Honestly when should a Provider retire?

DallasDoc's Avatar
Retiring? Good points by all. CK hit the nail on the head. Retire when its no longer fun. Applies to provider and hobbyist.

You can also get forced retirement, if it becomes so much work that the skills and attitude go away, then so do the clients.

Although, as the sexy and talented Ze said, " In the end, there will always be someone willing to pay if you are willing to sell."

This is true, but if you have relied on a certain number of clients a week or month to get you where you need to be things need to change.

I don't believe in announcing retirement, so many do, and so many return, the hobby is addicting for both client and provider.

I know several providers who have moved on, and some I'm still friends with (just friends), some found love, some completed school and went on to better things, some took what they had and started businesses, and some just disappeared.

The only one that tell you when its time to give up on the hobby is YOU.

Felicity you are a sexy smart lady and you will find the right time, and I'm sure the hard cock you need on a daily basis. (lucky guy)

Ze your pic is lovely and sexy as ever, you are a real treat.

The hobby is just a brief part of life, enjoy it, use it as you like, and when your done with it, just walk away with some amazing memories.
So now that we all conclude as I stated a provider can make that choice anytime!
What about the ones that hide behind old, inaccurate and altered photos? How often does this occur?
To see something very inviting and finding at the door, the pictures are far from accurate?
As for the threAD Ze I love the photo you added ( and I’m being honest!)
I have read many THREADS that include a providers picture along with up coming dates.
My threads have not included anything regarding my availability, lonely, or in need for a regular.
Simple things that I desire, enjoy and curiosity. I’m a mature woman that will NEVER DISREPECT ANYONE!
It’s obvious some care not for my threads and the best I can respond is don’t bother reading them.
And to all please if I cross a boundary please pm me so it can be address in a mature manner. We all are adults here correct?

A lady should retire when this isn't fun anymore....and obviously when she feels it's the right time.

Shameless photo plug here:
I don't believe ze mentioned this as a threAD....to be a negative thing....

I enjoy your posts....so keep writing....
PeterBota's Avatar
Once she loses a tooth.
PeterBota wouldn’t that be great for blowjobs? Just put dentures in a glass 😊 definitely no staffing from teeth.
AnaLeese and Ze I didn’t take it as negative! Sometimes without knowing a person in RL words can come of to others negatively, misconstrued etc. I just wanted to cover all bases.
There were more questions in my threAD than just retirement. I’m curious 🤔.
Back in late 2015 when I started, I was very unfamiliar and I’m still learning about the hobby. I did not participate in threads and now I am.
I have a healthy sexual appetite, enjoy pleasing, prefer to stay single, independent and desire to achieve my goals and have a good time doing it. The hobby provides me with all of that and more.
I’m able to consentrate on my career, have quality time with family and bonus get my needs met.
I’ve coresponded with many AMAZING PROVIDERS, MEET A FEW and my clientele have always been enjoyable.
The worst thing I can say about the hobby is the drama that is started and some are just simply RUDE to others in threads.
I do hope all have an enjoyable week
Namssa's Avatar
First retirement - when they want to
Second retirement - when they have to

I was called sugerbutt recently so this is my rebellious post acting out and being a little salty, blame it on her.
To be brutally honest and blunt.... it really isn't your business nor concern if other ladies do or don't have a plan for retirement.

My intention is to continue until the last of my kids graduate. That will put me in my mid 40's and at that point, I think I'll be ready to hang it up. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Lol. It's none of your business....but here is what I plan to do. Smh...
micktoz's Avatar
I had a wonderful lady who just retired. She is 56 and she started in this when she was 48.She was a corporate casualty of the 2007/8 recession. She is beautiful and was one of my absolute favorites to play with.
She also has a legitimate/ legal business and has retired because she couldn't do both jobs to the standard she needed to be successful. So she chose the one that has the greatest chance for growth. Very clever woman.
It's different for everyone.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I was called sugerbutt recently so this is my rebellious post acting out and being a little salty, blame it on her. Originally Posted by Namssa
Yeah, thanks for calling me out. I didn't tell anyone you referred to me as pumpkin butt.

1. A provider should retire when her uterus falls out from over use.
2. When she contracts cooties.
3. When she becomes so burned out that she starts hating men and shows her resentment with every session. We have a few of those on the site.
  • grean
  • 10-31-2017, 06:15 AM
When is it time to hang up the heels? When you find yourself not wanting to do this anymore. And some long overstay that sign as well. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

When ladies stop trying to act like they want to do this is more like it. We all have seen a couple who don't give a shit and don't care that you know that they don't. That's a depressing scene.

Otherwise, grannies need dick too!
Oil up that prosthetic hip and get that itch scratched while making some cash.
2short@desky's Avatar
Who the heck ever gets to really retire from anything? If you have kids you're always looking out for them until you physically no longer can. The mainstream source of income may change because of the conditions you stated, but I will offer one tidbit. Never unlearn what you already know and are good at..the day may come when it may be your only leg to stand on after you've jumped off into something else. Oh, and one last thing...you're very good at it!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Lol. It's none of your business....but here is what I plan to do. Smh... Originally Posted by add1ct3d
The "none of her business" remark was based on the detection of some snark in her OP....however, she did ask a question and I answered. Don't like it, feel free to utilize the ignore function.
rexdutchman's Avatar
When you don't like "dick" anymore ( yes it happens )