Sugar Daddy or Really Expensive Girlfriend?

If a lady makes $1000.00 or more a week, I am pretty sure she is going to want the money in an SD relationship to be equivalent if not higher monthly. Some HDH's I have known in the past had arrangements that included a town home in their name, a nice new car in their name and $5000.00 a month. The men who had such arrangements with these ladies had the type of disposable income that this was just "chump change" to them. Some of these relationships lasted for more than a couple of years.

For the most part these ladies had super model type looks and no ink on them what so ever, college educated with degrees. They were the epitome of the classic HDH gal that these type men typically looked for.

Old internet article on the subject but worth reading: Expensive vs High End Call Girl
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
... i wonder why he got banned.
You have to ask yourself what you want out of anything you are paying for, whether it is a brand new car or the compannionship of a beautiful Lady.

If you are having a lot of fun, and do not experience "buyers remorse" every time you see someone, then what does it matter what you pay. Money in its self has no value at all, the only value comes when you spend it, and more times than not you want to spend it on things that are enjoyable.

Everybody knows I spend all of my "hobby funds" on one Lady. She gets all I have because in return, I get back all she can give. She is not my Sugar Baby because I do not interest myself in what she does when she is not with me.

When we are together, she treats me like I am the only guy in her life, whether it is just for a few hours, or all night. I pay handsomely for this, and would have it no other way. If I did not feel like I was getting my money's worth, I would end it in a heartbeat.

I feel safe in saying that any other guy out there who compensates her as hansomely as I do will get exactly the same as I do.

This type of arrangement doesn't sit well with many men because sooner or later, they will feel like there is more to the entire thing than there really is, and start wanting her to "be his". You forget that most of these women are pretty hot, and your not, and all you have to do is ask yourself, "would she treat me this well if I did not pay her to do just that'?

If you think yes, then you have more problems than you realize.
John Bull's Avatar
From the point of view of one who has moved to the SB/SD genre, most of what I've read here sounds like folks who've never really been there/done that. And just to make one point: if you're a working girl, you aren't a SB, no matter how much you'd like others to think you were/are.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I want a Sugar Baby, I can be her Sugar Daddy ( =