Human Conflict

alex_reece's Avatar
Reality is survival of the fittest in a nutshell. There is always one who wants to obtain dominance over another. No matter what area, situation, stage a person is in life. You will always be tested. You have and will always experience conflict in one form or another from birth until your death.

Thankfully conflict is not the only humans interact, and depending on where you are from, it's not the only way humans interact. We can, have, and do come into common accord with one another from time to time. How else do you think relationships (personal and professional) are built and maintained? Conflict is just another necessary thread we all will and sometimes need to experience.

With conflict you will be hurt in one way or another. But without being hurt, how will one ever really know that one is truly capable by overcoming it? How else will we ever know what feels good after the conflict has passed?
The one emotion that drives a human the most is anger.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Being tested is one thing and I do not oppose it, but thinking that human conflict is somehow "necessary" for human growth is totally absurd.

The human conflict I am talking about is the constantly increasing violence and warfare that humans keep inflicting on one another causing ever increasing destruction, famine and pestilence. Where cities are ravaged and generations of people are wiped off the earth.

Anyone who thinks human conflict is "necessary" could probably argue that the polio virus is also somehow good for humanity.

. . . Human conflict is just another horrible disease that needs to be eradicated, not glorified.

Reality is survival of the fittest in a nutshell. There is always one who wants to obtain dominance over another. No matter what area, situation, stage a person is in life. You will always be tested. You have and will always experience conflict in one form or another from birth until your death.

Thankfully conflict is not the only humans interact, and depending on where you are from, it's not the only way humans interact. We can, have, and do come into common accord with one another from time to time. How else do you think relationships (personal and professional) are built and maintained? Conflict is just another necessary thread we all will and sometimes need to experience.

With conflict you will be hurt in one way or another. But without being hurt, how will one ever really know that one is truly capable by overcoming it? How else will we ever know what feels good after the conflict has passed? Originally Posted by alex_reece
Great topic Fast Gunn!

I've pondered this too in dealings with family members, so it's funny you bring this up. In short, the answer to the WHY I have found is peaceful is apparently boring. Guys piss of their girlfriends just to have make-up sex. Family members will say things under the guise of 'being honest', but not consider the impact of the way it's being said, just to keep the 'he gets on my nerves' backchannel conversation going just to have something to say to someone else.

On a larger scale, (and to bring the Bible in this) people need to deal with themselves first, and understand that they're human and fallible so that they can deal with the rest of the world with the patience they expect to be shown. People hate other people for a variety of reasons, and anger IS the main motivator. But until the collective individual rear our children in love instead of hate, seek to understand instead of hate, this is what we're working with.

I've had to work on myself in this respect. Being a go-getter, I was never fond of excuses. My theory was if I can do it, anyone can if they want 'it' bad enough. I was being impatient and borderline mean under the guise of positivity. What woke me up was having to work on one of my many shortcomings, and sought the help of a professional. She was demeaning, and my thoughts was she was not seeking to understand me. But the bad part was she sounded just like me, and I realized and apologized to a LOT of people because of that encounter. But also, I looked at her differently, and continued to work with this person because I'm supposed to be able to take the crap I dish out. I sought to take her motivation in this particular area as a motivator for me that doesn't come natural in this area.

The problem with most people is that we'd rather wallow in anger and insecurity because it can keep us strong. But it can also drive a wedge between the people that love us or that are here to help us.

The Beetles said it best: all we need is love.
bojulay's Avatar
Only after Christ returns, sets his feet down on the Mount of Olives
and kills a few million Mo Fos in the process will there be peace.

And then after the thousand years of peace Lucifer is turned
loose again, and a few million more Mo Fos that follow after
him get killed. Then it's a new Heaven and a new Earth and
Mo Fos everywhere will live in peace and harmony, cause
old Lu will be swimming around down in his permanent hot tub.

Hard to believe any of that is going to happen?

