Finally Back but also time to say good bye to Dallas

U sound stupid or I was stupid to pm you what was said about u in the men's area....ppl will decide for themselves which is truth.

Thing is I don't know what was said in men's room about u... I don't remember reading anything about you in men's room... I don't think you are subject worthy in men's room.

I just remembered you asked me when I am coming to DFW and I said September then u got irritated.... Don't know why, when I said September from beginning.... Then u post something stupid in coed and u rtm something to got me banned..... Now why would any lady rtm to get potential client banned who always been nice in forum? (Of course I was fool for ur fake kindness and was willing to see short fat bitch for fake kindness in pm)...

Nothing to get over... There are too many fine ladies to DFW to pick u over them... Originally Posted by eng
careful dealing with her, she has MOD friends, and some nasty backers...IMHO, and shes not afraid to call in her favors......
guest071618-1's Avatar
So let's make sure we have this right. You leak mens lounge info to a provider who RTMS that shit and you are pissed at her and blame her? Originally Posted by Boltfan
Wt I try to say is
She rtm.
I don't remember reading any thing abt THN in men's lounge.
I don't remember pming THN any thing to her from men lounge.
I don't have any pm in my sent folder telling her about discussion from men lounge abt THN. (I checked as soon as I found out wt the bitch was accusing me of).

but it is individual to believe whichever...but wt she accused of me doing don't make sense to me.
I guess it made sense to the MOD who banned me.
guest071618-1's Avatar

What this says IMHO is A. Guys are pussy whipped little bitches that will do anything for favor or the chance to get laid and B. Ladies are insecure and want to know everything said about them (again not the majority) and everything said period. C. Guys just wanna get laid and don't give 2 shits what the ladies are saying

Eng represents A & B Originally Posted by blowmypop23
I am A, B, C and more to right providers (she is not the one)..... Aren't you all of above too? If you are not why r u dropping $$-$$$/hr?
But still don't remember reading any thing abt that bitch and pming that bitch abt wt was said in men's lounge. AND I got no record of it in my sent folder.
Jeebus, I'm no knight and far from the grammar police, but your posts hurt my eyes on so many levels. I get being upset, but name calling and shitty syntax rarely helps to make your case.
bojulay's Avatar
He didn't shake anything up.....there's nothing to shake here.....a bunch of disgruntled
Postal people........BLAH, blah, blah...... Originally Posted by Sophia Banks
Yeah, but neither rain, snow, sleet, nor dead of night
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 10-25-2015, 06:32 AM
Wt I try to say is
She rtm.
I don't remember reading any thing abt THN in men's lounge.
I don't remember pming THN any thing to her from men lounge.
I don't have any pm in my sent folder telling her about discussion from men lounge abt THN. (I checked as soon as I found out wt the bitch was accusing me of).

but it is individual to believe whichever...but wt she accused of me doing don't make sense to me.
I guess it made sense to the MOD who banned me. Originally Posted by eng
Well I'm glad you cleared that up.
Are you saying the entire population of ECCIE participants are disgruntled and postal (by postal I am assuming you mean crazy)? You don't have to like the guy, but you do have to admit he's a memorable character and that he made an impact his short time here. Originally Posted by Tapper85
I apologize for my snarky comment...that wasn't nice of me. I sometimes get jaded by some of the negativity and drama on the bad.

And yes I'm entertained by many of the posters here! I'm trying to get thicker skinned.
I apologize for my snarky comment...that wasn't nice of me. I sometimes get jaded by some of the negativity and drama on the bad.

