Ladies, how do you handle it when you pull a NC/NS?

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
This is either a trick question or an incredibly stupid thread topic.

To even begin to answer the question one would have to admit they ncns people.

That's like asking "when you have an std, do you tell your sex partner or do you just let them figure it out on their own?". Originally Posted by coolaid
This definitely belongs in Dorian's February Thread of questions asked this month.....
  • RoxyG
  • 02-21-2014, 09:04 PM
I've never NCNS.... did have to cancel once , but did it with sufficient time to allow him to make other plans and I also promised him extra time thrown in during our next meeting for being so understanding.
citizen44's Avatar
This definitely belongs in Dorian's February Thread of questions asked this month..... Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
No, so far you are the only one who answered the question correctly. It's about how a provider manages a situation were they have messed up, and what would they do, if anything, to retain the client.

Coolaid, its not a stupid subject, but a very relavent one. Yes I think some of the ladies would admit to occassional mistakes. Everyone is human and makes them. Its about what you do afterward that sets you apart. A very seldom NCNS will not harm a provider if she is smart and figures out what needs to ne done to make that client happy, and not start publishing bad press about it.

This is relavent to me because it happened to me this morning. The thing that has me amused is that she just texted a very short "sorry" message and nothing else. It just seems very short sighted that she made absolutely no attempt to salvage the situation.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
This is relavent to me because it happened to me this morning. The thing that has me amused is that she just texted a very short "sorry" message and nothing else. It just seems very short sighted that she made absolutely no attempt to salvage the situation. Originally Posted by citizen44
Okay, now we have a better understanding sweetie. Hopefully she will give you some sort of monetary discount if you choose to see her again. I opt for a monetary discount because I'm not a clock watcher to begin with. Good luck and don't allow for this to sour your next experience. There are many reputable providers that choose (because it is a conscious decision they're making) not to resort to an action this lame. Hell, this is a better thread than the threADS that keep popping up.
This is relavent to me because it happened to me this morning. The thing that has me amused is that she just texted a very short "sorry" message and nothing else. It just seems very short sighted that she made absolutely no attempt to salvage the situation. Originally Posted by citizen44

BINGO! Now we get the real story, exactly what I thought was going on. This is just like the "give a man his due" thread.

You guys get screwed over by providers and then you want to come here and whine and cry, "oh this scenario isn't right", or "you shouldn't treat people like this" bla bla bla...

Grow some balls and PUT THE BITCH ON BLAST! If you don't NAME the hooker who did this to you, you're just wasting bandwidth and everybody's time who are reading the useless thread.
BINGO! Now we get the real story, exactly what I thought was going on. This is just like the "give a man his due" thread.

You guys get screwed over by providers and then you want to come here and whine and cry, "oh this scenario isn't right", or "you shouldn't treat people like this" bla bla bla...

Grow some balls and PUT THE BITCH ON BLAST! If you don't NAME the hooker who did this to you, you're just wasting bandwidth and everybody's time who are reading the useless thread. Originally Posted by coolaid
You've come this far OP, now you might as well put her on blast, especially if the piss poor way she responded is to be believed. Have her defend it. Who knows, maybe she genuinely had a yeast infection or something.

She sure did and she was more than generous with her time. Thanks babe!!!


I believe that the latest I have ever cancelled on someone was the morning of an afternoon appointment, maybe 3 hours prior, because my tummy was violently rejecting dinner from a Thai joint the night before. I gave the understanding gentleman extra time to compensate when we did finally get together. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
citizen44's Avatar
Coolaid, as you can see from the only other time I was NCNS'd, I have no problem naming and shaming.

The difference is, unlike several people on this board, i tend to have a great bit higher respect for the ladies on this board. The incident is only about disappointment and how certain people choose to run their business. Its not a reason for me to start calling her a bitch, while sitting anonymously behind a keyboard.

Fancyingeels, thanks you gave me the answer I was looking for. I never ask providers for lower fee unless its part of review special or a special she is currently running. Extra Time though would be a reward for me for the incident, while still providing her the normal amount to show up for. If she is not interested in that, then yes, she deserves a NCNS report.
  • Sonya
  • 02-22-2014, 09:08 AM
I've never been a nc/ns. I've always been early or on time. The hobby is a small part of my life and I have a schedule too. Wish gentleman could be as considerate. Don't ignore a confirmation. Ill accept a answer of I changed my mind. Consideration people, its free.
Coolaid, as you can see from the only other time I was NCNS'd, I have no problem naming and shaming.

The difference is, unlike several people on this board, i tend to have a great bit higher respect for the ladies on this board. The incident is only about disappointment and how certain people choose to run their business. Its not a reason for me to start calling her a bitch, while sitting anonymously behind a keyboard.

Fancyingeels, thanks you gave me the answer I was looking for. I never ask providers for lower fee unless its part of review special or a special she is currently running. Extra Time though would be a reward for me for the incident, while still providing her the normal amount to show up for. If she is not interested in that, then yes, she deserves a NCNS report. Originally Posted by citizen44

You're disrespecting the community and yourself by insulting our intelligence with a STUPID thread topic when the real issue is you're butthurt that you got ncns'd.

I know what's going on. You posted this thread in the hopes that your ncns queen will pm you with an offer to make it up. And if she does I'm sure you'll go running to her, eager to kiss her ass and assure her that you never had any intention of exposing her. And I'm sure you'll mention to her what an asshole that coolaid guy is, and how mean and disrespectful he is. I'm 100% sure that's exactly what's going on.

My only advice to you is, name the bitch or be the bitch. Which one are you going to choose?
^^ Damn, he just asked a general question, now he has to be a bitch?

Take a chill pill.

P.S. go post in your stupid ass thread for Feb so I can post another pic...
^^ Damn, he just asked a general question, now he has to be a bitch?

Take a chill pill.

P.S. go post in your stupid ass thread for Feb so I can post another pic... Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Lmao! What stupid ass thread for feb and what pics? Are you drunk on margarita day?

And who said he has to be a bitch? That's entirely up to him.

^^This stupid ass thread LOL

Only people thoroughly full of shit don't remember what they write.

So what you're saying is if he doesn't blast her, he's a bitch..
pretty chickenshit.

^^This stupid ass thread LOL

Only people thoroughly full of shit don't remember what they write.

So what you're saying is if he doesn't blast her, he's a bitch..
pretty chickenshit. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
You must be the one who ncns'ed him. Was it supposed to be a one of your renowned "brown shower" sessions, ms shittybooty?

Poor ld, every time you pick a fight with someone that's way out of your league you end up getting your ass handed to you and a mod has to come in and save you. Why do you do that to yourself? Why don't you learn your lesson?
LOLZ linck please?