Encounter: Rose

lilylivered's Avatar
8 years and 140 reviews....
OM GOSH how horrifying the treatment around here..
what happenned?

that old porn hub vid surface and

the usual panic insue?
“Unknown Caller”

1 year, 0 reviews, 5 posts and two were today.

Yea, I’m sure most are taking these two posts seriously

lilylivered's Avatar
what happenned?

that old porn hub vid surface and

the usual panic insue? Originally Posted by JONBALLS
No its taken care of
Just trying to act like you
No its taken care of
Just trying to act like you Originally Posted by lilylivered
oh sweet so everything he came with was accurate then...
rooster's Avatar
I've known her since she came to Upset. Never a problem. Exact opposite.

lilylivered's Avatar
oh sweet so everything he came with was accurate then... Originally Posted by JONBALLS
It seems time and time again that you have a severe case of "Rose Derangement Syndrome"

Pathetic at best....
It seems time and time again that you have a severe case of "Rose Derangement Syndrome"

Pathetic at best.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
noah wrong as usual

divested enough to maintain a no bias observation

with no regard for your feelings on it either way
“Unknown Caller”

1 year, 0 reviews, 5 posts and two were today.

Yea, I’m sure most are taking these two posts seriously

Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
well, if yah look at the amount of distress from the usual suspects youd be wrong on whos taking things seriously

did this "unknown guy" just innocently stumble into one of herinvulnerablities in her "screening" which if true will help her clean it up for the future or

just was some troll which in that case should nt hold anything worthy to worry about so the only thing here is a buncha overreaction from some tow the liners?