43% of Repblicans believe President Obama is a Muslim

What is wrong if he were Muslim? Isn't every Christian part Jew since they follow the Torah? Isn't every Muslim part Christian and part Jewish since many of the stories are re-told in Koran ? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Try selling that to ISIS Dubya EEEE ! Just like you tried selling us about your "pitbull" attorney from Dewey, Cheatum & Howe !!!
Sheer stupidity.

http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefi...ma-is-a-muslim Originally Posted by timpage
42 percent believe in Creationism, go figure.

Obama returned to Honolulu in 1971 to live with his maternal grandparents, Madelyn and Stanley Dunham, and with the aid of a scholarship attended Punahou School, a privatecollege preparatory school, from fifth grade until his graduation from high school in 1979.[18] Obama lived with his mother and sister in Hawaii for three years from 1972 to 1975 while his mother was a graduate student in anthropology at the University of Hawaii.[19] Obama chose to stay in Hawaii with his grandparents for high school at Punahou when his mother and sister returned to Indonesia in 1975 so his mother could begin anthropology field work.[20] His mother spent most of the next two decades in Indonesia, divorcing Lolo in 1980 and earning a PhD degree in 1992, before dying in 1995 in Hawaii following treatment for ovarian cancer and uterine cancer.[21]
that nation's policy of apartheid.[27] In mid-1981, Obama traveled to Indonesia to visit his mother and half-sister Maya, and visited the families of college friends in Pakistan and India for three weeks.[27]

a few more years
are you saying he was NOT influenced ? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I guess you have a point. I mean, look how dumb living in Oklahoma has made you It sure seems to have had an influence on your intelligence.
I rest my case. Each one of you idiots also apparently believes it.

It's sheer stupidity. President Obama is not a Muslim, there is zero evidence that he is and if you believe that he is, you are a moron. Originally Posted by timpage
Would it bother you if he was? After all he spent most of his formative years in Indonesia, which is about 90% Muslim. There's a very good possibility he was a practicing Muslim at one time in his life.

Would it bother you if he was? After all he spent most of his formative years in Indonesia, which is about 90% Muslim. There's a very good possibility he was a practicing Muslim at one time in his life.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Practicing muslim at one time in his life and still a muslim today aren't the same thing. For someone who seems to be all about little differences in crime scenes, you don't seem to carry over that same attention to detail when discussing Obama. It's this disingenuous attitude that is frustrating. I don't personally give a shit what he is. I personally believe he's an agnostic, but that's just me.
If so the Pope will save him next week.
I hope when Fox hosts a Democratic debate (Debbie, are you gonna let that happen?) Fox is able to pull wack job questions from the audience.
Practicing muslim at one time in his life and still a muslim today aren't the same thing. For someone who seems to be all about little differences in crime scenes, you don't seem to carry over that same attention to detail when discussing Obama. It's this disingenuous attitude that is frustrating. I don't personally give a shit what he is. I personally believe he's an agnostic, but that's just me. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So what's the probability of Obama secretly practicing Islam? I think only Obama knows that for sure. Besides it's too fucking late to worry about it. I personally doubt if he is a Muslim. I can't see where he finds the time to pray five times a day. He's too busy playing Golf or giving apology tours.

It was clear Trump still believes Obie is a Muslim, he let that dingbat rave on at his rally, with no correction on his part. He just let the moron voice his thoughts.
Barack Hussein Blessed Arabic Handsome shia

Malia Villages in Iran, Crete, and Cyprus

Natasha …sounds Russian


For more than 17 years, Obama’s own literary agency proclaimed and advertised in many publications, that Obama was born in Kenya. Obama’s own biography with that agency, for which Obama himself wrote, proclaimed Obama to have been born in Kenya. So, don’t someone tell me that it is “self evident” that Obama was born in the United States. Acton & Dystel, and several periodicals, and including Obama himself, claimed he was not born in the United States, for more than 17 years!

Exposing The First Birther
Posted on January 17, 2015 by stevengoddard
Birthers are evil people who say that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. The first birther was almost certainly Barack Obama.

From 1991 to 2007, his literary agents promoted him as being born in Kenya. The only plausible place they could have gotten his bio from is from Barack Obama himself. There was no Internet in 1991. When someone wants a bio, they say “write a short paragraph about yourself.” It is implausible that his bio came from anyone else, or that his agents would have wasted time trying to pull together information about some recently graduated college kid’s birthplace and background.
Hey Timmy, you and Karl Rove can kiss our ass!

Happyfella's Avatar
Is there any evidence that he's not ?
wellendowed1911's Avatar

Hey Timmy, you and Karl Rove can kiss our ass!

http://theconservativetreehouse.com/...r/#more-106224 Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Keep drinking the kool aid - you are the only one who believes that Barack article that you posted a million times is legit. However, there's an old saying keep telling a lie long enough and eventually you will believe the lie.
Barack is a Christian - if anyone in this forum knows it - it's me - I am a born again Christian and I know for sure Obama is no Muslim.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Is there any evidence that he's not ? Originally Posted by Happyfella
Plenty you idiot - you guys can't even get your lies correct - you have Obama grief for going to Pastor Wrights church - so what practicing Muslim attends a church? Also, in Islam if you are Muslim and convert to another faith you could be met with death - has anyone seen him coming out of a mosque ?