wth .. donations and the corona

DallasRain's Avatar
I actually am 50 less at home for my hour
and i feel that my rates are way good for what i offer

but i guess in these times nowadays we gotta be happy with what we get
While I have received a few texts from regulars offering a $20 to $40 discount I don't expect prices to fall through the floor like they did in 2008.

The goal is to get people to stay home so stop the spread of the virus and hopefully reopen in April. There are business considered critical and are working.

It's the entertainment $$ that has ended. These are low wage jobs, wait staff, movies, coffee, gyms, ect. A few of those worker might become providers to make ends meet,but there are numerous other low wage jobs (grocery stores, Amazon) that are hireing and will soak up a % that worked in the hospitality/entertainment industries.

What caused the price to drop in 2008 was the loss of high end jobs. In the construction industry it's not uncommon for an experienced operator to earn a sizeable wage. These jobs dried up and they did not return for several years. Demographics are not on our side at this time, as we have a large generation hitting prime earning years buying houses, furniture, and home items.

As of now economic conditions are too strong to have severe drop off. Just look around in your major cities and look at the tower cranes. Until those jobs dry up there will not be much of change in the price of the hobby.

While it's true this maybe the start of a recession and you might see more ladies posting to make short term needs. Until some of the higher wage jobs in construction disappear your not going to see much of a demand change in the hobby until higher wage jobs start to drop.
This is still a business and we have business expenses and just like when other businesses can't turn a reasonable profit they close the same thing will happen to providers who feel like they are not making what they need

with so many ways to make money on the internet the reason why people turn to providing is because you can make a lot of money and a short amount of time

and it is ridiculous to me that guys are demanding us to charge a hundred and $150 an hour, $60-80 hhr

Regardless, the cost of living is still high

And when you charge a certain price point you attract dangerous clients

y'all are so concerned about getting pussy for the cheapest cost but you're not understanding the dangers we will be put in

Now what I will think will happen is ladies will start offering specials to some of their established clientele already but there's no way in hell you're going to see it's fabulous ladies who care about their life offering entire hours for a hundred /150 an hour
And while the entertainment sector has dried up there are other business owners that are making a killing right now

For example people that own internet-based businesses and I can assure you healthcare is booming right now
And I will also tell you my phone is blowing up for people who are taking a break from hobby right now who want to be on my list for when all this virus stuff is over and price is not an issue

Believe it or not there are some guys who actually think you're worth the price if you're charging and sometimes the more I literally went up on my rates (about 2 months ago) not because of coronavirus but because my clientele told me I should be charging more

and sometimes even when I try to offer people discounts they will still pay me the regular price and tip

with me less is more I would rather have less people that are willing to pay more than a lot of people who are willing to pay less it just does not make me comfortable

because regardless of coronavirus or not
real viruses outside of that exist on The daily and I damn sure ain't trying to catch one by having super low prices and f****** everybody I can

It's a multi-faceted issue here
and if some ladies are silly enough to take some of you guys has advice and charge $100 hr I will guarantee you there will be more LE floating around doing busts because at that price point anybody will be able to afford to hobby and it will just become a mess BECAUSE HOTELS WILL BE SATURATED
whatever....you sound like Seductrix loudly proclaiming she had a big crowd of secret UTR buddies lined up to bang her for top dollar since she was getting dogged daily on this site...pretty much pure BS and we all knew it....give this downturn a couple months and you'll be giving $50 blowjobs to anyone who wants one......good luck on your new career!!
Maverick 07's Avatar
whatever....you sound like Seductrix loudly proclaiming she had a big crowd of secret UTR buddies lined up to bang her for top dollar since she was getting dogged daily on this site...pretty much pure BS and we all knew it....give this downturn a couple months and you'll be giving $50 blowjobs to anyone who wants one......good luck on your new career!! Originally Posted by playa76
Playa 76 speaking the truth...Unfortunately a significant number of escorts will continue to see customers and inevitably spread this deadly virus. What makes the situation even more desperate for them is a large percentage havent filed taxes in a while and will not be receiving stimulus checks or unemployment,
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-25-2020, 01:35 PM
I wonder where one can go to make $100hr these days? How about in a good day without the risk of dying? GPS providers are delusional about reality, they believe the hobby is where the dummies migrate at LOL, the hobby does have some dummies with more $ than sense, it also has smart MFR's that know how to get cheap pussy 365 days a year, even cheaper at the current moment. Everyone is fishing in here, catch what you like and throw back in the rest......
Maggiejewel's Avatar
This is still a business and we have business expenses and just like when other businesses can't turn a reasonable profit they close the same thing will happen to providers who feel like they are not making what they need

with so many ways to make money on the internet the reason why people turn to providing is because you can make a lot of money and a short amount of time

and it is ridiculous to me that guys are demanding us to charge a hundred and $150 an hour, $60-80 hhr

