This is what Democrats are fighing for calling it "trans rights"

winn dixie's Avatar
In todays culture we are being taught thats normal and OK.
Anyone says otherwise is racist phobic or some other label libs want to use. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Just disgusting what people think is acceptable in todays culture! The blind hostility from libs is amazing.
Theres a difference between "a person has a right" and/or should!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Looks like all the hatred in this thread is coming from you and the right, brother.
HedonistForever's Avatar
... Hee Hee! ... So THAT is what passes muster for
a schoolhouse marm over Canada-way... How nice....

... IF a "true" lady was dressed like that and teaching
primary or even secondary joeys - the parents and
school leaders would be all arse-over-tit about her attire.

But for some reason they seem scared to address it.
They've ALL lost their heads ...

... But Yssup DOES have a small point.
We're not sure of the teacher's own politics.
So attacking the Dems HERE in America for something
someone does in Canada seems maybe a bit of a stretch..

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Salty, don't be lulled into thinking this isn't going on in America.

First, this has nothing to do with politics. Wouldn't matter if he is a lefty or righty or no political affiliation at all.

Second, it is a shared "ideology" whether it is in Canada or America. Did you ever get a chance to see "Libs of TikTok" before it was removed for hate speech, when all it was, was showing what liberal teachers were saying in their social media post? Like "I'm trying to work "queerness" into all my lesson plans", claims one elementary school teacher and hell, the head of "Diversity" at Disney, made the same statement. And the Tech. giants took it down because they knew that if the majority of Americas saw and heard what they were saying, it would hurt the Democratic party and it has.

Right now, in America, elementary school kids, 5,6,7, 8 are having "Drag shows", forced upon them to indoctrinate children to this lifestyle which is fine for adults, hell, I've been to a few drag shows myself albeit many, many years ago. Finocchio's, in San Fransisco, in the 80's was my first experience with this and I was stunned that I couldn't tell that none of these Characters weren't women. Some were down right beautiful!

But again, let's try and use some common sense here. Do we draw lines on what is appropriate for children and what isn't? Yes, we do. Is that line different for some people, yes it is. Is THIS acceptable to the majority, no it isn't.

Much like the debate on so called "banned books" in school libraries. Can Playboy and Penthouse be checked out from a school library? I would hope not but if one agrees that a 5 year old should not have access to such material, we have drawn a line. Now where is that line and who should decide, the State, the Librarian or the parents of the kids that use the library?

I say "so called" banned because you and I can buy the books in many places so it isn't banned in the sense that no adult is denied this material. One passage in one of the books that has been removed from many libraries, describes from the point of view of a 10 year old boy, giving his first blow job. Appropriate reading for a prepubescent child? In my opinion, no.

So, again, I don't hate any of these people. I'm talking about what is appropriate for children and what isn't. That line has been steadily erased by liberals who do want to groom children to find this acceptable.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you DO want the government to decide what is or isn’t appropriate.
winn dixie's Avatar
trans rights have nothing to do with what this person did.
This person did it for attention in an inappropriate "fashion"! All the while waiting to play the victim card!
Let the labels fly libs.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like I said, you can probably get a set of those strap on yabbos at Amazon.

This is a nothing burger. In Canada? The Democrats have infiltrated Canada now?

Lucas McCain's Avatar
HF, I don't know why you mentioned me in this thread about my thoughts about inflation in another thread and you want to twist it into your fixation on transgender people. I've never met a transgender person and I doubt I'll ever see one in person.

Thanks for thinking about me though, HF but I have a lot more important shit to worry about in my life than dudes who want their dicks cut off or chicks who want to have a penis; so technically you are right, I don't give a shit. Just let me at least say it myself.

A lot of you guys concern yourself way too much about shit that does not even concern you. Your lives would be much more productive if you found something to bitch about that actually does concern you. Like everyone else in this world, I only have so many days on this earth. I'm not going to waste those days whining and complaining about shit that has nothing to do with me.
winn dixie's Avatar
trans gendered folks have rights!

What they dont have, that they dont understand is they cannot assimilate everyone to be gay or trans gendered.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
trans gendered folks have rights!

What they dont have, that they dont understand is they cannot assimilate everyone to be gay or trans gendered. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I don’t think anybody’s demanding that. Your transphobia is morphing into full-blown hatred. Not medically, of course.

What does TS WD thibk?

Considering the number of sexual assaults against children that take place every day by school teachers, a reasonable person might conclude communities are DEMANDING that the schools are screening their hires and monitoring the ones already in place.
What would you say a potential red flag would look like?
Did the kids that laughed their asses off get punished?
winn dixie's Avatar
publicity stunt to get attention. very sick individual.
I hope this teacher gets fired and a criminal complaint should be brought. but its canada
Considering the number of sexual assaults against children that take place every day by school teachers, a reasonable person might conclude communities are DEMANDING that the schools are screening their hires and monitoring the ones already in place.
What would you say a potential red flag would look like? Originally Posted by Jacubus
How many are by Trans? I suspect very minimal numbers. Whereas by straight men and women, it only takes 5 secs of a google search to find umpteen assaults. Don’t confuse feelings with facts.
winn dixie's Avatar
How many are by Trans? I suspect very minimal numbers. Whereas by straight men and women, it only takes 5 secs of a google search to find umpteen assaults. Don’t confuse feelings with facts. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Missed his point.

Dont you think a DUDE walking around with freakishly big fake tits to a school is a MAJOR red flag?
Dude should be tarred and feathered.
biomed1's Avatar
Topics regarding children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range.