Age question. As a hobbyist when should I retire?

I will be happy to inform you the majority of friends I meet range from the age of 55-74.. and many of them I have become very fond of. The best thing about the hobby is that there are no limits.. including age.
Personally, I adore wiser gentleman.
Happy Birthday to you..

You are in your prime Originally Posted by melannie_star
I adore.... Melanie Star
skbinks's Avatar
Never quit. With all of the kinky (to me) stuff that I see on here each day, even someone wanting to eat a providers poop, there might be one that is a necrophiliac that you could leave money to for some graveside service every once in a while.
Z23B's Avatar
  • Z23B
  • 05-08-2015, 07:06 PM
I hope the members here don't mind the input of a newbie lurker. As you can see, this is my first post. I've been reading and soaking up the content here for some time but only signed up recently. This is the first time I've ever been so urged to respond that I actually do so. Anyway, on to the subject at hand...

There are some of us (or perhaps it's only me... wouldn't be the first time) who can't partake in this magnificent hobby for reasons other than age. Reasons that make someone like me extremely envious of you who can enjoy what this hobby has to offer. I'm referring to health. I guess I would be young by some standards since I'm my mid-40s. I've always had an extremely strong and vibrant sex drive and I still do. Unfortunately for me, I cant do anything about it. I only have two choices: my right hand or my left hand. Due to health reasons, I am not able to act out the unbridled erotic fantasies that run through my mind day in and day out.

To cut to the chase, all I'm trying to say is that you really should get it while the gettin's good. If you're healthy and willing, make it happen. Don't create an arbitrary or imaginary limitation on enjoying what this world, and all of its gifts and wonders, have to offer... especially of this nature. Have a blast and enjoy the ride as long as you want, regardless of age. Keep it up 'til you can't or until something inside you tells you that you've had enough (as unlikely as that may be).

When I was healthy enough to be an active member of an MC, I used to see a certain quote by Hunter S. Thompson on shirts, bumper stickers, etc... and I think it fits the discussion:

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!"

For those of you who can take life by the horns and make the most of it, take advantage of that... regardless if you're 19 or 91.
Willen's Avatar
First, mondo kudos to Z23B for his honesty and courage. Be well compadre.

To the point of the thread. The aspect I've not seen, um, raised is the factor of your level of comfort and enjoyment. {Others have raised finance, so I'll omit that factor.} So long as you enjoy your experiences, why stop?

Perhaps what underlies your question is a factor some of us think about. That is to say, at what point do I/we/you become ridiculous/pathetic? I write as someone a bit north of 60. So what's the answer?

I can only relate what I observe from personal experience. I pay attention to how well I do: i.e. how she seems to respond to our BCD activities. Of course, cynics will say, with reason, that for women this is a business and their goal is to make me think I had a good time (in part by thinking I pleased them). Point taken. In response I'd only say that I've been in the hobby for a decade and over that time have seen, I dunno, 75+ women. Some for a few dozen times. I've been with women with whom I've not hit it off (some of whom have been smokin') and some whom I seen belittled on the board for one or another aspect of their looks.

All I know is that some make me feel as though we've had a good time, and those are the ones to whom I've returned. I'd stress too that this isn't simply about BCD. I always like to talk with my playmate, respectfully. This element is MUCH bigger than it often gets credit for being.

In sum, it sounds to me as though you have a bright future in the hobby if you choose playmates wisely.

Happy hobbying.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I will be 65 in a few weeks and I am already making plans to celebrate with a lady from here! Originally Posted by myfavhobby
Already arranged a great DOUBLES session with two amazing ladies I've seen before solo.. to celebrate my 60th birthday.
mrhamm's Avatar
I am a baby compared to alot of you. At what point, do you feel you need to start informing women about your age. Has a woman ever had an issue with you being say 70 plus?
Hermosa's Avatar
I will be happy to inform you the majority of friends I meet range from the age of 55-74.. and many of them I have become very fond of. The best thing about the hobby is that there are no limits.. including age.
Personally, I adore wiser gentleman.
Happy Birthday to you..

