facebook issues

I know a dancer who used her stage name. She just had her account blocked. I know it wasn't her real name but if you look at a lot of names on facebook, they aren't someones legal name.. Why does your legal name really mean. Originally Posted by TailHooked
same thing happened to me
most of my info is private/friends only
so I was in a lot of meme groups and Id post a meme and Id get called FAKE ACCOUNT
and then I ended up disabled.

real name are the rules, doesnt have to make sense
and guys are generally idiots
why are you messaging anyone on facebook to find more pictures.
I play chess via app and since I started using a picture of a busty. scantily clad lass, I get all kinds of DMs during the game.
why are guys so fkn stupid?
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She actually had the account a long time. Then there was some discussion on betting which girl could get more requests. Each girl got to pick a pick of the other girl. They were their own pics. In a matter of a few days my friend had close to 5000 friends just in the states. The bet required them to discard everyone else. Part of the bet was to show how totally worthless facebook is. Almost 5000 strangers wanted to be her friend from one pic of her.
She actually had the account a long time. Then there was some discussion on betting which girl could get more requests. Each girl got to pick a pick of the other girl. They were their own pics. In a matter of a few days my friend had close to 5000 friends just in the states. The bet required them to discard everyone else. Part of the bet was to show how totally worthless facebook is. Almost 5000 strangers wanted to be her friend from one pic of her. Originally Posted by TailHooked

my account was 15 years old
strangers reporting me as "fake" is what got my account disabled.

you arent making sense blaming facebook for all the guys requesting "friends"...how is that Facebook fault?

guys do weird things when a girl shows any skin or has boobs or a face

for whatever reason, I got my account back,, no email, no nothing, the golf game I play that is linked to the account,went from unvailable to showing my profile pic....I was always able to play the game, just one minor change
I opened FB and boom, Im back on, with no explaination at all Originally Posted by timmystool

I did get an email
I asked for help to download my info from a disabled account
they wrote to me:

Thanks for getting in touch with us.

Your issue has been reviewed and it looks like the problem with your account has been resolved. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

If you have more questions, please reply to this email.


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