Gretchen Whitmer would destroy Crooked Donnie by 20 points

bambino's Avatar
The Democrats are terrified by Whitmer. They would have to dump their Black, female VP. BAHAHAHA.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 07-01-2024, 02:35 PM
And the only thing that MAGA Rodents can offer up is highly-biased polls from Fox Fake News to support their false claims LOL Originally Posted by InseminatorK

So, what was your last handle here?

You sure sound like you know us well in a very short time.
bambino's Avatar
She doesn’t want Biden’s spot anyway.
bambino's Avatar
So, what was your last handle here?

You sure sound like you know us well in a very short time. Originally Posted by Devo
There’s a few of them who just popped up recently. But nobody is terrified of Whitmer on the Republican side. Certainly not Trump and MAGA “rodents”.
Iceman's Avatar
Big Gretch herself thinks she can beat Lying Felon Donnie Originally Posted by InseminatorK
Hillary also thought she would beat Trump. How'd that turn out?
InseminatorK's Avatar
The Democrats are terrified by Whitmer. They would have to dump their Black, female VP. BAHAHAHA. Originally Posted by bambino
I just saw a MAGA-Tard on CNN literally begging Harris to run instead of Biden because her poll numbers are low --- and yet EVERYONE knows that Big Gretch beat her MAGA-Puppet opponent in 2022 by over 12 points!

The absolute FEAR you right wingers have of Whitmer on the ballot is causing you to lose sleep and worry that your entire world is coming to an END.

You have no idea how much Democrats feed off your fear!
InseminatorK's Avatar
But nobody is terrified of Whitmer on the Republican side Originally Posted by bambino
Trust me -- NOT A SINGLE MAGA wants Whitmer on that ballot -- there are unanimous feelings in Crooked Donnie World that Big Gretch would easily obliterate him by 20 points in PA, MI, and WI and most likely keep AZ and GA solid blue.

She appeals to the millions of suburban white women in Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee that delivered the 2020 victory to Mighty Joe in 2020. They would show up in DROVES for her. She would also lock up the young voters (18-25) that are desperate for a vibrant Gen X candidate who appeals to them instead of an old lying crook like Draft Dodger Don the Con. Don't fool yourself otherwise --- 90% of Trump voters are over 60 years old and the most rapidly-shrinking part of the electorate.

Keep crying and being scared, MAGA --- I'm loving this!
bambino's Avatar
Trust me -- NOT A SINGLE MAGA wants Whitmer on that ballot -- there are unanimous feelings in Crooked Donnie World that Big Gretch would easily obliterate him by 20 points in PA, MI, and WI and most likely keep AZ and GA solid blue.

She appeals to the millions of suburban white women in Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee that delivered the 2020 victory to Mighty Joe in 2020. They would show up in DROVES for her. She would also lock up the young voters (18-25) that are desperate for a vibrant Gen X candidate who appeals to them instead of an old lying crook like Draft Dodger Don the Con. Don't fool yourself otherwise --- 90% of Trump voters are over 60 years old and the most rapidly-shrinking part of the electorate.

Keep crying and being scared, MAGA --- I'm loving this! Originally Posted by InseminatorK
It’s you that is crying. Trump is a lock. Making room on Mt Rushmore as I’m posting.

Uh oh…

According to leaked polling numbers from DNC firm OpenLabs, this is what the Electroral Map Looks Like Right Now

They say this even falls “within the margin of error.”

What’s worse— They say he’s polling behind Kamala Harris. ������

Critical Questions:
Who and why would they leak this?
You know why…