Truck Stop Providers

(It has nothing to do with not liking what you have to say, Kaci, I have no issue with you personally. I'm just saying it's ginormous. There are sig line rules....15 lines I believe, and images count for three lines or something to that the rules, it's in there. Just size it down a notch or something, that is excessive, no need to get all defensive. It's huge.
BigEddie, You are absolutely correct, other ladies do have similar image type sig lines. Difference is, they are BANNER size per the signature line guidelines. You are also correct that it is bullshit that one girl can do it and the others can't. I agree 100%, no argument there.

Back on topic, HELL NAW I wouldn't work in a truck stop!! Could that BE any more dangerous?! You're just asking to end up in a ditch somewhere if you do that.
When a mod says that it needs to come down it will.
Lot Lizards not Sig Lines - Focus people.....

Guest101610-2's Avatar
OMG how funny is this... Dannie I was actually able to read your post as if you were standing right here trying to explain something in a very sweet calm voice with no anger at all. Very good job. Wow!

Kaci, your sig line is, of course, up to you babygirl. Alot of times when a provider says something like that they really aren't trying to be a bitch and say "yours is bigger than mine, so I'm going to throw a fit." I say alot of times because there are plenty that DO. Anyway, I think another way of saying it is.... psssst hey did you know that when you post on this topic all I can think of is lot lizards and your picture. Since I know you are no where near that level you might wanna tone it down so everyone doesn't start putting your picture together with the term lot lizard. Of course talking about how your picture associates your name with lot lizard is probably just as bad. Soooooo, in order to prevent that, disassociate the two QUICK!!!

Mariah Moore's Avatar
[QUOTE=DustyHands;569687]truckers call them "lot lizards"

Now that's funny!! Smh lol
Back on topic, HELL NAW I wouldn't work in a truck stop!! Could that BE any more dangerous?! You're just asking to end up in a ditch somewhere if you do that. Originally Posted by Dannie
I think that whole situation is very disturbing and feel these LLs are much more victims than anything else. BTW I get the small font but I had to get my trifocals out LOL
Jasser's Avatar
Lot lizzards - no way!

Kaci, Dannie - I think you two should bump clams and make up.
hwygnome's Avatar
I noticed that every rest room had condom machines. I have heard about providers visiting truck stops and ...

Just curious. Originally Posted by ftworthman
While I don't drive a truck I do drive a big ass SUV and stop in for a stretch and fill up now and then.

Guess you need to look at some other restrooms now and then because they are not the only ones that have them, but it does seem like a very large number of them do. Of course I would rather go someplace else to get that kind of item.

Of the suspected lot lizards I see, about 99% are off limits to me. But then I am slightly picky. Most of the time they will be out in the truck area and about the only time most of them will be seen is when they go from one truck to another. For the suspected providers I have seen, well they just stop for gas, bathroom, and a drink.
There's a big truck stop off interstate Hwy 30 in Rockwall called the TA been there forever. Now I know why there's always alot of traffic at nite there.
I recently completed a long road trip by car and stopped at several truck stops for gas and pit stops. I noticed that every rest room had condom machines. I have heard about providers visiting truck stops and am just curious if any of the hobbyists here are truck drivers or if any providers have ever provided at a truck stop. Just curious. Originally Posted by ftworthman
I have watched all the responses to this thread. Oh how we are all above it. My father was a teamster and my guess is that he had his share of as you term "lot lizards". Well I would not like to partake in that let me say this. First to all the truckers that call the women lot lizards...let me guess you only called them that after you came and were talking to your buds. Second for all you that judge the truckers...try living without the delivery of your precious stuff. Third...for the women that steal and prey on the truckers...shame on you. Yeah I know what your thinking...well my father worked his ass off so I could have a better life and it happened. Stop with all the value judgments. And yes I think I can say this because I served this country for 23 years in the U.S. Air Force. So snicker if you want but history is on my side.
Mmmmmmm. What could be better? A skinny meth addicted little whore, chock full of STD's, eager to jump in your truck and share them with you! Yummy!!!

P.S.Are you serious?
Mmmmmmm. What could be better? A skinny meth addicted little whore, chock full of STD's, eager to jump in your truck and share them with you! Yummy!!!

P.S.Are you serious? Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
and probably has a knife or a gun, didn't anyone here see Charlize Theron in Monster? Still doesn't change my position that most of these women are victims but you don't have enable and get killed at the same time.

TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Mmmmmmm. What could be better? A skinny meth addicted little whore, chock full of STD's, eager to jump in your truck and share them with you! Yummy!!!

P.S.Are you serious? Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
While I have never been a truck driver nor have I partaken in the services of a "lot lizard", I must say the stereotyping of these gals is disheartening. Do you realize that the general population of society views escorts as disease infested streetwalkers? Just watch any news report or investigative report on escorting. That stereotype is vastly inaccurate as we all know, but some are sitting in judgement here where it concerns "lot lizards". Sad!!

I am by no means comparing the ladies here on ECCIE to "lot lizards", but come on people.....
LazurusLong's Avatar
Google the term.

We're not really stereotyping those who work the truck stops when it turns out it fits more than most of those who work there.
Here's one reply from back in 2006 from BIG JEEP on 44's:

"I've never seen any good looking ...WORKING girls at the trk stops....just ones that make me think they are filming the sequal to the DAWN OF THE DEAD ..........A guy that would nail this should not be allowed to have pets in his truck either........"

The thread goes downhill faster than hijacked ones here.
You should visit a lizard stop sometime, ( and not the ones in Dallas), most of the lizards dress nice and look nice nowadays, only a few are drug heads. With a majority of the girls working the lots every thing is covered, very hard to find a good BBBJ out here.