Kyla - no call/no show

Guest022210's Avatar
Shouldn't a no call no show go in the review section.Technically it is a review of service,or lack thereof.
This no-call/no-show was an honest mistake. Their was a misunderstanding and I am working to resolve the issue. Also, to Jaxar, I have your number written down in my little black book with a sticky attached to it saying to call you if I had an opening. I tried my best but it was a very busy night, I am sorry.
Happy hobbying, everyone!!!
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 02-06-2010, 08:35 PM
Guys stick to the facts of this thread. What one is claiming has no basis in this thread. STICK TO THE FACTS.

Guest022210's Avatar
Kyla just PMd me apologizing and offering a discount.I think I said something in thread she misunderstood. At the risk of sounding like a WK,it seems like a very fair gesture.I told her that the aggrieved party was guyinarkansas not me.I feel certain she will make contact with him when she gets the PM and make amends appropriately. Happy Hobbying guy.I always say,the best sex in the world is from a woman trying to apologize,I look forward to that review
Kyla just PMd me apologizing and offering a discount.I think I said something in thread she misunderstood. At the risk of sounded like a WK,it seems like a very fair gesture.I told her that the aggrieved was guyinarkansas.I feel certain she will make contact him when she gets it and make amends appropriately. Originally Posted by Lookin4
Good on you for directing her in the right direction instead of taking advantage.
Guest022210's Avatar
Guys stick to the facts of this thread. What one is claiming has no basis in this thread. STICK TO THE FACTS.

HSP Originally Posted by hspaperman
Good on you for directing her in the right direction instead of taking advantage. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
It was more practical than altruistic Charles. I learned a long time ago that 55 won't go into 20 and have anything left over.

Good call Brother Moderator.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I've been in contact with Kyla and everything is cool with us now. Apology accepted and she has graciously offered to give me a discount on a future meeting to make amends. I'm sure Kyla will be a fine addition to our already wonderful group of ladies here in the state and I hope that my post hasn't caused her too much trouble.

Thanks to Lookin4 for your help redirecting the misplaced message and also thanks to everyone else who chimed in.
Guest022210's Avatar
I think her attitude,and willingness to correct a problem and make it right speaks to professionalism and concern for good service and ultimately helps rather than hurts her business.She keeps impressing me and a lot of other folk.
That's Bullshit, BigL She stood the dude up. Its rude and unprofessional Originally Posted by arklookn4lovn
We've all had it happen and there are circumstances. Good to see that it was a misunderstanding and its being corrected.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot..... Happy Birthday Kyla! Hope you have a great day!
We're throwing a birthday party for Kyla and there's no boys allowed! :P
Guest022210's Avatar
We're throwing a birthday party for Kyla and there's no boys allowed! :P Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
That's OK Lily, I really couldn't have left the cocktail party I am having for George Clooney and Brad Pitt.
We're throwing a birthday party for Kyla and there's no boys allowed! :P Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Yeah, well I'm sure it's hard for the girls to compete with the Super Bowl. I mean, the girls are available most of the time. The Super Bowl occurs for three hours a year.

Yes, yes, I know girls like football too. As a Colts fan, the girls should be rooting for the Saints since the CEO is a 31 yo woman. Guys, she is rich, unmarried, has no kids, and isn't necessarily looking. At least according to reports.

Anyway, seems like a good time for a bday party. Have fun, ladies!!!!
  • jaxar
  • 02-07-2010, 01:17 PM
HAPPY B-DAY KYLA!!! Ya'll enjoy the party. I'll enjoy watching the Colts whip some Saints butt
Party was super dooper fun!!! Thanks for the bday wishes!!! Hugs and kisses to all you guys! XoXoXoXo and loads more.