Another fuck up that can be laid at Obama's door

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So.. according to this... by the end of 2013, the "cost" of the Iraq war was 808.2 BILLION and the cost of the Afganistan war was 641 Billion, so NEITHER President Hiccup (Bush) and fuccup (Obama) have wracked up $1 Trillion in either of their wars. Now.. FUTURE costs, such as VA and disability, etc, etc, etc.. is supposed to total something like $6 TRILLION according to this research group so at just splitting it in two.. President "fuck up" has already achieved the bigtex goal of a war that cost over $1 trillion

Apparently however, 1600 deaths is a "good" thing, or at least, nothing to be concerned about by Liberals. Apparently give tex's citation of the 4500 Americans killed, that's the bad number.. 1600 racked up under Obama is "nothing to worry about.. move along". Funny how that works in liberal land. Originally Posted by RedLeg505

Hell, I told this to him a couple of times but he is just unteachable.

While I'm here, someone said Nebraska but I didn't see a citation. I'm not taking the word of the Cornhusker kickback for anything. Show me the money!!!!
lustylad's Avatar
Does anybody else find it unusual that the biggest haters on the board are also the worst debaters? Hating on the "Big Environment" now. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Does anybody else find it unusual that Asswipe calls people "haters" for having the temerity to complain about the damage done by the REAL haters?

You see plenty of unhinged wingnuts screaming and hyper-ventilating against Big Oil and Keystone XL. But when was the last time you saw anyone handcuff himself to the White House fence to protest against Big Environment? Who are the haters again, asswipe? Libtards need to look in the mirror.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Name calling (without any purpose than to inflict pain) is a clear indication that the fight is over and the name caller is putting up the white flag.