Where's DNC Chairman and MIN AG Keith Ellison Calling For Calm?

winn dixie's Avatar
Let it burn. Originally Posted by bambino

Burning their own community makes since. So does eugenics
bambino's Avatar

Burning their own community makes since. So does eugenics Originally Posted by winn dixie
Maybe Prince will piss some purple Rain on Minny.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
And when will we hear the call for the Chief of Police to resign. The man at the top is ultimately responsible for the men and women in his command. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Exactly! Too many in this country feel, with this Commander-in-Chief, they don't have to be responsible. If the one at the top, in charge of executing the law, never takes responsibility, why should any one?

I'll take the president's resignation. But I prefer his head.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Who will be the first Elected Official to make the political suicidal remark......”these looters and arsonist are nothing but animals”.

And when will we hear the call for the Chief of Police to resign. The man at the top is ultimately responsible for the men and women in his command. Originally Posted by Jackie S

context matters.

Exactly! Too many in this country feel, with this Commander-in-Chief, they don't have to be responsible. If the one at the top, in charge of executing the law, never takes responsibility, why should any one?

I'll take the president's resignation. But I prefer his head. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

you will get neither. Trump has nothing to do with this. clumsy attempt to "hijack" a post to try to blame Trump.
Did anyone see DNC chair Keith Ellison pleasing for calm?
Or was he passing out Soros cash to BLM leaders to keep these riots going?
I think Tom Perez is the DNC Chairman. Ellison was co chair at onetime. But I think his issues with his GF led him to step down. Originally Posted by bambino
Ellison was appointed deputy chair in 2017 and stepped down in 2018 after being elected Minnesota's AG.
  • oeb11
  • 05-30-2020, 03:48 AM
Thank You 9500- another typical DPST "Trump is to Blame" for Everything post.

Let Stacy Abrams become pOTUS after biden becomes too senile to change his own diaper

watch her make it clear thee is no Rule of law applied to Her race because of "slavery' and not enough "reparations"!.

watch her advocate for street rioting and no repercussions for any crime against white folks.

When they show up at Your front door - and there is no plce to go hide - U can call YSL to protect U.

Typical DPST hypocrisy to enable , encourage rioting and arson - and the murder of innocent folks in the rioting - and the DPST leader just sit silently watching the fun!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
That's the problem. A white police officer harassing a black citizen doesn't feel the need to arrest them to put them in the floor. The officer thinks their life matters and the black one doesn't.

You have to be convinced that these problems are real.

Both problems are "real". There are police who use un-justified force and there are subjects that resist arrest. Watch a couple hours of "Live PD" if you think this isn't true. It is not impossible/ never happens that a police officer throws a subject to the ground without saying a word. I think it is a rare occurrence. Can I prove that, no I can not. What is absolutely not a rare occurrence, because I have seen it a thousand times, is a subject refusing to be cuffed and fighting the police and the bigger the man, the more likely he is to resist. Do I know that Floyd tried to resist, I do not. Do I think it likely that he tried to resist resulting in him ending up on the ground, yes I do. Should the officer have a knee on the man's neck once he has been cuffed, no, he should not. He should have been stood up and put in the back of a patrol car.

Even with mounds of video evidence. Just because the officer is afraid, that's no justification to subdue the subject.

It is absolutely justification for being subdued if the officer is afraid for his life. As a matter of fact, it is routine for an officer to put cuffs on an individual while being questioned for their safety and for the safety of the officer. I hear them say it all the time, "you are not being arrested but I'm going to put these cuffs on while you are questioned". Every situation is different and like I said, the bigger the man, the more likely that he will be put in cuffs and the more likely he will resist being put in cuffs which of course will bring more police in to subdue the suspect.

If a cop says put your hands behind your back the only response to ensure you don't get taken to the ground, is to comply.

I've bitched at The Waco Kid about this. It takes real nerve to see what has been joked about for decades. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

And now we have video evidence. The officer has been charged with 3rd degree murder. No need to riot and as Rev. Al said "burn down Black owned business". Yep, that's what he said "why are you burning down Black owned businesses"? As if you should figure out who owns what before you decide to burn a building. I don't hear any joking about this matter. As a matter of fact, I have never heard a more unanimous outcry from every single person who saw that video, that the cop was wrong and needed to pay for his actions. Not one single person I've heard suggested that maybe the man deserved to die, not one.
HedonistForever's Avatar
you are totally wrong.. all the videos show there was no resistance.. your pro-Police bias can't wrap your head around that, but I have seen 4-5 different videos.. NO RESISTANCE AT ALL.

And you didn't think to show us any of these videos? Do you know how to post a link? You have seen verifiable video of every minute of this confrontation? And you know this how?

his action? possibly passing a fake $20 bill.. murdered for that, if it is even true.

Somebody notified police of a possible crime.

the Nightclub Owner who employed both Floyd and the now arrested Cop, was very revealing.. how on "Urban-themed Nights" that Cop and other White Cops were "skittish", always calling for backup Police over the most minor incidents.

Sure, cause "minor incidents" never turn into major incidents. In this day and age, anytime a police officer stops someone, back up is always called for the safety of the officer. Of course your anti police bias can't wrap your head around the fact that a lone police officer is vulnerable to a larger group of people attacking him which we have now seen in technicolor on the evening news.

in Dallas, the Cops would have told the store that reported the fake $20 bill, to stop bothering them and wasting their time with bullshit.. in Minneapolis it was a call to murder. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

They call that anti police hyperbole.
I'm only seeing his outrage. A major city on fire and no calls for peace and letting the system work. Which, by the way, he's basically in charge of. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That's right! He's four days too late to charge that fucking SOB.
Rep Omar from MIN? Not calling for calm either. What's the Muslim penalty for stealing and looting? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Why don't you go ahead ask your orange mullah?
  • oeb11
  • 05-31-2020, 08:36 AM
Thank u for your "outrage" AM - please go join your cohorts in the streets and commit crimes against innocent homeowners and shope owners.

4 days - do u want to have "Justice" - as proposed by your rioters - bring the cop out of jail and string him up - would Lynching the cop as "justice" assuage your poor hurt feelings????

I believe it would

The cop is jailed and charged with murder.

That is the rule of Law - something U might want to acquaint Urself with.

But - do u have the patience to allow the Rule of Law process to work.??
Evidently Not!
adav8s28's Avatar
Should be charged with accidental manslaughter.
Originally Posted by winn dixie
That is why the prosecutors charged him with 3rd degree murder instead of 2nd degree murder. He kept his knee on his neck even after the other officer said he could not find a pulse.
adav8s28's Avatar

Burning their own community makes since. So does eugenics Originally Posted by winn dixie
These guys were singing about dancing in a disco club, not burning down city buildings.

Not into the BeeGees and Donna Summer, perhaps line dancing at Billy Bobs in FT. Worth is more your speed.
  • oeb11
  • 05-31-2020, 12:50 PM
Thank U little a - the elitist , superior point of view u know is correct comes through in your denigration of What is not NYC Andy Warhol culture.
go Back to Studio 54 - pry up some drywall and guess what is hidden there?????

Better yet - go join the rioters - so CT has a pic of a "white supremacist" to blame!

Perhaps AM can guide along with u with his marksman talents.