Hey it's hard for me to believe that someone would rape
and murder a little five year old girl, and throw her little
body in a ditch along the side of the road like a used
up piece of garbage. But it happens.

Evil will be until the source of evil is permanently removed.

One possible scenario. The Utopian Society People not withstanding.
alex_reece's Avatar
How is it totally absurd? You do realize that human conflict doesn't always lead to or stem from violence right? Thinking that it does is what's truly absurd.

Regarding the increasing violence you are preaching about, it's something that's happened for generations and it won't just because one may wish for it to stop happening. Violence is apart of this life we live. No matter who you are or where you come from, you will experience this in one from or another throughout your life. I'm sure you already have. The interesting thing is that not only humans experience this conflict/violence but all animals within the animal kingdom go through this just the same.

I've already stated that at it's core, nature is the survival of the fittest. There will always be someone who will try to conquer another. Just look at how many nations were conquered, and civilizations were built because of it.

Regardless, conflict is a correlation to violence, but not always a causation to it. Conflict is necessary at times. Otherwise, it seems that you would just agree with anything and everything that goes on. Hell we are having a conflict right now and there are no blows being thrown which further proves my point.

Being tested is one thing and I do not oppose it, but thinking that human conflict is somehow "necessary" for human growth is totally absurd.

The human conflict I am talking about is the constantly increasing violence and warfare that humans keep inflicting on one another causing ever increasing destruction, famine and pestilence. Where cities are ravaged and generations of people are wiped off the earth.

Anyone who thinks human conflict is "necessary" could probably argue that the polio virus is also somehow good for humanity.

. . . Human conflict is just another horrible disease that needs to be eradicated, not glorified.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
jsparrow's Avatar
Excellent post that has elicited many thoughtful responses.

But I disagree with your premise. Certainly, conflicts exist worldwide but we are getting better at understanding one another and getting along. IMHO, When we are in Harmony with one another (many lifetimes from now...I won't be here), then Humanity will be ready for the next evolutionary leap.

BTW Sex continues to be AWESOME in all its variations...that's why we're on this site, Right?
I know you did not agree about my animal statement, but it is very true. As far as the Bible, although I am Christian I do pretty much think it is just a book of morals created to instill fear in man and make him believe there are consequences for his behavior. Prior to the Bible and the BC years-- rape, adultery, crimes, incest, horrible violence and war was the norm of life. Not so different now in my opinion, only we have laws, judges, jail, and the fear of burning in hell. The world hasnt really changed, we are just now more informed of the violence and disturbing act of mankind via television, internet, etc.

I wonder if your conflict is just more inner and deeply seeded. We are fueled and driven by sex, which is an animalistic act in order to procreate--which if your a Bible thumper you grew up being told it was not for pleasure but just to breed.

I think Ill use my free time not worrying so much about the world and its ugliness, but instead embrace the good in which I have chosen to see in others. And hopefully when I am gone I have left a mark on someone's life in a positive manner, a legacy so to speak, and know that I have helped make another persons life a little easier--whether it was giving my clothes to a homeless shelter, blood for a sick child, or any other charitable act, materialistic or just in volunteering my time.

And by the way, when you speak of the world, dont forget how horrible, violent, and dangerous the hobby world can be. This is probably one of the most deviant and dirty businesses I have ever seen out there. There is no peace and serenity is selling ones body and soul in order to survive.
Also keep in mind we all function in vastly different realities. Not everyone is experiencing the same thing.

Some people will say they are living such beautiful lives filled with joy and happiness, that they are so grateful to be on earth. That earth is the most beautiful home, and humans are...well just fallen angels

In my world, there is only peace and making love
alex_reece's Avatar
I've already stated that conflict is a correlation to violence, and if the OP is only talking about violence, then why not just say violence?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I believe you are right on target with your assessment of the situation, Tiffani.

Most people today still believe that the problems they face are "out there" in the world, in other people, in the bad economy, in a bad relationship and so forth.

