Why do we Play the way we do? Independent Providers vs Agency Girls vs Dancers that P4P vs Civiliains that P4P vs Sugarbabies

Whispers's Avatar
Hey I just wanted to say... This is one of the reasons I can't hate you. In my long, long, long post the other day I called you sleazy in a bad way and sleazy in a good way. At least that was the way I intended it. Like I said, I don't know that you're a guy I want to be lifelong buds with with but I can't understand why people have SUCH a problem with you. Originally Posted by down41
Some of what I post forces people to think a little bit more about decisions they make... Some of what my prodding brings out makes people think a little more about what is really going on and ask more questions.... Some of it has simply not been talked about in a while because frankly, there are folks around here that don't want some things discussed.... That old line Nicholson delivered in a Few Good Men (I think) rings true around here at times.... "They can't handle the truth".....

Unless you're pulling shit that I don't know about. None of your posts, that I recall, have any real venom or name calling unless someone's called you out.
Even then you will not see me calling anyone a name.... I see some of the new enforcement we are being promised as rules that will cost people some points and earn them vacations since I seem to be someone that people like to call names..... I won't like knowing they get pointed or suspended simply for not being in control of their emotions.......

In another thread one of the "nice guys" is doing just that right now.... It's slightly veiled but to anyone that knows me or knows him it's pretty evident that the pictures chosen as well as names used would easily qualify as a "personal attack"..... So maybe name calling will still be allowed if we veil it... If so I can honestly state I can be incredibly creative and write very well......

But so far I don't feel the need to go there..... We'll let him have his little post so he can show it to the ladies and win some favor....

All you really do is stick up for the guy's POV and you always bring up relevant, valid points about the hobby in a very straight, pull-no-punches way. And boring threads get interesting after you post.
Thanks for noticing that....... I think what really rubs some people is that I truly do not care for the woman's POV as it applies to most of the topics we discuss....

I look at them as a business.... I know that seems insensitive.... But this is a discussion board....... Some of them should learn to read and think and learn a bit before reacting.........It's their business..... I'm not going to tell McDonalds or Sears or the Dollar Store how to run their business......

But unlike those Businesses many of the Ladies feel the need to tell US how we need to act as customers....

I'm sorry.... I have a HUGE problem with that.... those are the kinds of threads I get involved in on a large level and the girls call their buddies and those guys take sides in the threads and it occasionally gets out of hand.... But I'm seldom the one doing any name calling.....

Maybe the way you do it rubs people the wrong way, like you said, but WHAT you're doing seems pretty valuable to the hobbyists IMHO. And if people's knee jerk reaction to anything you say wasn't "screw you, troll" then it might be a lot calmer around here.
Well..... I'm kinda surprised nobody really even noticed or mentioned who started the whole Troll thing...... Combined with recent posts it kinda reeks of hypocrisy....

Most of the girls that I'm interested in aren't frequent posters or even posters at all. I'm probably more interested in the kind of girls - at least in their looks - that you find in the strip clubs (hotties in their 20s) but I don't want to hang out in strip clubs and "work it". I also don't go to socials or luncheons because of anonymity reasons so I'm limited on "how I play". If she's not on the board or p411 I won't hear about her. I PM with a very small number of guys who I trust and I hear about a new girl every now and then. I've got a handful of girls I'm happy with and add a new one or two every now and then. I don't run through them like you

It sounds like your goal is to get more young hotties on the board or on p411 and in the "Dallas price range" in one way or another. If that's your agenda, then I'm a supporter of that.
I don't really have any Goals.....

I did not start posting again because I have an Agenda.....

I was silent for a long time because as i was coming to Austin one of the Austin Mods flat out told me I would get banned in a heartbeat for posting anything like you've seen in recent weeks which is how I have always posted everywhere I've been over the last 10 years..... I was told that Austin was "different", that they liked what they had and my input would not be needed....

I tested the waters a couple of times and found that if I wanted to use ASPD as a resource I needed use it for reference only and I shut up for a couple of years.....

The recent changes made and a new community more open to discussion gives me the opportunity to state my opinion....

It's not my "agenda" to control or manipulate anything............

I think in time I hope more guys will realize it is OK to speak up a bit and to hell with the WKs and few overly opinionated women that don't feel they should be allowed to do so.

