I'm back! Houston Photographer

Love the 'Doll Shot'! Judgemental Ahole needs to get a life...or some exercise!
Sitting at your computer day in and day out tends to make you, 'Stalker Crazy' or as large as Jabba the Hut, or both!
I love your work and you are one of the most Professional Photographers that I have had the honor to work with.
Let the haters hate...it means they are jealous. You must be doing something right!

Are women allow to post under the guise of a man? Just curious!?
The edits are trash.
The girls aren't even smooth.
Why do I see cellulite? Originally Posted by JudgementalAHole
If they have cellulite, I don't want the photographer airbrushing it out. I want to know about it.
A bit of a vanity posting from me: I have a passion for black and white photography

Originally Posted by Love Boudoir
Always been my fav black and white photography. Will be going on a sabbatical but when i return i'll be lookin' ya up
Schmafty's Avatar
Love the 'Doll Shot'! Judgemental Ahole needs to get a life...or some exercise! Originally Posted by SexiLexi333
I honestly didn't know if he was trying to play up some kind of novelty account, or if he didn't know what trashy edits actually look like.
Another "trashy" edit
And this one is for you Seeking ~P