Texas version of Zimmerman?

Ekim the Inbred, Phelps is your Dimocrat-buddy. You celebrate every holiday with him and the Westboro bunch. They are your neighbors, you think like they do: "birds of a feather flock together" -- especially Jayhawker birds. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I see why you keep deflecting to Phelps,you have no opinion on Zman now. You are starting to sound like a parrot keep repeating yourself.Shows your limited response.
  • Laz
  • 06-28-2012, 06:23 PM
they are both based on "stand your ground" Originally Posted by ekim008
They are using the same defense but the facts of the cases are completely different. I also suspect the results of the cases have a good chance of being very different.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I see why you keep deflecting to Phelps,you have no opinion on Zman now. You are starting to sound like a parrot keep repeating yourself.Shows your limited response. Originally Posted by ekim008
Enjoy your BBQ on Wednesday with your Dimocrat-buddy Phelps, Ekim the Inbred.

They are using the same defense but the facts of the cases are completely different. I also suspect the results of the cases have a good chance of being very different. Originally Posted by LAZ
Don't expect Ekim the Inbred, the genetically challenged, to understand the difference. It's beyond his intellectual capabilities.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-28-2012, 07:32 PM
They are using the same defense but the facts of the cases are completely different. I also suspect the results of the cases have a good chance of being very different. Originally Posted by Laz
I can see essentially no similarities other than someone is dead because someone else thought he had the right to shoot him.

This TX idiot should have been a no-brainer assuming what was in the press was correct.

I think Zimmerman was wrong as well, but Zimmerman's situation is in the gray area. A dangerous gray area, but one that is largely a he-said/she-said wher one of the people is dead.

I will be interested to see what eventually happens with Zimmerman, but clearly the masses of hero worshipers on here don't seem quite as convinced Zimmerman is the second coming of Captain America.
Enjoy your BBQ on Wednesday with your Dimocrat-buddy Phelps, Ekim the Inbred.

Don't expect Ekim the Inbred, the genetically challenged, to understand the difference. It's beyond his intellectual capabilities. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Maybe a genetically warped idiot like you cannot understand what a fool you make of yourself talking about your pastor like you do .Which sign do you carry?the one that says"god hated faggots,or the one that says,glad you are dead? you are stupid beyond belief .
I B Hankering's Avatar
Maybe a genetically warped idiot like you cannot understand what a fool you make of yourself talking about your pastor like you do .Which sign do you carry?the one that says"god hated faggots,or the one that says,glad you are dead? you are stupid beyond belief . Originally Posted by ekim008
Are you working on your autobiography, Ekim the Inbred? Looks like you have a good start. Your Dimocrat-buddy Phelps will pray for you.
Chief Deuce Droppa's Avatar
Just like in the George Zimmerman case, I don't believe we are getting the entire story from this MSNBC article. But the way things are going, if you are attacked, you will have no other choices than to allow yourself to be killed, or spend the rest of your life in prison.
Inbreeds are pretty cool people. IJS
Fucking career Union Pyscho...fuck y'all...
Chief Deuce Droppa's Avatar
Okay, so I checked out the unedited video. If telling a neighbor to turn their music down makes one an "aggressor" even in Texas, this is not good for the 2nd amendment. If this is where the country is headed, now is a perfect time to be a criminal.
Chief Deuce Droppa's Avatar
This case and the Zimmerman case are completely different. Originally Posted by Laz
Not really.

Rodriguez told a neighbor to turn the music down. The neighbor attacked, Rodriguez fired.

Zimmerman watched and confronted a would-be burglar. The would-be burglar attacked, Zimmerman fired.

The fact is, we are no longer allowed to confront criminals. If some dude was raping and slashing up Skylar Cruz, I would not be able to step in. She might not even be allowed to protect herself if she had called that guy a name or something. I would have to call the cops and wait, or I would be an aggressor or escalating the situation. Criminals are able to do whatever they please, more often than not, and are coddled by the media and a quickly eroding justice system. in 2012, the criminal has more rights than the victim.
Chief Deuce Droppa's Avatar
they are both based on "stand your ground" Originally Posted by ekim008

Not necessarily. We do not yet know what approach Zimmerman's attorney will take.

Stand Your Ground may not even apply; Martin was atop Zimmerman, beating him like a wild animal. Stand Your Ground is used in cases where the person does NOT have to use a duty to retreat. In this case, Zimmerman was not able to retreat because he was pinned on the ground by a very strong 17 year old.

Remember, Mike Tyson was 17 years old once. I don't doubt for a second that Trayvon was one tough motherfucker. He had a history of violence, burglary and criminal behavior; he was not the angelic 12 year old portrayed by the media.
Are you working on your autobiography, Ekim the Inbred? Looks like you have a good start. Your Dimocrat-buddy Phelps will pray for you.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Gee you are really original.NOT. Boring, goodby. I have put you in for ass hole of the week,look for the award to arrive by mail.good luck.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Gee, you are really original.NOT. Boring, goodby. I have put you in for ass hole of the week,look for the award to arrive by mail.good luck. Originally Posted by ekim008
You are a stupid fuck, Ekim the Inbred. Like the jackass you are, you start a pissing contest and then pretend you are the innocent victim. Go home and play with your Dimocrat-buddy Phelps and his Westboro crew. They are only slightly more than your intellectual equals. And do keep working on your autobiography. After all, there are scores of proofreaders who need work.
Chief Deuce Droppa's Avatar
Stop hijacking this thread with insults!