Global cooling is back!!!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You see Timmie does not understand science. He says "what do the majority of the scientists who study this issue say". Science is about empirical evidence. That is reproducible evidence. If I do an experiment proving the existence of gravity anybody can do the same experiment and get the same result. That is the problem with the global warming evidence. It is all over the place on results. Claiming to go with the majority or the consensus (as Al Gore says) shows that you have no understanding of science. That is one of the first things they teach in a biology 101 class; the scientific method.
That is one of the first things they taught me in the School Custodaian 101 class; the scientific method. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The truth finally comes out!
LexusLover's Avatar
That is one of the first things they teach in a biology 101 class; the scientific method. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Is there a scientific way to cut up a frog? Just asking.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You see Timmie does not understand science. He says "what do the majority of the scientists who study this issue say". Science is about empirical evidence. That is reproducible evidence. If I do an experiment proving the existence of gravity anybody can do the same experiment and get the same result. That is the problem with the global warming evidence. It is all over the place on results. Claiming to go with the majority or the consensus (as Al Gore says) shows that you have no understanding of science. That is one of the first things they teach in a biology 101 class; the scientific method. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Timmy boy doesn't buy into that concept, reproducibility and the scientific method. His belief system runs on this bedrock principle:
"If someone disagrees with me (according to Timmy), they must be a fucking fruitcake weirdo nut case motherfucker who should be institutionalized."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-10-2013, 07:41 AM
I will be the first dumbass Tim

Yes lets do see what those scientists say.
Please list a few of them....but also include the amount of public funding/grants that each receives and has received in the past for their various research ventures. Lets take out any political and financial incentives and see who's saying what exactly.
Otherwise there are way too many agendas at play. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Was tobacco good or bad for you?

Let us ask a question...which science was correct. The governments or Big Tobacco?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
To repeat; the scientific METHOD. You can look it up. There are six components of the SM;
Characterization--observe and select the nature of the research
Hypothesis--make a rational guess (if you will) about the causation
Prediction--based on what you know make a prediction about the outcome of the experiment
Experiment--perform the experiment numerous times to find the same result each time
Evaluate--take the results, improve the experiment, and look for empirical evidence
Confirmation--show and document that the results of your experiment are valid and reproducible

Standard fare, and testable, in a freshman science class
[QUOTE=CJ7;1053581570]who really gives a rats ass what happens 200 years from now, none of us will be here anyway.

I care personally as far into the future as the life span of any one I know and the people they know. That would by my daughter's great grandchildren so 200 years from now matters to me. But that's just me.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-10-2013, 10:51 AM
who really gives a rats ass what happens 200 years from now, none of us will be here anyway.

I care personally as far into the future as the life span of any one I know and the people they know. That would by my daughter's great grandchildren so 200 years from now matters to me. But that's just me. Originally Posted by CJ7

disclaimer at the bottom of my comment:

eos = end of sarcasim
Summer=global warming
winter=global cooling.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

disclaimer at the bottom of my comment:

eos = end of sarcasim Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
The first time, I thought it was a typo, now I think you are just incredibly ignorant.
No sarcasm.
JCM800's Avatar
our clones might be here in 200 years .....but won't we all be living on Mars anyway by then?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Was tobacco good or bad for you?

Let us ask a question...which science was correct. The governments or Big Tobacco?

Originally Posted by WTF
So far it has been OK for me. In the future I have every assumption that it will not only be bad for me, but indeed terminal. My life, my choice with full knowledge of the consequences. Ain't America great, so far.
I B Hankering's Avatar

CJ, the Master of Deflection speaks

The only problem CJ is that the regs, taxes, and impositions are happening NOW! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
+1 Yup, lib-retards want to create another obtuse market since derivatives proved so damn successful.

disclaimer at the bottom of my comment:

eos = end of sarcasim Originally Posted by CJ7
Please define "sarcasim", CBJ7.
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1053594716]+1 [SIZE="3"] Yup, lib-retards want to create another obtuse market since derivatives proved so damn successful.

Funny and who came up with derivatives and who blocked any attempt to over see them. LMAO
I B Hankering's Avatar
[QUOTE=i'va biggen;1053595388]
+1 [SIZE="3"] Yup, lib-retards want to create another obtuse market since derivatives proved so damn successful.

Funny and who came up with derivatives and who blocked any attempt to over see them. LMAO Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Ekim the Inbred Chimp, that list includes Senators Dodd (D) and Schumer (D) as wellas Congressman Frank (D) and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's Secretary of the Treasury and Odumbo's financial advisor: Larry Sanders, ignoramus.