You just slay me Pyramider!!! LOL!!
redman1501's Avatar
Back in high school I had a run in with those little bastards! My girlfriend at the time and I were "frolicking" in a park at night when all of a sudden we started feeling lots of little burning stings! We had rolled onto a fire ant hill!!! Naked!!! I still do like to be naughty outdoors but I'm a little more careful because I want no part of that again!

And yeah, calamine lotion!
Damn Redman!!! OUCH did they get you in all the wrong places? Its not really funny because those little assholes hurt like HELL!!!! I hope I never get bit again!!!! At least not by a fire ant!!!!!
redman1501's Avatar
Yeah! Many, many places that are so, so wrong to get bit by fire ants! <shudders> And well, in hindsight it is kinda funny now!
Super Sonic's Avatar
The worst is getting those fuckers in your football pads. In High School I was laying on the field while we were going through our pre practice stretching routine and I literally got ants in my pants. I had a bunch of guys standing around me helping me squish those little bastards dead.

I remember one guy got them so deep in his pads he had to literally strip on the field. Coach told us to surround him while we pulled his pads off so the cheerleaders practicing on the other end of the field didn't see him dancing around in his jock strap.
Note to self: wear shoes, and look where you walk. ( if you are not on concrete.. We got snakes here too!)
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
They itch like hell for days after too.

Damn fire ants!