Another CORRUPTed VM thread...Gotta love it!!

VitaMan's Avatar
Now if he posted a thread of the PISSANTS accomplishment... Originally Posted by bb1961

This must have been posted a dozen times.
I don't give a shit about Biden.

To help you, and to get your mornings started, print out a list with 500 rows of:
"I don't give a shit about that PISSANT Biden"
And tape it to your refrigerator.

That will put you in the frame of mind you need to focus on your day.
VitaMan's Avatar
well - VM - you must be an accountant - to have the ability/interest/motivation to keep track

What is a Computer ???
an Accountant with a personality!

Do get some professional help for the Trump fixation
such a sad way to waste a life -VM. Originally Posted by oeb11

Don't deflect or deny what the Trump squad is capable of doing. You are way off track now.

Stay in your lane of competence: DPST, leftist, marxist, socialist, communist, bolshevik. Then you won't have so many frequent accidental posts. I wouldn't pretend to suggest you need professional help, as you do.

Are you also trying to practice medicine without a license ? That would be QUACKERY.
  • oeb11
  • 09-23-2021, 11:01 AM
My, My, My

The Trump fixated poster telling another :"
You are way off track now."

What a hypocrite and what total inability to see One's very own behavior in teh Forum as a Trump fixated poster.

So SAD - get some professional help [ VM
It is desperately needed.

I never posted that i was a physician
Never posted that I was not a physician.

Do look up teh definition of '(medical) -Quackery - it is independent of a medical license.

so sad - the lack of education mong the Teacher's Unions education indoctrinated.

So - VM - use your motivation to go back through every post I ever made in this forum - to find out if I never posted that I am // or NOT - a physician


So sad - that DPST sheeples cannot debate intelligently - and revert to nonsense accusations - unaccompnied by any evidence or proof - to satisfy their faux elitist DPST urges of superiority.
VitaMan's Avatar
You are not defending yourself very well.

All other items are just the same old blah, blah, blah.
Even a comedy team has to come up with new material to stay fresh.
Otherwise the act becomes stale quickly.
That is because you have a closed mind that is focused on DPST.

Says the guy who HAS a closed mind that obsessed with TRUMP...
Townhall is not exactly a reputable source to educate yourself.

Your posts keep giving and giving... Originally Posted by VitaMan
You posts keep giving and giving!!
Guess you didn't check out Jacuzzme.

It leads to none other than the profile of your boy Strokey McDingDong. That is who is corrupting threads. What is your fortune telling theory about this ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
You don't know WTF you're talking about!!
This must have been posted a dozen times.
I don't give a shit about Biden.

To help you, and to get your mornings started, print out a list with 500 rows of:
"I don't give a shit about that PISSANT Biden"
And tape it to your refrigerator.

That will put you in the frame of mind you need to focus on your day. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Why don't you start another thread and see it it gets...corrupted??

All threads are just the same old TRUMP,TRUMP,TRUMP. Originally Posted by VitaMan
  • Tiny
  • 09-23-2021, 05:46 PM
Why would VitaMan corrupt his own threads? That makes no sense.

I believe this curse was visited upon him because he was a government censor in a past life. If he copes well with the curse, then in his next life he will occupy an exalted position, like a titan of industry or Pope. And if he fails he'll be something like a cockroach.

Good luck VitaMan! I'm rooting for you.
VitaMan's Avatar
You don't know WTF you're talking about!! Originally Posted by bb1961

You are on full tilt now. Clearly you didn't look and see what the problem with Strokey McDingDong is and has been. His profile shows up everywhere and corrupts many threads.
VitaMan's Avatar
Why don't you start another thread and see it it gets...corrupted?? Originally Posted by bb1961

Take a look and see who started this thread.
VitaMan's Avatar
FTFY!! Originally Posted by bb1961

Now that you lost the little anti Biden game you started, you come up with this ?

By the way, everyone knows how to capitalize letters and use bigger fonts.
HedonistForever's Avatar

I don't give a shit about Biden.

That is rather obvious. You don't care about the sitting President, the man with all the power, whose policies on immigration, Afghanistan, foreign and domestic policies are discussed 24 hours a day on literally every news outlet in America but you do care about the former President who has no influence on any of the matters I listed? Surely even you can see how ridiculous that is or perhaps not.