And yes I'm entertained by many of the posters here! I'm trying to get thicker skinned. Originally Posted by Sophia Banks
Snarky is sexy!!!
blowmypop23's Avatar
I am A, B, C and more to right providers (she is not the one)..... Aren't you all of above too? If you are not why r u dropping $$-$$$/hr?
But still don't remember reading any thing abt that bitch and pming that bitch abt wt was said in men's lounge. AND I got no record of it in my sent folder. Originally Posted by eng

Omg, dude you just admitted to being A. A pussy whipped little bitch
B. An insecure lady who has to know everything said

I'm strictly C- I don't give 2 shits

What kind of business do you do out here.? You post like V, it hurts my head trying to figure out what you're trying to say.
pmdelites's Avatar
And yes I'm entertained by many of the posters here! I'm trying to get thicker skinned. Originally Posted by Sophia Banks
you might want to put on 3 or 4 extra condoms - that should add a few more millimeters :^}
guest071618-1's Avatar
Omg, dude you just admitt do to being A. A pussy whipped little bitch
B. An insecure lady who has to know everything said

I'm strictly C- I don't give 2 shits

What kind of business do you do out here.? You post like V, it hurts my head trying to figure out what you're trying to say. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
A. Guys are pussy whipped little bitches that will do anything for favor or the chance to get laid and
B. Ladies are insecure and want to know everything said about them (again not the majority) and everything said period.
C. Guys just wanna get laid and don't give 2 shits what the ladies are saying

Like I said, to a right lady, I am all 3 and more. But THN isn't the one. Only few will qualify and they will never go push me to do those 3.
I am in a work that pays me enough to be in hobby.
I've seen Vs post... I think she writes better than me ... Only similarity maybe she speak her mind and I do same... No I never met her...
blowmypop23's Avatar
A. Guys are pussy whipped little bitches that will do anything for favor or the chance to get laid and
B. Ladies are insecure and want to know everything said about them (again not the majority) and everything said period.
C. Guys just wanna get laid and don't give 2 shits what the ladies are saying

Like I said, to a right lady, I am all 3 and more. But THN isn't the one. Only few will qualify and they will never go push me to do those 3.
I am in a work that pays me enough to be in hobby.
I've seen Vs post... I think she writes better than me ... Only similarity maybe she speak her mind and I do same... No I never met her... Originally Posted by eng

You should not have PA, how many times now have you been banned for leaking? You just admitted you'll do it again. I get how you are A. I still don't get how any lady can make you B. B is a chick dude, how does a lady turn you into an insecure lady? Do you tuck you dick back in your ass cracked and get with your inner bitch?

Sorry but your man card has been revoked, no chance in hell you're any part of C.
guest071618-1's Avatar
You should not have PA, how many times now have you been banned for leaking? You just admitted you'll do it again. I get how you are A. I still don't get how any lady can make you B. B is a chick dude, how does a lady turn you into an insecure lady? Do you tuck you dick back in your ass cracked and get with your inner bitch?

Sorry but your man card has been revoked, no chance in hell you're any part of C. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
Banned once.... Haven't leaked anything from Men's lounge but we will see what info I leaked... Like I said, I checked all my pm with THN and didn't see anything.
Right lady can push me to leak,,, but that wouldn't be "again",,, it will be first time...
If I get banned again, oh well..if my PA taken away, oh well... I am established with ladies I like and I survive fine with P411 and references. Eccie has been good for my forum entertainments and connect with some fine ladies in DFW.
but your choice to believe whichever side.. I am just telling one side of the story.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Why is this topic not dropped - Say you piece, get the complaining out of the way and just move on We all get our feelings hurt in life or have disagreements - Everyone is suppose to act like and adult. Let the topic close, there should no more that needs to be said, complaining about it is not going to make it go away.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
A. Guys are pussy whipped little bitches that will do anything for favor or the chance to get laid and
B. Ladies are insecure and want to know everything said about them (again not the majority) and everything said period.
C. Guys just wanna get laid and don't give 2 shits what the ladies are saying

Like I said, to a right lady, I am all 3 and more. But THN isn't the one. Only few will qualify and they will never go push me to do those 3.
I am in a work that pays me enough to be in hobby.
I've seen Vs post... I think she writes better than me ... Only similarity maybe she speak her mind and I do same... No I never met her... Originally Posted by eng
Nothing wrong with speaking your mind. But be prepared if the content of such mind is less than impressive, which is my observation of yours.