Family Dynasty Controlling The Economy?

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Jesus, you are one stupid bitch.

Judging by all the typos and lousy grammar, I would say this was written by - at most - a high school graduate. And here you are quoting him.

I thought you were an over the top libertarian, but it turns out you are an anti-Semite and a believer in the occult. Wow.

I love this bit:

"Cecily B. Selby nat. dir. Girl Scouts (the occult is now
part of the to Girl Scout program
), dir.
Avon Products and Loehmann s (dresses).
Husb. James Cole, pres. Bowdoin College

Are we supposed to take all this occult and Satanism talk seriously? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Yet, you still judge others!
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Why do you buy into this BS? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Because it's not's that simple. I am not forcing anyone to think independently...only encouraging it
rioseco's Avatar
Why do not we get rid of money? Then we would not be controlled by it! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Errh, excuse me.Let us not hasten to burn the money yet.
Some of us may not be capable of "Providing" for a living.
The poorly written, confused rant linked by the thread-starter is no more a serious piece of journalism than a 1975 Trabant is a fine German automobile.

I don't know if I agree with all she propounds, but she is able to discern that some things do not make sense, and she is trying to find out why. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
But discerning that some things don't make sense and gaining understanding of why that's the case are two entirely different things. Wouldn't you agree?

Why do not we get rid of money? Then we would not be controlled by it! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
If we "get rid of money," then what, exactly, would we use as a medium of exchange? For several millennia, relatively advanced societies have utilized various forms of currency. (With varying degrees of success.)

I certainly agree that central bank monetarist activism has resulted in all manner of economic and market deformations over the years (and not just in the U.S., of course). Nevertheless, we must some type of currency to facilitate the exchange of goods and services.

I am not forcing anyone to think independently...only encouraging it Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Yet you continually demonstrate no intention of making the slightest effort to do the same, instead choosing to believe almost anything spewed by various crackpots, conspiracy mongers, and ideologues.

If you're sincerely interested in learning, I suggest that jettisoning the Noam Chomsky idolatry would be a good place to start.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why do not we get rid of money? Then we would not be controlled by it! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
There would still need to be a medium of exchange to effectively manage the division of labor in a society. The problem is our money no longer represents tangible value. Our Founders did not trust bankers to work in the best interest of the people, which is why the Constitution mandates that the people be in control of the money supply through the Congress. We now have a fiat currency of the banks, by the banks and for the banks.

A "no money" would be beautiful, but humanity hasn't evolved to level to make it work.
Why do not we get rid of money? Then we would not be controlled by it! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
So, you will be fucking clients for free?
Not playing your game, ExGYer. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Asking you to specify what parts of the article you agree with is "my game"? Thanks. I will take that as a compliment. I enjoy calling people our on their bullshit.

And your non-answer means you are a coward, too.

She's more aware than you can hope to be. She's open. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No. She's a dimwit. And you are brown-nosing her. Birds of a feather ...

You trust government. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, I don't trust government, CreepyOldGuy.

I just trust stupid conspiracy theories even less. They are a sign of diseased minds.

You think the President and Congress run the country. They don't. They are puppets of their corporate and banking masters. Learn your history. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Actually, the President and Congress DO run the country. Very, very poorly, yes. But they do run it.
Yet, you still judge others! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Yes, I do.

And your point is?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, the President and Congress DO run the country. Very, very poorly, yes. But they do run it. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Therein lies your problem.

ExGYer, you are smart enough to understand the truth, but too brainwashed to see it. Open your eyes. The truth is out there.

A "no money" would be beautiful, but humanity hasn't evolved to level to make it work. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A moneyless society would be a "beautiful" thing? How might society "evolve" to make that work? Turning the entire nation into a giant commune doesn't strike me as the sort of thing most libertarians would support, to say the least.

Sure, we could go to a pure barter system. In consideration for an escort visit, a guy could, for instance, wheelbarrow a couple of 55-gallon drums of gasoline through her front door. But if she lives in an apartment, the management might have a slight problem with that. (Ditto for the local fire marshal.) Aside from that, choosing some good or service that she might actually need (or want) would almost certainly be problematic, and at the very least would require discussion and negotiation.

Thus it should be obvious to any sentient individual that an effective medium of exchange is a strict necessity.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's kind of what I said, Captain HalfBright.
That's kind of what I said, Captain HalfBright. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Uh, no. Go back and look at what you actually posted, you doddering fool -- the entirety of it. You said that a moneyless society would be a "beautiful" thing. Perhaps you can explain to us why you think that, and how you think that exalted goal could be achieved.

Your tray table doesn't exactly rise to the fully upright and locked position, does it? But I suppose one shouldn't expect much from a 9/11 Truther, right? You apparently see a wide-ranging plot behind every tree, and buy into just about every loopy conspiracy theory that comes down the pike.

And you love to assign pet monikers to everyone who has ridiculed your ignorance or your lunacy. Yet you haven't chosen an appropriate one for yourself. I have a suggestion: "CluelessOldGoofball." It fits you very well.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Because it's not's that simple. I am not forcing anyone to think independently...only encouraging it Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Translation: If you don't believe in wild conspiracy theories like me then you are NOT an independent thinker...... what is an independent thinker Deb? I'm curious. If someone looks at all the evidence, judges it's value, and makes a judgement that is not the same as yours, they're what?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It would be a beautiful thing, CaptainNotBright. But it ain't going to happen. At least not for a few centuries. Kind of like John Lennon's Imagine. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. However, individual freedom and responsibility is a natural precursor to the Utopian ideal described. Government cannot mandate it. It will only arise from free people, working together.
It would be a beautiful thing, CaptainNotBright. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yes, professor! What a beautiful thing your envisioned moneyless world commune would be. Why didn't some creative thinker set us on the path to egalitarian utopia a couple of generations ago? Imagine how groovy I might have considered a society without money. Maybe I would have felt free to enjoy life to the fullest as a young adult, while eschewing all those time-wasting activities like earning graduate degrees and working hard. Far out, man!

And just imagine how, with no medium of exchange (that crude, ugly "money"), there would be no need for any of those messy, pesky private property rights. An added benefit is that markets could not possibly function. I mean, how cool would that be? Put on that John Lennon cap and Imagine. Let that creativity flow, professor!

But, hey, why wait hundreds (or even thousands) of years for mankind to "evolve" sufficiently to enable the creation of a moneyless egalitarian utopia? Why not drive to the basket straight away and let the Communists have another go at it? Maybe they won't fuck it up this time!