring to the policy arena that will address inflation, Homelessness, street crime, or promote domestic and/or international tranquility? Originally Posted by ICU 812
The Federal Budget deficit was reduced by 1.4 Trillion dollars in fiscal year 2022. The deficit went up under Trump in all four years of his presidency. Enough said.
HedonistForever's Avatar

Fact Check: Biden Brags About Deficit Reduction While Adding Nearly $10 Trillion in New Spending

September 12, 2022
Jacuzzme's Avatar
So you can take a shit in the ladies room.
biomed1's Avatar
Of the Following . . .
1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
With all due respect, the same question could be asked as to why any liberal-leaning person whould vote a straight Republican ticket.

I vote for candidates, not the ticket. Rarely have I voted a straight ticket. All the issues you mention have complicated solutions independent of whether the leader is Democrat or Republican. Inflation is caused by too much money in the hands of people and not enough supply to meet demand. It is occuring worldwide. Look at Great Britain if you think it is bad here. The solution to fighting inflation is to raise the interest rate and that is hurting me more than the inflation itself. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I like this post, so I'll piggyback off it a bit. I vote for the person and not the party. I wish more people would do the same because from my perspective, I see the good and the bad on both sides, so I see no reason to give 100% blind allegiance to either side.

Just saying Democrat bad and Republican good is a strawman argument that makes little sense to me because both sides are highly flawed. One can easily make a list to vote for either party and another can easily contradict that list based on their own subjectivity. Basically, what I am saying is that the topic is pretty much impossible to answer correctly if you believe in objectivity because people's political views pretty much have none.

It's no different than religion. Which faith is right and which faith is wrong? It is all subjective based on your belief system. There is no wrong answer but there is no right answer either. Anyway, that's just how I look at politics.
ICU 812's Avatar
the negative difference between what the Government brings in every year through taxes and what is spent.

Debt: The total amount of money borrowed by the government that is not paid off.

At some point, the interest on the national debt will exceed the money brought in as taxes. At some point, that accumulated interest will exceed the gross national product.
The Federal Budget deficit was reduced by 1.4 Trillion dollars in fiscal year 2022. The deficit went up under Trump in all four years of his presidency. Enough said. Originally Posted by adav8s28

NOPE Congress authorizes spending Presidents just sign. Can't blame Trump or Biden It was Democrats who controlled Congress from 2018 who run up the deficit. Covid spending ended and the deficit came down. Biden can't take credit for that.

Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 10-22-2022, 06:31 AM
Voting a straight ticket would indicate you have lost your objectivity.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Voting a straight ticket would indicate you have lost your objectivity. Originally Posted by Brot
Although your insight is amusing, it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Please think next time before you rant
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Voting a straight ticket would indicate you have lost your objectivity. Originally Posted by Brot
Although your insight is amusing, it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Please think next time before you rant Originally Posted by oilfieldace

You don't drink, but . . .

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You want open borders
You want your country to take better care of illegals better real Americans
You want to abolish the 2 nd amendment
You want abortion at will
You believe the hoax that is climate change
You don’t like the po po and want to dismantle them
You are cool with crime and killing
You don’t want any personal freedom
You want everything to be given too you
You have no character
You don’t have a clue about common sense
You relish the idea of socialism
If that’s you vote Democrat Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I voted for Biden and say no to every statement you just made.