Dallas Police Officer accused of sexual assault found dead

noone deserves to die because of this. That was a remark in very poor taste Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Here is one my favorite quotes:

"Only a life lived for others, is a life worthwhile." -Albert Einstein

Indefinitely, this officer failed to protect and serve not only his community, but also himself.

Now, in the wake of his suicide, he has hurt even more people - His close friends and family.

I give my condolences to all the people he has hurt. Especially, the ones who will never see Jusitice served.

Yes, he did not deserve to die. He took the cowardly route and escaped due punishment from the law.

I agree OBSG! What he was accused of was totally WRONG...but that's no reason to wish him dead.
There must be something going on behind the scenes that was never divulged. Being a 26yr veteran of the PD he could have probably taken some sort of early retirement &, excuse the term, 'copped a plea bargain' and done little if any time in prison.
There must have been more felony charges in the works for him to send him over the edge. Originally Posted by planojim
Even with a plea bargain,

He would've had to face the possibility of being gang-raped and beaten in America's finest "rehabilitation" facilities - Prison.

Good 'ole society would've served its own justice.

Knowing that right there, would be enough to make anybody not sleep well at night.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-09-2015, 11:51 PM
Let's hope none of you ever catch a case, I must of missed the sentencing from the courts on this case, nobody knows what happened behind the scenes or if it was a set up.
I listened to the anarchist video that you posted on another thread. If it wasn't for the police, who is going to protect you and your property from somebody that simply doesn't give a fuck about you? Originally Posted by EZ.
The second amendment. Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby

Also, you should take a gander at this write up about the "Milgram Experiments". Then you'll get why there can be no "good cops".

Mojojo's Avatar
Who was this guy? Ladies, anybody recognize him? There's a picture in the article.


Officer accused of sexual assault found dead

DALLAS - A senior officer with the Dallas Police Department has been found dead. He was accused of forcing prostitutes to have sex with him.

Dallas Police Association confirmed that Sr. Cpl. David Kattner died in an apparent suicide.

Kattner was arrested in December and charged with sexual assault.

He allegedly used his position as a peace officer to contact known female prostitutes and compel them to perform sexual acts while working an extra job, police said.

The officer was a 26-year veteran of the department assigned to the Northeast Patrol Division.

He was on administrative leave while the case was being investigated. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
Let's get back on to this please..
  • EZ.
  • 01-10-2015, 07:34 AM
At the worst,the Milgram study proves that we are a flawed people. No surprise to any of us. How is this relevant to a modern society of 320 million people?

What it doesn't consider is that there are people that are pure evil with absolutely no moral compass. Without any authority, there would be a huge never ending turf war and unprecedented genocide.

In your picture, you have security companies. What is going to keep them from taking everything you own and killing you?

The most violent thing most police officers do is issue traffic tickets. Most (95%) go through their entire careers without ever shooting their guns.
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 01-10-2015, 09:27 AM
Lets stay on topic of OP. Keep it hobby related. Start a conversation if you want in the sandbox otherwise.
At the worst,the Milgram study proves that we are a flawed people. No surprise to any of us. How is this relevant to a modern society of 320 million people?

What it doesn't consider is that there are people that are pure evil with absolutely no moral compass. Without any authority, there would be a huge never ending turf war and unprecedented genocide.

In your picture, you have security companies. What is going to keep them from taking everything you own and killing you?

The most violent thing most police officers do is issue traffic tickets. Most (95%) go through their entire careers without ever shooting their guns. Originally Posted by EZ.
It's relevant because once you allow a person to remove their identity from the job, you allow them take on a "Devil made me do it" attitude. Plus your 95% number doesn't talk into account FBI, IRS, homeland security, and the host of other alphabet soup agencies takes with the job of keeping us subservient to the government.

Look, it's really simple. 98% of the people you and I (and all of us) know are really decent people. They don't want trouble with anyone. You're making an argument based off what YOU THINK 2% (which is a SUPER high number. It's probably closer to 0.01%) MIGHT do.

The people who are going to rob, murder, molest children, rape, or assault someone else are going to do it whether there are police or not. The "police" don't offer a deterrent. My neighbors and I watch out for each other. For the most part, don't yours do the same? With that said, what is the job of the police EXCEPT to be the first line of thugs that "authority" uses to rob and enslave us?

Natural law is simple: don't steal...don't murder (sometimes you gotta kill a mofo)...don't hurt other people. That's easily justified to rational & irrational people alike. BUT buy a $500K home and then pay us taxes...Wear your seatbelt...Marry who WE tell you...Don't drink raw milk? Of course stupid shit like that requires "enforcers" because those "laws" don't help you grow.