You are in your prime Originally Posted by melannie_star
Being an older gent (62), I have often wondered how the younger ladies looked at us. I never was looking for some "daughter" thing, nor wanted to be some sort of "daddy" figure. I just wanted to know what great sex could be like with a young, sexy, girl like what I missed out on when I was younger. Melanie, you bring a smile to me!!!!
doug_dfw's Avatar
I am have only been in the hobby for about a year and have met many great providers I would consider friends. This is a great hobby.

I have a birthday coming up and this has gotten me thinking of when should an old man retire from the hobby.

60? Comments? Originally Posted by 67cree
Why are calling yourself old? Are you not in health? Forgive me if that is the situation.

Old in the hobby for some is the day they die- at 92- 101. Whenever.
Old for some is when they can't be bothered.
Old for some whose budget no longer allows the pleasure.
Old for some is when they deny their addiction.
Well, I'm 77 and still enjoying the fun. I haven't ever been refused due to my age and I always tell when I make a contact. Cooper on TER, I think is 83, and enjoying it so he is my hero! Think young and keep mentally and physically active and you will enjoy life. After all, birthdays are good for you. Statistically, it is proven that those with the most birthdays live the longest!
  • eyefo
  • 05-10-2015, 09:31 AM
In response to the OP's question:

(first imagine old Doc Brown's face in Back To The Future, wild eyed, fright wig hair as he said: "1.21 gigawatts? 1.21 GIGAWATTS!? Great Scott!")

Retire at 60!? Retire at SIXTY!?!? Great Scott! that was FIVE YEARS AGO.... The future is the only choice... BACK TO THE FUTURE!!!!"

There are big advantages to being older in this hobby, IMHO.

When I was young, say 25 years old, my sex drive was in total control 24/7.

"Little Dicky" ALWAYS wanted to do the driving and he had no concept of stop signs, traffic rules, pedestrians... only knew there was an accelerator and he couldn't even see over the top of the fucking steering wheel!

Fast forward 40 years back to the future.

Now, I do the driving!!

On the way to dates, Little Dicky is allowed to have a hard on in the car, but NOT allowed to drive. I keep him happy during the trip with stories about how in the land of snakes, "he -- the only one eyed snake -- is king."

This seems to keep him happy despite the constant question: "Are we there yet... are we there yet!!!"


Now I plan, research, take my time, and try and conserve my fun time money, focusing on quality VS quantity.

For instance, I've recently queried Melannie Star (on P411) for a first time visit for a very special "power reversal, erotically dominant" service she is known to provide with excellence and passion.

I've done my research. She's at the top of my "to-do" list. I'm waiting for the best timing.

This visit with Melannie will likely be worth at least 2 or 3 hastily, not-so-well-researched dates.

Little Dicky will simply have to wait.
(I'm not above threatening him: "OK... Its a "cock lock" or one-eyed-snake-stories...your decision, Pal )

I suppose that would be my chief recommendation about hobbying... bring the same ability, patience, thoroughness, and sense of reality and expectation you utilize in your other endeavors that have made you successful.

Keep your "kid" in check.

Patience... patience...Grasshopper

I would MUCH rather be myself now in this activity with all the inherent pitfalls, responsibilities, and pleasures, than when I was 25.

For no amount of love or money would I want to be my 25 year old self again!!

For me, there is simply no contest.

"Youth is wasted on the young." -- Mark Twain
I'm still making up for missed nookie. I am still looking for my ideal ATF. I have not found her yet. When will I stop, when they pull the sheet over my face.
kusmaldo's Avatar
I don't want to be hobbying at 60 myself.I mean having a wife should take care of that
Gotyour6's Avatar
have met many great providers I would consider friends. Originally Posted by 67cree
If you think they are friends you should retire now.
moomer's Avatar
Love TLC and DATY
"I mean having a wife should take care of that."

Plenty of guys here would disagree with that statement.