TCB expectations too high?

I say put the lady on blast.
If she does it to you, it is most likely a habbit.
I understand if you don't want to. I certainly don't don't post an alert on time waster if they seem genuinly sorry.
But then again I figure someone else will call. Clients on the other hand might not be able to make accodations in their small window of availability.
Cut and Paste from rrrabbit 's self edit .

My sincere appologies ladies, and I mean that.

In retrospect, I recognize that I misappropriated a lack of gratitude towards the ladies on this board.

I appologize.

Please see self edit below, in RED.

Originally Posted by rrrabbit
It's Sunday, and I took a late afternoon catnap. So I'm fresh, relaxed, and I'm 'prolly going to be up all night. So why not...

After all, it is the CO-ED section, and the subject matter is VERY appropriate; however, I must make note that the CO part is very much missing from the ED.

Since it appears that we haven't had much drama around here lately, let's see if I can't inspire ya'll into a dialogue that leads to one...

OP makes EXCELLENT points. And in turn, Cody makes some honest observations.

Or are they jaded observations?

Does it not depend entirely on one's vantage point, and frame of mind?

In the OP's instance, he's merely expressing a set of expectations (that he probably learned, though his professional experiences).

Since we are not baking cookies here, I think it is fair to say that what this board offers during BCD is a VERY personal. I don't think it is a stretch to presume that most of know and accept that. Yet, many of us (including myself) must be in denial if we allow ourselves to be upset when our expectations don't match up with what has been published in reviews?

Understood, that we set up a prearranged business meeting.

Understood that in the professional world, we EXPECT a cancellation heads up.

Understood that are we not in that professional world, not it the traditional meaning?

For example, I spent the afternoon with a dancer. We had INCREDIBLE chemistry together. Shamefully, and self additmetly, I've been in the game long enough to KNOW that when she left, she left with an itch having been scratched; it was, by no stretch of the imagination, an emotional or an IOP itch.

The last time I offered her compensation for an afternoon together, I'm pretty sure I pissed her off. Therefore, this time around, I just sent her on her way with a smile and a hug, planning to slip her what I felt I owed her next time I ran into her dancing.

Do I expect that she's going to call or text me tomorrow to say she enjoyed our time together?


The moment she left, I was out of her mind.

In fact, I expect that she'd like for me to kiss her ass next time I see her at the club, because it helps her self image as well as her "business".

It is what it is. It is called pussy power.

You don't want to be an walking ATM? Go after a SB.

You want IOP? Stay away from revolving door providers.

You want professional courtesy? Stick with the professional providers with proven track records.

You want something strange? What are you waiting for? Choose your "strange" and roll on over to her.

One hour at a time is just that. It's NOT a license to chemistry, and it certainly ain't no invitation to plant a flag.

Now you have a rabbit Piņata to swing at. Who wants first dibs?

rrrabbit I certainly don't want to use you as a piņata , nor do I wish to bash the ladies . OP posed a question , to which I replied honestly , and as respectfully as possible . OP made no mention as to how established or not , this particular provider is . I will agree with you that if you're choosing WW providers , the professionalism is not expected to be as seasoned an the well established , veteran verified providers . This is not always the case , I've only seen one WW provider , she was a total professional . Also I don't think that one cancelation or NCNS is noteworthy . My last cancelation was a last minute one after I had taken the day off work , and driven 80 min . The reason was she had to go to the store . WTF ????? Walmart is open 24/7 . Still I wrote nothing about it . But would this go into consideration of trying to schedule with her again ? Hell Yes ! But in OP's instance she did it to him twice , that leans more towards being habitual . Still he is not posting her handle . So I don't think his reason is to bash her , just to establish what expectations are when scheduling an appointment . Certainly we can express our expectations of TCB without it being ungrateful to all the professional ladies ?
Do you ladies need more to consider it a set appointment? Is it too much to ask that a provider texts when she knows that she can't make it? Do you ladies think that us guys don't have a life so it's no big deal? Originally Posted by txAustin202

not every girl is uncommunitive like that. i perfercalls so i can talk quicker than waiting on a txt. a set time is a set time. we know you guys have a regular life outside the hobby just as much as we do. sometimes guys call and say they need to meet right this second and when i say im food shopping or taking my son to the park and will be avail later they act as if im the one in the wrong. i understand your fustration and sometimes we move our home schedule around for guys too. its just a mis communication on the other end though. im sorry that happened to you.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 08-13-2012, 09:48 AM
Listen, if a gal's TCB is horrible and she doesn't respect your time and money, send her a clear message that her behavior is unacceptable and won't be tolerated.