So bringing it back to topic, the cops are notorious for breaking the law because they represent the law--most of which are arbitrary anyway. So this coward (like his cowardly friends) used his position to harm another person. He should have paid the price, but he skipped out. Who cares? Who's next?
Iaintliein's Avatar
I am sorry but. . He may have deserved to be fired and maybe even gone to jail but noone deserves to die because of this. That was a remark in very poor taste Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
I disagree. Rape should be a capital crime (if found guilty of course), and this was rape, if true.
planojim's Avatar
Hey BSB!
From what I recall, Most penal systems have special facilities that will house prisoners who are 'at risk' from the general population. Prisoners like pedophiles, cops, etc. Obviously that doesn't mean dick once the bars slam shut.

Here is one my favorite quotes:

"Only a life lived for others, is a life worthwhile." -Albert Einstein

Indefinitely, this officer failed to protect and serve not only his community, but also himself.

Now, in the wake of his suicide, he has hurt even more people - His close friends and family.

I give my condolences to all the people he has hurt. Especially, the ones who will never see Jusitice served.

Yes, he did not deserve to die. He took the cowardly route and escaped due punishment from the law.

Even with a plea bargain,

He would've had to face the possibility of being gang-raped and beaten in America's finest "rehabilitation" facilities - Prison.

Good 'ole society would've served its own justice.

Knowing that right there, would be enough to make anybody not sleep well at night. Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
  • EZ.
  • 01-10-2015, 11:06 AM
It's relevant because once you allow a person to remove their identity from the job, you allow them take on a "Devil made me do it" attitude. Plus your 95% number doesn't talk into account FBI, IRS, homeland security, and the host of other alphabet soup agencies takes with the job of keeping us subservient to the government.

Look, it's really simple. 98% of the people you and I (and all of us) know are really decent people. They don't want trouble with anyone. You're making an argument based off what YOU THINK 2% (which is a SUPER high number. It's probably closer to 0.01%) MIGHT do.

The people who are going to rob, murder, molest children, rape, or assault someone else are going to do it whether there are police or not. The "police" don't offer a deterrent. My neighbors and I watch out for each other. For the most part, don't yours do the same? With that said, what is the job of the police EXCEPT to be the first line of thugs that "authority" uses to rob and enslave us?

Natural law is simple: don't steal...don't murder (sometimes you gotta kill a mofo)...don't hurt other people. That's easily justified to rational & irrational people alike. BUT buy a $500K home and then pay us taxes...Wear your seatbelt...Marry who WE tell you...Don't drink raw milk? Of course stupid shit like that requires "enforcers" because those "laws" don't help you grow.

So bringing it back to topic, the cops are notorious for breaking the law because they represent the law--most of which are arbitrary anyway. So this coward (like his cowardly friends) used his position to harm another person. He should have paid the price, but he skipped out. Who cares? Who's next? Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
Wow, you should have lived in the 60's. You would be ripe to moving into one of the communes. Unfortunately, none of those actually succeeded.

Absent of any type of authority, individuals or other countries are going to step up and take charge. Read the history of Somalia.

It would be the adult version of Lord of the Flies.
Wow, you should have lived in the 60's. You would be ripe to moving into one of the communes. Unfortunately, none of those actually succeeded.

Absent of any type of authority, individuals or other countries are going to step up and take charge. Read the history of Somalia.

It would be the adult version of Lord of the Flies. Originally Posted by EZ.
That's fear talking. A well armed citizenry is it's own best defense.
  • EZ.
  • 01-10-2015, 09:23 PM
That's fear talking. A well armed citizenry is it's own best defense. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
It isn't fear but experience. A small group of well trained, experienced people would decimate a group of amateurs. What was left would run.
Munk's Avatar
  • Munk
  • 01-10-2015, 10:32 PM
The second amendment. Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby

That's my girl!
Crzytxn's Avatar
Not to derail this thread, but I think it's rather comical listening to some of you guys. Yes I agree, often We have more to worry about from the police, than from the folks they're protecting us from. But I think It would be much worse without them. All the folks talking about guns etc.... I got a couple questions for you. Keeping in mind, than I'm a gun nut....and a firm supporter of our 2nd amendment rights...How much time have you spent.....getting to know your weapons. And training, to make damn sure you know how to use it. Secondly, how many of us here have ever shot another person? Or are even capable of doing so? It's a hell of a lot different, than shooting a target. Do we really want to become a society that advocates survival of the fittest?
redman1501's Avatar
I don't have a problem with police, and overall they're for the most part like many of us; earn our money and make it home to sleep or be with our families. But this guy was a rapist, and abusing his position and authority in order to perpetrate; which makes his crime especially despicable. I don't know if going to prison would be more fair than what happened to him; being a cop and a rapist would have probably guaranteed he got to find out what it's like to be on the receiving end of rape among other beatings and such. I can't feel sorry for the guy. A bullet would be too good for him after what he did to all those providers.