
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 09-14-2017, 04:50 AM
Asking for specials when the provider has obviously no recent ones posted is haggling.. Originally Posted by tiatate
Haggling: dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of something

Especially in the case of the OP where there are no rates posted simply asking if she has specials available is NOT haggling. In fact asking anybody if they have any current specials is not haggling unless you keep going back and forth.

If I send a PM to Ruann
Hi Ruann
Introduction, pleasantries , screening, time, blah blah.
I noticed you ran a special last Thursday and was wondering if that rate was still ok.
She can say yes or no. If I keep going on about then it's haggling but it's not haggling by simply asking the question.

If a provider has a problem with me simply asking if a special is still valid then we probably won't get along anyway.
I dont post rates because they change from city to city, weekday to weekend, or I may wake up and say today ima do $30 off. Before and even now guys say they seen a review and want that price. That price doesn't still stand. They literally change all the time because I try to give breaks and if I'm bored, open the door for more clientele. If you missed a special, you just missed it. But keep an eye out because I'm sure 3 days later there probably is gonna be an even better special. Just dont argue. I hate that. I just want fun. You guys have no idea how much pride I take in my services and just want a good time. Originally Posted by Ruann soka
The problem, my dear, is this. You have no donations listed in your showcase. Your business, run it as you see fit. However, there's a certain taboo regarding asking about rates. In fact, some ladies get angry when asked.

So, a gent takes a look at your recent reviews, and sees what others have paid. He makes an assumption, and then is surprised when you quote a higher rate than listed in a number of your reviews. No big deal really, since we never should assume. But that opens the door for potential haggling.

And by the way, NOT ALL Dallas gents are hagglers. Not seeing donations in your showcase, I inquired about same recently, you listed your donations in a reply, and that was that. I'm sure there are many others like me...
Look, to clarify. I'm talking about haggling when someone PMS me, asks what's my rates, I let them know. They then say well I seen in a review it was this. And I say I'm no longer running that special. I'm then told, oh well I only expected to pay $X. Or thats up selling.. No its not up selling if I'm no longer running that special. Just like the Head for the Homeless $60bng. I still get inquiries when I CLEARLY said that is off the table. The special is $80. I've been asked to only do $40...
You guys are going around my point. I understand that not having prices kinda confuses things. But I've never had prices my 2 yrs of hobby, I've ALWAYS said pm me. And its never been an issue.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Many of the guys the OP and other gals bitch about think they're the

I dont have an issue with being asked questions. Lol believe me. If me and the client have time, we legit will talk for hrs. By accident. So the questions aren't an issue. But once I tell you my current specials, dont ask me to do for less. Take it or leave it
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 09-14-2017, 06:36 AM
I dont have an issue with being asked questions. Lol believe me. If me and the client have time, we legit will talk for hrs. By accident. So the questions aren't an issue. But once I tell you my current specials, dont ask me to do for less. Take it or leave it Originally Posted by Ruann soka
Yep...I agree with that!

I'm sure it would get annoying (to say the least)
I'm sure it would get annoying (to say the least) Originally Posted by L.A.
Exactly. Im not the arguing type. Not even in my personal life. Anyone that see's me KNOWS I'm drama free and try my hardest for you to have fun. I didnt make this post for drama and attention like some trolls do. I did it because its a big problem.
I can see both sides of this being potentially frustrating. From a ladies perspective getting a gazillion request trying to haggle your price down is a pain in the ass. As someone mentioned, when you don't list your rate us guys go based off your reviews. Thats why you see the (RS) next to the rate in a review.

I personally ask if you are still running a special in that case, especially if a lady has it in the current ad and its over week old. I saw a girl a few months back that had a RS listed in her ad and she hadn't updated it in a month. I didn't bother asking the rate when I scheduled and she thought I shorted her $50.00 Her p411 and Eccie had the RS rate still listed. She just never updated it...she was cool about it though.

On the other side of the coin when you constantly change your rates it can generate confusion. Just set a standard rate and if you do a special announce in the ad when it ends. I tend to do a lot of research, so when I initally contact a provider I'm inquiring about things to make sure we are compatible, the location is idea for me, and her menu is what I'm looking for. Initial contact to meeting time may be a week. Not because I don't want to see you or I'm a time waster...its actually the opposite. I need to FIND time to see you. (which is the case for a lot of guys). I guess it could be a case by case basis, but if you quote a rate to a specific client give him a few days to set it up. I personally have to drive from Saginaw to Dallas and back plus do the actual session which can be 30-60 mins. Thats about 3 total hours of time I have to make an excuse for!
FunInDFW's Avatar
Anyone that would haggle you won't read this thread.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
What is the opposite of a ThreAD?
  • grean
  • 09-14-2017, 08:01 AM
Its literally like every client that contacts me. Only here in dallas though. Ive never dealt with this before. They say well before it was this. Or I read a review and it was this.. Ok well now I'm telling you what it is. Take it or leave it. Some clients think I have a bad attitude when telling them and I dont. This is my business and I run it however I want. That needs to be remembered.

Also bust my balls? Lol impossible. I've got a bigger set then most guys. Trust me, I've seen. 😂😂 Originally Posted by Ruann soka

No rates listed in showcase or latest ad.

What do you expect?

Add your rates in one or both and you'll have to deal with less haggling.

Give a hourly rate and a halfhour rate if you offer half hours sessions. If you don't offer hhr, then state that.

You will still be contacted by some who want to haggle. It's the game your in....

Most will see your rate and book you or just keep on looking if they don't want to pay your rate.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-14-2017, 08:11 AM
Yeah, I agree with self generated headache.

Post your rates. All of them.you can edit/change it on the fly, only takes 3 seconds.

That way, when you actually run a special, guys will be able to compare said special to your posted rates etc.

Keep it simple. Ya gotta remember you are dealing with the masses. Make it simple, and short. Most don't read a long overly worded showcase or website.

If you get a whim you can always post it in your 411 available now or change your showcase/sig line.
Talk about a pet peeve... There are scores of kick ass providers on this site, at EVERY price point, so flea market haggling seems inappropriate. Besides, obviously, simply trying your luck? $80 to $40 is a 50% cut, if one is looking to haggle, at least learn how to do it correctly? Google may be helpful. Or perhaps a piggy bank?

I can see how not having rates explicitly listed can cause discord, but once a providers' rates are stated you either accept the terms or KIM. Once again, there is something for everyone on the interwebz. Let's not.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-14-2017, 08:36 AM
You guys know what the funny part is, some of these providers that get hot/pissed when asked for a discount, LOVE a special themselves, lets not be hypocrites and make things one sided when convenient before I start look up some examples.

Show me one person here who prefers to pay more for anything? Like I said in my previous post, if it truly bothers you, move on, end communication, You don't wanna be the whiny whore in here, there's already plenty of those in coed.
Show me one person here who prefers to pay more for anything?

Easy to do. Does anybody here prefer to pay more for name branded groceries or clothing? Rather than purchasing cheap, generic, and potentially lower quality goods?

Or perhaps pay more for an expensive luxury automobile? Obviously you could pay a helluva lot less for a cheaper model, but then you'd risk losing out on quality. I don't see haggling being done at the grocery store or Tesla dealership. Not successfully anyways. You typically get what you pay for, no?

If a providers' rates truly bother you, move on, end communication, You don't wanna be the whiny monger in here, there's already plenty of those in coed.

I agree wholeheartedly. Originally Posted by BLM69