When that group shuts up a bit more I think you will see more ladies as well as guys participating and get more honest reviews as well as some variety...

In the mean time... If you want to meet a cute hot spinner drop me a line and we can have a beer..... At the end of the Night you'll wear the tag "sleazy" like a badge of honor when your taking advantage of some hot young dancer!
sportfisherman's Avatar
I'm a newbie regarding posting/reviewing but hobbied off the old board for ~ 3 years.I'd like to contribute positively to this forum and up to a point I'd like my contributions to be viewed as such by others,but past a point I don't care,I don't need any validation or justification from anyone.
It seems alot of rancor on here stems from "price" and one either lending to it or diminishing it.I don't think anyone wants to pay $ 3.00 for what can be gotten for $ 1.50.The problem for me is that when I have an itch I'm gonna want to have it scratched and whether it's $ 3 or $ 1.50 is not an issue at that moment,if I'm bucks up for it.
I think the main reason for what we see here is that Dallas,Houston,and San Antonio are all large markets and Austin a comparatively small one.If there is some element of "ladies contacting ladies" and/or "guys coaching girls",and there may be to some extent,I think alot of anguish and energy could be expended without impacting things much.In other words,good luck with that.
I will say that I used to have a business associate who in any deal would just beat everybody down to try and squeeze every dollar out of a deal and it just got to be draining to try to do anything with him.
I don't ever like to feel like somebody has "gotten into my wallet" but in my profession I don't like the services I provide to be undervalued either.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I was just like you down41. I was upset about some of the stuff at the end of ASPD, and I wanted to hate Whispers too. I have since had lunch with him a few times, and well it has changed my mind.

If he knows and trusts you he is more than willing to help you out by throwing you a bone. I posted something about an Indian woman in a Saree, and Whispers know an Indian gal who would oblige. I have met her and she is sexy. I haven't taken the plunge yet, but I will soon.

He also taunts me sometimes when I am out of town or at work with texts like "I have 2 chicks who want my nuts right now, want one?" to which I reply "FUCK! I can't right now". My schedule is about to free up quite a bit where I can jump on those offers more.

A school teacher might write "plays well with others and knows how to share".
I always enjoy your posts, Whispers, keep them up.
Whispers's Avatar
I was just like you down41. I was upset about some of the stuff at the end of ASPD, and I wanted to hate Whispers too. I have since had lunch with him a few times, and well it has changed my mind.

If he knows and trusts you he is more than willing to help you out by throwing you a bone. I posted something about an Indian woman in a Saree, and Whispers know an Indian gal who would oblige. I have met her and she is sexy. I haven't taken the plunge yet, but I will soon.

He also taunts me sometimes when I am out of town or at work with texts like "I have 2 chicks who want my nuts right now, want one?" to which I reply "FUCK! I can't right now". My schedule is about to free up quite a bit where I can jump on those offers more.

A school teacher might write "plays well with others and knows how to share". Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
If you don't saddle up and go for a ride son I think about a 1/3 of the guys at lunch yesterday will saddle up that young Indian gal you were given a shot with! She left with SOMEONE!

And yeah.... Tell me... Now that you actually MET the two young ladies I was with and looking to hand one off to you that night..... will you be passing the next time I call?

Several of the guys made sure I had their numbers yesterday in case you do!

Personally I tend to spend $250-$350 quite regularly. I'm spending it on some young lady that is having dinner or drinks with me, maybe seeing a show or a movie and then hanging out BCD for 2-3 hours as well.../quote]

Wow. You Austin guys crack me up.
Whispers's Avatar
Wow. You Austin guys crack me up. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Glad we can provide you a little amusement.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
For crying out loud. I've been posting and reading ladies forums on several boards for years. I have NEVER seen a thread suggesting that we ladies start up a price-fixing cartel as is being implied by Whispers. We ladies don't tell each other what to charge. We all know what to charge -- when our volume is too high for us to handle, we raise our rates, when the phone stops ringing, we lower them. The market takes care of pricing. There is no need to constantly harp on it in threads -- you can't fix the market even if you tried. If a gentleman's club try to keep a UTR lady in the dark about market rates, eventually she will be smart enough to figure it out herself. These boards aren't that hard to find. If a WK tries to tell some girl to charge more than she should be, her phone will stop ringing and she will lower her rates.