The truth that most people cannot handle is that the source of most of the problems we face are right inside of us. Shudder! How can that be?

It's a bitter pill to swallow and so much easier to blame the world than to take responsibility for our inner world.

. . . Most folks cannot even see that and therefore will not accept that, much less work on it and so the cycle continue!

Great topic Fast Gunn!

I've pondered this too in dealings with family members, so it's funny you bring this up. In short, the answer to the WHY I have found is peaceful is apparently boring. Guys piss of their girlfriends just to have make-up sex. Family members will say things under the guise of 'being honest', but not consider the impact of the way it's being said, just to keep the 'he gets on my nerves' backchannel conversation going just to have something to say to someone else.

On a larger scale, (and to bring the Bible in this) people need to deal with themselves first, and understand that they're human and fallible so that they can deal with the rest of the world with the patience they expect to be shown. People hate other people for a variety of reasons, and anger IS the main motivator. But until the collective individual rear our children in love instead of hate, seek to understand instead of hate, this is what we're working with.

I've had to work on myself in this respect. Being a go-getter, I was never fond of excuses. My theory was if I can do it, anyone can if they want 'it' bad enough. I was being impatient and borderline mean under the guise of positivity. What woke me up was having to work on one of my many shortcomings, and sought the help of a professional. She was demeaning, and my thoughts was she was not seeking to understand me. But the bad part was she sounded just like me, and I realized and apologized to a LOT of people because of that encounter. But also, I looked at her differently, and continued to work with this person because I'm supposed to be able to take the crap I dish out. I sought to take her motivation in this particular area as a motivator for me that doesn't come natural in this area.

The problem with most people is that we'd rather wallow in anger and insecurity because it can keep us strong. But it can also drive a wedge between the people that love us or that are here to help us.

The Beetles said it best: all we need is love.
Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
KittyLamour's Avatar
"Thanks for your responses, but I believe the answer lies beyond religion and I'd rather not go in that direction.

I have nothing against the Bible, but I don't believe you will find the answers to man's problems there.

. . . Religions of one stripe or another have begun more wars than Hitler!"
Fast Gunn

The Bible is surely the most influential book ever written. It has been translated into more languages than any other piece of literature. More than two billion people alive today embrace, at least nominally, its teachings. Even so, many do not realize how profoundly the Bible has influenced the course of all Western civilization. Millions do not understand that biblical laws and teachings provided the basis for social values and legal systems throughout the Western world for centuries. Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most brilliant minds of his century, remarked, "There are more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history." Britain's Queen Victoria said of the Bible, "That book accounts for the supremacy of England." U.S. president Andrew Jackson stated, "That book, sir, is the rock on which our republic stands." U.S. president George Washington commented, "It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible." France's Napoleon observed, "The Bible is no mere book, but a Living Creature, with a power that conquers all who oppose it"
"The Bible is the sheet-anchor of our liberties."
Ulysses S. Grant
"A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education."
Theodore Roosevelt
“I have always said and always will say that the studious perusal of the Sacred Volume will make better citizens, better fathers... the Bible makes the best people in the world."
Thomas Jefferson
"Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face."
Ronald Reagan
"My custom is to read four or five chapters of the Bible every morning immediately after rising... It seems to me the most suitable manner of beginning the day... It is an invaluable and inexhaustible mine of knowledge and virtue."
John Quincy Adams
“I believe that the existence of the Bible is the greatest benefit to the human race. Any attempt to belittle it, I believe, is a crime against humanity.”
Immanuel Kent
“In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength.”
Robert E. Lee
"There came a time in my life when I doubted the divinity of the Scriptures, and I resolved as a lawyer and a judge
I would try the Book as I would try anything in the courtroom, taking evidence for and against. It was a long,
serious and profound study and using the same principles of evidence in this religious matter as I always do in
secular matters, I have come to the decision that the BIBLE is a supernatural Book, that it has come from G-D, and
that the only safety for the human race is to follow its teachings"
Salmon P. Chase
"Whereas, the Senate of the United States devoutly recognizing the Supreme Authority and just Government of
Almighty G-D in all the affairs of men and of nations, has, by a resolution; requested the President to designate and
set apart a day for national prayer and humiliation: And whereas, it is the duty of nations as well as of men to
own their dependence upon the power of G-D, to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow yet
with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon, and to recognize the sublime truth,
announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history: that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord ... "
"All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and
war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the BIBLE"
Noah Webster
"Yes, I read the Bible--every God-damned day!"