Only by bringing the truth into the full light of day is it possible to drive out the bad element and guarantee a great experience for everyone and eliminate the rotten apples.

And don't fool yourself into thinking that even posting about your experience on an internet message board will do much. The Alerts section is full of scam artists and thieves that have no problem making a living by preying on the trust and goodwill of hobbyists.

If you really want to effect change you need to really draw their attention, like I have in the past. Why more guys don't report these harlots to the Better Business Bureau is beyond me. The BBB has the resources, communications network and the marketplace clout to bring these shameless hussies to their knees (and not in that good way). For Pete's sake at least call Chris Willis, the lead investigative reporter at KXAN. I'm pretty sure that if you call them during Sweeps week they'll be all over a shoddy business practices story like this just for the big ratings splash.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 08-13-2012, 10:18 AM
For the record, it's not just the "young" providers who are guilty. I recently had an appointment set, not suggested, with a well established gal. She canceled. She said she was sick. I can accept that. So I rescheduled. Again, it was set, but due to poor communication, it never happened. I forgave that one accepting my part in the process and scheduled a third appointment. Again it was set and she even responded with "third time's a charm". And once again she didn't show. Total BS and waste of MY valuable time. So I responded with, "I guess third time is NOT a charm."

PS: If she is reading this, then she knows who she is. I jumped through the screening hoops for you. I waited on you and you never showed. You wasted MY time, and since, after all, time is what we are paying for, then you owe ME. Anytime you want to pay me with a free hh session for wasting MY time, I'll be glad to schedule. NOTE: I'm not holding my breath, nor am I making the mistake of calling you ever again. :-)

I have since taken a new policy: Waste my time once, you will do it again. First time, shame on you, there will not be a second time unless you make it right at your expense. PERIOD! My time is valuable too. Which 99% of the time, that means there will not be a second chance. Hahahahaha!
I like what Asian Ann says, "I am either early or on time or dead." Being dependable is important. Some are, others are not.
txAustin202's Avatar
Wow since this subject has come up many times before, I was expecting the "what did you expect dumbass " comments. :-) Even though I have not seen her before, I gave her another chance because her communication via text was excellent. Well except on the day of the appt.
I find it fairly rare for men to hold my time as valuable as I treat theirs... I'm a stickler for my time, I will go above & beyond to be early or on time... Being late is incredibly disrespectful... There is a certain amount of no show no call on the men's part that I have just come to anticipate, which is difficult for me to swallow(lol). I hate how other people think their time has more value than yours, or they have absolutely no regard for your time. As far as providers go, they should handle their shit, its not doing anything but causing your reputation harm... And the men.... Just make providers not give a shit because the last guy treated her badly and your catching his flack. I just wish we could all do the right thing and sit in a circle and sing songs & roast smores :-)
rrrabbit's Avatar
Since Carl makes some good observations, I propose that we appoint him chairman.
We should then start a bad TCB list. As chairman, it'd be Carl's responsibility to submit the list to the BBB; when the investigation reaches its inevitable conclusion, we could arrange for a public stoning?

I'll bring the chips and beer; ya'll bring a pot luck dish please.

Since it is such a brilliant idea (ahem, *clears throat*), I'll take the initiative to start the list (yippiez...I love lists!!!)

Please add to it as you see fit:

Chariman & protector of the shitty TCB list on the only SHMB that matters.

It has a nice ring to it, don't ya'll agree?
Silly rrrabbit you knew this was coming !!!!


Sorry don't know how to copy your gif .
rrrabbit's Avatar
Silly rrrabbit you knew this was coming !!!!


Sorry don't know how to copy your gif . Originally Posted by DIE HARD

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 08-13-2012, 11:58 PM
In the words of General William Tecumseh Sherman: "I will not run if nominated, and if elected I will not serve."

I'm not a moderator. I don't work for free. And I don't think you guys could afford my services. I don't run specials or discounts. My avatar is the original kitty with platinum pussy syndrome.