Dallas is cheaper because there is more supply than demand. San Antonio is cheaper because the cost of living is so low, hence wages and prices on everything are lower. Houston is NOT cheaper IMO. It's just a bigger city with more options. Everything from $100 - $1000 for an hour. As a provider, I would say that the market is more tilted in the hobbyists favor in Austin than in Houston. Whenever I'm there, guys contstantly ask me why they don't have any options in Houston and why I can't talk more Austin girls into visiting. Just be thankful you don't live in Corpus or the RGV or West Texas or the panhandle where there is a total dearth of providers and basically, a woman can charge whatever she wants, no matter how unnatractive she is or how bad her service is (not accusing any providers of doing this -- just saying they could get away with it because there are almost NO providers). I say this based on my own experiences touring. Austin hobbyists have it pretty good. The only city that is truly better in terms of bang for your buck is the big D. But thankfully, big D girls visit other cities all the time so you can still have a 19 yo Dallas hottie in your bed.

Now why don't UT girls work as escorts? Come on! This is one of the most selective universities in the country. Most of the women that go there come from upper middle class families who pay their bills. They are total studious nerds. I worked as an escort briefly when I attended UT but let me tell you, I came from a VERY different background than the average UT student. You are just not going to find a whole lotta nice girls from the suburbs getting into this game. A FEW but not a lot.
Elephant's Avatar
Great Post Sophia...

Now I wait for Whispers
For crying out loud. I've been posting and reading ladies forums on several boards for years. I have NEVER seen a thread suggesting that we ladies start up a price-fixing cartel as is being implied by Whispers. We ladies don't tell each other what to charge. We all know what to charge -- when our volume is too high for us to handle, we raise our rates, when the phone stops ringing, we lower them. The market takes care of pricing. There is no need to constantly harp on it in threads -- you can't fix the market even if you tried. If a gentleman's club try to keep a UTR lady in the dark about market rates, eventually she will be smart enough to figure it out herself. These boards aren't that hard to find. If a WK tries to tell some girl to charge more than she should be, her phone will stop ringing and she will lower her rates.

Dallas is cheaper because there is more supply than demand. San Antonio is cheaper because the cost of living is so low, hence wages and prices on everything are lower. Houston is NOT cheaper IMO. It's just a bigger city with more options. Everything from $100 - $1000 for an hour. As a provider, I would say that the market is more tilted in the hobbyists favor in Austin than in Houston. Whenever I'm there, guys contstantly ask me why they don't have any options in Houston and why I can't talk more Austin girls into visiting. Just be thankful you don't live in Corpus or the RGV or West Texas or the panhandle where there is a total dearth of providers and basically, a woman can charge whatever she wants, no matter how unnatractive she is or how bad her service is (not accusing any providers of doing this -- just saying they could get away with it because there are almost NO providers). I say this based on my own experiences touring. Austin hobbyists have it pretty good. The only city that is truly better in terms of bang for your buck is the big D. But thankfully, big D girls visit other cities all the time so you can still have a 19 yo Dallas hottie in your bed.

Now why don't UT girls work as escorts? Come on! This is one of the most selective universities in the country. Most of the women that go there come from upper middle class families who pay their bills. They are total studious nerds. I worked as an escort briefly when I attended UT but let me tell you, I came from a VERY different background than the average UT student. You are just not going to find a whole lotta nice girls from the suburbs getting into this game. A FEW but not a lot. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Supply - Demand + disposable income - That sums it up!
Damm, You are so hot!
missi hart's Avatar
sensual sophia---that was one of the most clear, concise and cogent responses i've seen a while.
Whispers's Avatar
If a gentleman's club try to keep a UTR lady in the dark about market rates, eventually she will be smart enough to figure it out herself. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Amazingly enough there seems to be a mental stumbling block for many of those young ladies keeping them from crossing the line from being a stripper that plays on the side to being "provider". I chuckle inside everytime I tell a lady about these places and some of my friends and get a "I'm no Ho" response right after they put my money away.

These boards aren't that hard to find. If a WK tries to tell some girl to charge more than she should be, her phone will stop ringing and she will lower her rates.
But for the most part, their phone does NOT stop ringing and we see a great $160-$220 an hour girl or worse a $250-$300 for multiple hours gal go $250-$300 an hour.....