Regardless, the cost of living is still high

And when you charge a certain price point you attract dangerous clients

y'all are so concerned about getting pussy for the cheapest cost but you're not understanding the dangers we will be put in

Now what I will think will happen is ladies will start offering specials to some of their established clientele already but there's no way in hell you're going to see it's fabulous ladies who care about their life offering entire hours for a hundred /150 an hour Originally Posted by Sienna91
Thank you!
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
Some of us providers ARE financially considerate of the guys who may be out of work, but need stress relief--
Maggiejewel's Avatar
What the hell guys! I’m sure someone will put me down, call me names, or make a slide comment here, because they’re ignorant about life in general, but this just pisses me off!
Go get that cheap ass piece! You might also get shit that AJAX won’t scrub off!

Ladies, When we lower our standards we open ourselves to these asshats!

What I do is special, I’m not like most of the providers you’ll find around! I’m sure that almost everyone I’ve met would agree! There are a few of us still here! DALLAS RAIN is an amazing provider! She’s worth way more then she asks for! I know there is not too many ladies that will rock your world like a few of us can!
If you want a dead hole to put it in, cut one in an apple pie assholes! It’s warm if you nuke it! It’s also about 10$ at the store! If you want a GFE and an amazing experience you’ll never forget, then stop lowballing! I’d rather see a few good people and struggle then deal with you asshats lowballing! A good provider realizes if she is good, she’s worth every cent!
Ladies know your worth! We put ourselves in more danger then these MFers will ever understand!
I’ve been smacked, choked, drug off a bed by my foot! Cheated too many times to Wanna admit! I’ve been sent on wild goose chases! To abandoned locations! Had a piece of shit pull a gun on me! Been smothered, gasping for air! You have no idea what this life is like for us! When I went from being a teacher to this, it was amazing the people I met, the money I made! But then the other providers don’t always like it when you’re successful, or you work harder than they do! I’m seriously not trying to piss anyone off or step on any toes! But this life has aged me, paid it’s toll on my mental health, and body! But I’m still here, because over time I’ve found some wonderful Gentlman that rock my world!
If some of these ladies would get there shit together, not allow you Asshats to do what you’re trying to do, then maybe you’d stop!

Travel time and expenses are more then 100$ if I’m low volume and I get one a day at 100$ an hour! I’m losing money! I’m not staying at the ritz but I’m also not staying somewhere nasty and cheap!
Hotel room: 80-100$
Gas for travel: 50$
Food: 25$
Condoms: 15-20 a box
Massage oil: 25$
Can you please do the math!
See my hour usually runs way over, because I’m enjoying myself! I don’t watch the time when I’m climaxing over and over!
You need to realize how much a good provider actually does!
I have always been generous with my time and my abilities!

If you want cheap pussy, Go try Skip the games! But be careful! Cheap can also mean those pics you see aren’t really her! And her pimp might be waiting in the closet or she’ll just rob you and run! You’re setting yourself up for some bad shit!

If you can’t afford an attorney then go get legal aide! Is legal aide as good as the one that gets paid 250$ an hour? Let’s ask all those people in prison that had legal aide! Lol they’re not getting paid much usually, you think they care about your ass? Like I said if it’s a hole you want............!

LADIES: I have regulars that I offer amazing deals to, because they’re legit gentlemen! But you go posting a 100$ an hour you’re setting yourself up for some bad shit!

GENTLEMEN: what happens to those shoes you buy from Walmart? How long do they usually last? What about the pair you have to pay double for that are hand stitched from Italy? Well I’ve thrown out a 100 pairs from Wally World, but I’m still wearing that One pair of Lucchese’s from 20 years ago! Even wear them daily when I’m cruising on my Harley!

Take a moment to care about each other! Send someone a message, let them know you care! Then maybe you’d get better quality everything at a good deal!

I have love and respect for those who earn it!
rcinokc's Avatar
Maggie, you make several valid points. As this shakes out you will have ladies that offer cheap rates to keep their heads above water, those that stay the same, and those that raise rates to try to make the same money off fewer appointments. Uncertain times for everyone for sure. The bottom line is still the same as always, charge whatever you want and guys will either see you or not. Hopefully everything turns out well for everyone.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-25-2020, 02:58 PM
Hookers trying to pay off all expenses for the week off one trick, why do some of you women jump way up the ladder and try to compare attorneys and doctors to selling pussy? That comparison will never work here or anywhere, as my post made clear, fish for what you're looking for and throw back the rest. Plenty of fish in this sea for everyone to stay happy and fully drained......
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-25-2020, 03:00 PM
Some of us providers ARE financially considerate of the guys who may be out of work, but need stress relief-- Originally Posted by Sherry of DFW
Sherry always hustling LOL take notes ladies.....