Fast Gunn, it seems that some would disagree with you.

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. 14 I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.”
Jeremiah 29:11-14

PS anybody who thinks that I have no right to speak on this subject for my profession, or that we're all subject to judgement for the hobby...I invite you to read the story of Rahab the prostitute...Joshua 2:1-24, looks like some Israelites went to visit her and then when the city she lived in, Jericho was conquered...she and her family were the only ones saved out of the whole city. Of course, we all know the story of Mary Magdalene and letting he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Thanks for your interesting post mercianna, but just to be clear, I have no intention of casting stones against you or the Bible.

This is not the first time that people have disagreed with me and I don't expect it to be the last, but just because people, even powerful people, disagree with me does not make them right.

For example, I disagreed with the Iraq war the very second that the idea was proposed and yet many of my friends and coworkers thought it was a great idea. All my arguments fell on deaf ears.

Yet, you can see now just how badly that horrendous fiasco turned out for this country.

There is no need to bring in a panel of people who disagree with me since I have nothing against the Bible.

However, I would mention that some of the people on your list owned slaves and at least one was a famous atheist.

I believe that not owning slaves myself and a being a firm believer in God does give me an advantage on that score.

. ., . My only contention on this point was that the answer to the scourge of human conflict won't be found in that book or any other one.

Thanks for your interesting post mercianna, but just to be clear, I have no intention of casting stones against you or the Bible.

This is not the first time that people have disagreed with me and I don't expect it to be the last, but just because people, even powerful people, disagree with me does not make them right.

For example, I disagreed with the Iraq war the very second that the idea was proposed and yet many of my friends and coworkers thought it was a great idea. All my arguments fell on deaf ears.

Yet, you can see now just how badly that horrendous fiasco turned out for this country.

There is no need to bring in a panel of people who disagree with me since I have nothing against the Bible.

However, I would mention that some of the people on your list owned slaves and at least one was a famous atheist.

I believe that not owning slaves myself and a being a firm believer in God does give me an advantage on that score.

. ., . My only contention on this point was that the answer to the scourge of human conflict won't be found in that book or any other one.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Don't feel bad, Fast Gunn.

When people feel they're right, there's always an air of inobjectivity. When it comes to politics, no wants to understand where the other side comes from. It's what keeps classism and seperatism going. On a more natural plane, there are so many types of situations people are in that there is a different solution for all of them. The problem with government is trying to enforce one rule for all people, and it doesn't work. I'm definitely going to shut my mouth on the Iraq war.

And to keep it short on the subject of religion, what makes the Bible a pertinent read is the same thing that makes all religious works pertinent reads: the truth. When you break through all the he-said she-said in the accounts, there are certain truths that transcend religion, and speak to all of us, since the spiritual plane is the area in which we're all equal. Everything else is up for interpretation.

And from my viewpoint, the answer to the scourge of human conflict is there, but only if they decide to take the advice given. Every religious work hints around to the fact that you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Also to humble yourself. The problem is people feeling like they are better for being religious in some form that they forget that the meek shall inherit the earth, also hinted on.

You kill me, trying to one-up Thomas Jefferson on not being a slave owner (not sure who the atheist is).
pyramider's Avatar
Why is this thread in National Discussions and not in the Sandbox?