Trump is in the media and news more than Biden. Can you make him go away ?

No but you can, just stop watching CNN and MSNBC

CNN And MSNBC Still Mention Trump More Than Biden

In contrast, the graph below shows that Fox News has covered former president Donald Trump far less than CNN or MSNBC. Look closely and you will notice that CNN and MSNBC have actually mentioned Trump more than Biden.

I can vouch for that. I watch Fox News everyday and I can't remember the last time anybody mentioned Trump in anything other than in passing.

You want to stop hearing about Trump, turn off CNN and MSNBC who you shouldn't be surprised to learn considering all the things Biden has fucked up lately, that they don't want to cover Biden the man with the power to actually close the border if he wanted to but doesn't. The man who so thoroughly fucked up the evacuation of Afghanistan that the entire British Parliament rose to condemn Biden's handling of Afghanistan.

You don't want to hear about Trump, turn on Fox News, you'll barely hear his name mentioned, to much shit to discuss on Biden. Oh wait, you don't actually care about our sitting President, making all the mistakes that are dragging this country down and separating us from our allies, something Biden said he would change but has managed to fuck that up to.

If so, please do so we can move on from his administration and election loss.

Originally Posted by VitaMan
You can move on anytime you like but you don't want to do you. I've met my share of TDS people but you sir, take the cake.
Now that you lost the little anti Biden game you started, you come up with this ?

By the way, everyone knows how to capitalize letters and use bigger fonts. Originally Posted by VitaMan
The PISSANT is losing ALL on his own...he doesn't need my help!!

This one is from your go to source...strange you didn't bring it up...Hmmm must have slipped your mind??

Joe Biden's Disastrous Approval Ratings Show No Sign of Rebounding
Newsweek on · 16h

AND more bad news for the PISSANT and the Democraps...

News about Biden Approval Rating Today

Facebook post reads, "Joe Biden's approval falls to 39 percent, worse than Trump's approval ever." The post did …

YAHOO!News · 7h
Biden approval rate takes hit from both Democrats and Republicans in latest Pew poll

Detroit Free Press · 4h
Inside Biden's falling poll numbers: 5 reasons why the president's approval ratings have dropped 5

Joe Biden's Disastrous Approval Ratings Show No Sign of Rebounding
Newsweek on · 16h

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen ReportsŪ
Sep 13, 2021 · The latest figures include 25% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 46% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -21. ( see trends )

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest Polls
Sep 03, 2021 · President Biden Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 44, Disapprove 50 Disapprove +6 President Biden Job Approval The Hill/HarrisX Approve 47, Disapprove 44 Approve +3 President Biden Job Approval ...

Biden approval polling tracker - Reuters Graphics
May 06, 2021 · Half of Americans approve of President Joe Biden’s performance while 43% disapprove, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos national opinion poll. The remaining 7% of adults were not sure. The...

New NBC News poll shows wide differences in Biden approval ...
New NBC News poll shows wide differences in Biden approval ...
Aug 29, 2021 · President Biden's poll numbers dipped below 50 percent for the first time in his presidency according to the latest NBC News poll. 49-percent of Americans say they approve of Biden’s job ...

Americans' Approval Of Biden Plunges Below 40 Percent In ...
Sep 08, 2021 · President Joe Biden’s approval rating plunged below 40 percent this week, according to a new poll from YouGov and The Economist. Overall, approximately 50 percent of the 1,500 Americans surveyed ...

Biden's approval rating down in several swing states: poll
Sep 08, 2021 · A recent poll shows that President Biden’s approval rating has dipped in several states including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Texas. Biden won Georgia by .2 ...

Biden tanks in 7 Democratic districts as poll says $3.5T ...
Sep 07, 2021 · A new poll shows President Biden’s approval numbers have dropped in seven Democrat-controlled swing districts. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz. According to the poll, when asked whether they believed ...

Biden's Approval Rating Hits A New Low : NPR
Sep 02, 2021 · Amid the chaos of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, President Biden's approval rating slid to just 43% in the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll. That is down 6 percentage points from a ...