1989: U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked

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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2019, 11:30 AM
When you hit your nadir...do you always go off topic? Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo

Off topic....fear works the same in all religions/politics
When you hit your nadir...do you always go off topic? Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo

The Bible doesn't say that man was made out of a rib. Who's rib, what rib? I don't care if you have read the Bible from cover to cover you obviously don't understand a word in it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Please don't let WTF divert you off topic.


Off topic....fear works the same in all religions/politics Originally Posted by WTF
Stay on topic or open your own thread. Thanks.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah this climate change makes me think of 1999 and the end of the world
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
here's that bar of soap, rinse, lather, rinse again.

ABC News scorched for 'wrong' climate predictions
'It illustrates just how fear-mongering the entire climate-change crowd is'


The song remains the same on the air when it comes to Big Media claims about “hot air.”

“It was a bunch of young people in this ad,” Limbaugh noted.

“They were predicting that by 2015 — four years ago — milk would be 13 bucks a gallon, gasoline over $9 a gallon. The video effects show Manhattan half underwater. They show very little of Miami left.

“This was gonna happen by 2015, and this was just a promo for a special that was to run and did run in the fall of 2008 called Earth 2100 — and it’s a good catch, because it illustrates just how wrong and fear-mongering the entire climate change, global warming (now ‘extreme weather’) crowd is.