Dallas is cheaper because there is more supply than demand. San Antonio is cheaper because the cost of living is so low, hence wages and prices on everything are lower. Houston is NOT cheaper IMO. It's just a bigger city with more options. Everything from $100 - $1000 for an hour. As a provider, I would say that the market is more tilted in the hobbyists favor in Austin than in Houston.
I wouldn't expect a lady to say anything differently.... There are ladies here in the lower price points but there are a lot of guys who simply no longer share that information

Whenever I'm there, guys contstantly ask me why they don't have any options in Houston and why I can't talk more Austin girls into visiting. Just be thankful you don't live in Corpus or the RGV or West Texas or the panhandle where there is a total dearth of providers and basically, a woman can charge whatever she wants, no matter how unnatractive she is or how bad her service is (not accusing any providers of doing this -- just saying they could get away with it because there are almost NO providers). I say this based on my own experiences touring. Austin hobbyists have it pretty good. The only city that is truly better in terms of bang for your buck is the big D. But thankfully, big D girls visit other cities all the time so you can still have a 19 yo Dallas hottie in your bed.
Well... From a guys point of view... that is simply not the case.... San Antonio, Houston and Dallas all offer greater selection at lower price points.....

Now why don't UT girls work as escorts? Come on! This is one of the most selective universities in the country. Most of the women that go there come from upper middle class families who pay their bills. They are total studious nerds. I worked as an escort briefly when I attended UT but let me tell you, I came from a VERY different background than the average UT student. You are just not going to find a whole lotta nice girls from the suburbs getting into this game. A FEW but not a lot.
Thanks for the input....
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Well... From a guys point of view... that is simply not the case.... San Antonio, Houston and Dallas all offer greater selection at lower price points.....

Thanks for the input.... Originally Posted by Whispers
OK. San Antonio has lower prices, but not better selection. I've looked at the offerings there. You can't say there are more girls or as much diversity of girls as we have in Austin. They have 99 escorts on p411. We have 441. And yes, I know P411 is only one of many places to find escorts, but I still think that number is revealing, at least about a certain segment of the escort market.

Houston has only 513. For the third largest city in America, I wouldn't say that's a plethora of options. If Houston has lower average prices and more selection, then how come people pay me more there than they do in Austin? I don't charge them more but for some reason they tip. I'm just asking? How come Dallas and Austin girls love to visit Houston so much? Why do Houston guys complain about there not being enough talent? It's a much bigger city and I don't think they have as much selection per capita as we do here in Austin. They may have more girls working -- but not enough to satisfy their demand -- not even close.

DFW on the other hand, I'll give you. That city has almost twice as many P411 girls as Houston, and serves a much smaller area. You can tell the market is saturated when almost every girl shows her face. Girls that would go for $350 here in the ATX are going for $200.

Another thing to keep in mind regarding the market, is Austin is the most expensive city in Texas with the highest per capita income. It does make sense for rates to be higher here than any other city in Texas -- though I still think I could charge a lot more in Houston than I could in ATX.
Careful, Whispers. This one is not only does her homework, presents her point of view objectively and in an intelligent fashion, obviously has brains, and is wickedly beautiful to boot!!

The one thing no one mentioned that those other places don't have (except when she goes on tour : ( ) is a Sensual Sophia!!!
I just don't get why the one person who doesn't p4p with the provider's here is so concerned with what the providers here charge for p4p?

Seriously, and not to pick on whispers, but if there is a certain group that you prefer within a price range you can afford or simply just desire to pay, why is it so important what any other person wants to/will pay or charge? Sophia nailed it...when the demand goes up and supply remains constant price goes up, when demand drops and supply remains constant, price goes down.

So, if you aren't headed to the Mercedes lot to buy a car, what would it matter to you if Mercedes were $100k or $1million each? And don't tell us that you are the voice of the guys as obviously, it ain't working. Some Mercedes will never be in my price range, but a lower priced BMW may well fall within my wheel house. So, if you want a brand new Yugo off the lot, good for you, a pre-owned Bentley - good for you, or you shop at the rent-a-clunker reject lot, good for you! Just be happy and hobby!

Obladi oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on
Obladi Oblada life goes on bra
Lala how the life goes on.