Guns at the Border

No argument there. My GPS was in my Escalade at the time and it didn't alert me to the crossing on initial search , but it was obvious looking at the route that it was taking me there , so I bypassed it and went south as you mentioned. I do agree that too much reliance on technology has dumbed our society down. Kids can't go anywhere without a GPS and can't calculate a tip without a calculator.

Hey you -- get out of my yard!
I have several family members who have gun permits, so once in a while, they will check the last name. I have been asked about guns, and tell them I have no reason to carry one.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I just say, yeah, check these out. They sent me packin' and told me if I came back they'd arrest me.

staff edit by BB: image violation, kid pic not allowed
Today most GPS devices are amazing! You don't need maps anymore. I still like to look on a map to get a general idea of where any destination is with either MapQuest or Google maps, then let GPS takeover. Agree the GPS downside is you don't really know where you are using a GPS like OnStar but Garmin lets you 'enlarge' your route into a fairly legible map.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its been a long time since I have crossed the Canadian border, but isn't there signs like this at every border crossing? There damn sure are on our southern border, multiple warnings. And the Mexicans are tough as nails about it as well, one foot in or 100 miles is irrelevant.

JohnnyCap's Avatar
Today most GPS devices are amazing! You don't need maps anymore. I still like to look on a map to get a general idea of where any destination is with either MapQuest or Google maps, then let GPS takeover. Agree the GPS downside is you don't really know where you are using a GPS like OnStar but Garmin lets you 'enlarge' your route into a fairly legible map. Originally Posted by Celso
I do still have paper maps but just as a pack rat, I'm referring to the map on my phone. I've considered a GPS for hiking but I always say fuck it, I don't like GPS anymore than I like GPS.
gaijin1969's Avatar
Its been a long time since I have crossed the Canadian border, but isn't there signs like this at every border crossing? There damn sure are on our southern border, multiple warnings. And the Mexicans are tough as nails about it as well, one foot in or 100 miles is irrelevant.
Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
No shit. Lived in El Paso for a few years..... try that line going to Juarez.... "oh I forgot the gun was in the arm rest".... they'd be telling our embassy "oh we forgot what prison we put him in" lol
gaijin1969's Avatar
I've considered a GPS for hiking but I always say fuck it, I don't like GPS anymore than I like GPS. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I was wondering when true GPS would be discussed.... took long enough
I see "Moses" upgraded his staff to keep up with technology !!
Pistolero's Avatar
Its been a long time since I have crossed the Canadian border, but isn't there signs like this at every border crossing? There damn sure are on our southern border, multiple warnings. And the Mexicans are tough as nails about it as well, one foot in or 100 miles is irrelevant.

Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I remember a number of years ago where a guy had
ONE .45 auto round under his spare tire in back where he spilled a box months earlier. It was , at least, months before he got out of the Mexican prison.
I've often wondered if you have to declare a swiss army knife or boxcutter,but have never had the nerve to ask the customs officer. I'm sure I've had a knife or box cutter when I've crossed and been searched and they've never said anything. But I'm sure if they wanted to make an issue of it they could.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
3sides has to declare 1.3" of dangling death and his sharp wit.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Easy to see how this can happen. When you are used to carrying, you don't always think about it being taboo in some places. Throw into that that sometimes when making a trip like that, the GPS sends you into Canada when you weren't thinking you were leaving the country. One thing leads to another and oops! Major hassle. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
This situation really demonstrates the huge difference in the gun laws for our countries. As a Canadian, it sounds so funny a gun could be forgotten in a car and it isn't a big deal. It makes total sense in the U.S., or maybe, I am not aware of all of the gun laws over there.

I agree, if it was an honest mistake, the punishment seems fierce if charged.

I started thinking...what if ( not saying this is what I think ok I just came up with a pov I thought was interesting)

What if this excuse happens a lot, or the excuse caught border guards by surprise..then when finding a gun..start thinking...Geesh wonder how many harmless U.S. citizens are getting over the border with a personal gun by either forgetting about it or fooling us...

Maybe they Just need to make an example of someone so it stops happening as often and is taken more seriously...

And here' s the thing that made me go hmmmm

A person who is in the habit of carrying a gun to the point that they can forget it's in their car. Well, what happens if a situation in Canada makes them feel threatened? Someone that forgetful, may all of a sudden remember their gun, but forget they are in Canada. So they may react trigger happy or something, you know...anyway if that makes sense cool! lol

I was just thinking, innocent forgetful people might be more dangerous. Hence, making a big deal of it might save some lives. I know that's over the top, but it might save them having to check.every car?.. just a thought.

But if it was an honest mistake, I hope he can prove it.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmm I better clean my truck
I can't remember if the flair gun is in it or not LOL
and I bet in Canada they would look at a flair gun as...