Chiefs player kills himself outside stadium after fatally shooting girlfriend

TheDaliLama's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Fast Gunn's Avatar
This story is tragic.

It did not have to happen, but it did and does much too often.

. . . Youth is indeed wasted on the young.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I can shoot another person from at least 10 feet away. Very quick, very easy, no contact with the victim. With a knife I have to come within arm's length of the victim which gives the victim the chance, however small it might be, of protecting him or herself. Plus, that extra added time it takes to use a knife instead of a handgun might allow the perpetrator to consider the consequences of such an action and realize how stupid it is.

And FWIW, I am not at all advocating an increase in gun control based on this event.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I can shoot another person from at least 10 feet away. Very quick, very easy, no contact with the victim. With a knife I have to come within arm's length of the victim which gives the victim the chance, however small it might be, of protecting him or herself. Plus, that extra added time it takes to use a knife instead of a handgun might allow the perpetrator to consider the consequences of such an action and realize how stupid it is.

And FWIW, I am not at all advocating an increase in gun control based on this event. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
FWIW, in a fit of rage (and 'fits of rage' are not known as times for contemplative or reflective thought), most NFL football players wouldn't need a weapon to kill an average American female.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jovan Belcher was a murderer. He did what murderers do. He murdered. The implement was not the cause. The cause was that Belcher wanted to murder. He did.

He deserves no tribute, or respect. Like any other murderer, he deserves nothing.
I can shoot another person from at least 10 feet away. Very quick, very easy, no contact with the victim. With a knife I have to come within arm's length of the victim which gives the victim the chance, however small it might be, of protecting him or herself. Plus, that extra added time it takes to use a knife instead of a handgun might allow the perpetrator to consider the consequences of such an action and realize how stupid it is.

And FWIW, I am not at all advocating an increase in gun control based on this event. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I can kill my victim from 10 miles away very conveniently, very easily with a car.

Jovan Belcher was a murderer. He did what murderers do. He murdered. The implement was not the cause. The cause was that Belcher wanted to murder. He did.

He deserves no tribute, or respect. Like any other murderer, he deserves nothing. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The guy had a degree in "Family Relations" from University of Maine. An institution needs to rethink its degree plan.

This is the story that needed to get national attention:
Probably why some use bombs much more impersonal.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
FWIW, in a fit of rage (and 'fits of rage' are not known as times for contemplative or reflective thought), most NFL football players wouldn't need a weapon to kill an average American female. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Still doesn't matter. Without a gun, killing makes it much more difficult on so many levels. He probably had the gun in close proximity when he killed her. Anger overtook him and he reacted. If he had had ANY time at all to think about the consequences of his actions, he may have reacted differently.We'll never know because he had a gun.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Too bad she didn't have a gun to defend herself.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Still doesn't matter. Without a gun, killing makes it much more difficult on so many levels. He probably had the gun in close proximity when he killed her. Anger overtook him and he reacted. If he had had ANY time at all to think about the consequences of his actions, he may have reacted differently.We'll never know because he had a gun. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Blecher all but emptied a clip -- nine shots -- into the woman. He meant to kill her, and he had the strength to kill her with his bare hands if there had been no weapon available. Costas -- and the rest of the knee-jerk liberal antigun crew -- want to ignore man's intent to kill the woman, and they want to quibble over how he did it.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Really? Well, it's actually much more complex.

Maybe such a simple answer is enough for a simple mind like yours, but it leaves much unsaid and much unknown to those who can ponder that far.

. . . The man suffered enough to do such a terrible thing and he hardly needs your judgment on top of that.

Jovan Belcher was a murderer. He did what murderers do. He murdered. The implement was not the cause. The cause was that Belcher wanted to murder. He did.

He deserves no tribute, or respect. Like any other murderer, he deserves nothing. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Blecher all but emptied a clip -- nine shots -- into the woman. He meant to kill her, and he had the strength to kill her with his bare hands if there had been no weapon available. Costas -- and the rest of the knee-jerk liberal antigun crew -- want to ignore man's intent to kill the woman, and they want to quibble over how he did it. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He certainly meant to kill her -- at that specific point in time. Had he had even a few seconds to think about the consequences of his actions, he might have realized how wrong it was. With a gun, you don't usually have that few seconds. It is obvious from his actions at the stadium with the coaches that his he was very remorseful about what he had done. Too late.

And please point out what Costas said that implied that he wanted to impinge on your Second Amendment rights? As many have pointed out -- NOTHING.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He certainly meant to kill her -- at that specific point in time. Had he had even a few seconds to think about the consequences of his actions, he might have realized how wrong it was. With a gun, you don't usually have that few seconds. It is obvious from his actions at the stadium with the coaches that his he was very remorseful about what he had done. Too late.

And please point out what Costas said that implied that he wanted to impinge on your Second Amendment rights? As many have pointed out -- NOTHING. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Belcher could have had a “reflective moment” as he sought out and retrieved is pistol: but he didn’t.

Belcher could have had a “reflective moment” before he pulled the trigger the first time: but he didn’t. Belcher could have had a “reflective moment” before he pulled the trigger the second time: but he didn’t. Belcher could have had a “reflective moment” before he pulled the trigger the third time: but he didn’t. Belcher could have had a “reflective moment” before he pulled the trigger the forth time: but he didn’t. Belcher could have had a “reflective moment” before he pulled the trigger the fifth time: but he didn’t. Belcher could have had a “reflective moment” before he pulled the trigger the sixth time: but he didn’t. Belcher could have had a “reflective moment” before he pulled the trigger the seventh time: but he didn’t. Belcher could have had a “reflective moment” before he pulled the trigger the eighth time: but he didn’t. Belcher could have had a “reflective moment” before he pulled the trigger the ninth time: but he didn’t.

Even before he started, Belcher knew it could only end one way, and that is why he got down on his knees and pulled the trigger for the tenth and final time.

As the saying goes about opinions, each of us has one. And here's one more: If Kasandra Perkins had possessed a gun, she might still be alive today.

BTW, point out where “Second Amendment rights” were mentioned! Chirp! Chirp!
markroxny's Avatar

As the saying goes about opinions, each of us has one. And here's one more: If Kasandra Perkins had possessed a gun, she might still be alive today.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You can't seriously believe that. If she owned a gun, she would have had to go get it before he pulled his on her and fired. Or, if she had it on her at all times, she would have drawn when he drew and they both would have been shooting at each other.

The answer to guns, isn't more guns. More guns doesn't stop people from getting shot, it actually means MORE people get shot.

Guns making killing WAAAY to easy imo.

Sure, he could have killed her without the gun, but it wouldn't have been as easy. That's a fact jack.