Several professional atheltes dismiss Trump's locker room banter.

  • DSK
  • 10-10-2016, 03:14 PM
You think Hillary has more athletic supporters than Michelle Obama?
gfejunkie's Avatar
that I promise. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Yeah. Right. We all know how well you do on promises. You were supposed to be gone already.
Attachment 576996
You are a sick piece of shit. I put my life on the line for this great country and what have you done? Oh year talk shit on a whore board. Have you ever enlisted or are you just talking shit scumbag? Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk faggot- I have the scars to prove it!!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You are a lying POS LUBE WIDE-ASS just reading the shit you post is proof of that I doubt the army had a uniform big enough to fit your fat ass but then maybe they did you would have been in the corps about 3 days before you would have been sent to the fat farm
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 10-10-2016, 03:54 PM
You are a sick piece of shit. I put my life on the line for this great country and what have you done? Oh year talk shit on a whore board. Have you ever enlisted or are you just talking shit scumbag? Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk faggot- I have the scars to prove it!!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
All of my family served as well and out ranked you. Stop feeling like you are the Lone Ranger. No boo ho here.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
All of my family served as well and out ranked you. Stop feeling like you are the Lone Ranger. No boo ho here. Originally Posted by R.M.

It's bad form to disrespect or even hint at disrespecting someone's service. You don't have to like an online persona but bad Karma awaits those who have no self control and denigrates the service of others. I would suggest you not get sucked into the vortex of all the idiot male posters in this forum such as I B Lying, Jimbo, Bimbo, DSK and many others. Hell awaits people like them just like the scribes and pharisees of Jesus day; they're false prophets and modern day Judas Iscariots and they know it that's why they're so miserable. Don't be of like mind is my advice.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 10-10-2016, 05:12 PM
Dear he is running around like he is the only one on this board. Not good karma there either. He posts to provoke folks. Have you read it yet? Don't get me started on the vortex. I do think its sweet of you taking up for him though almost any way. I get ya on the karma. But we all say shit some times. Both of us included. We are on a SHMB
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Dear he is running around like he is the only one on this board. Not good karma there either. He posts to provoke folks. Have you read it yet? Don't get me started on the vortex. I do think its sweet you taking up for him though almost any way. I get ya on the karma. But we all say shit some times. Both of us included. We are on a SHMB Originally Posted by R.M.

I understand just saying. Service is service don't denigrate it over small time online spats. I may hate the KKK and think they deserve to go to hell but their service is their service as long as it's not a service to kill me , their fellow soldiers, or to deliberately terrorize others.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 10-10-2016, 05:32 PM
I'm in the middle of editing. I will chat with you later. I have work to do. I needed to up date my photos bad.
bambino's Avatar
It's bad form to disrespect or even hint at disrespecting someone's service. You don't have to like an online persona but bad Karma awaits those who have no self control and denigrates the service of others. I would suggest you not get sucked into the vortex of all the idiot male posters in this forum such as I B Lying, Jimbo, Bimbo, DSK and many others. Hell awaits people like them just like the scribes and pharisees of Jesus day; they're false prophets and modern day Judas Iscariots and they know it that's why they're so miserable. Don't be of like mind is my advice. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Karma will hit a sap sucker like you. Bend over rover..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ exhibit A
bambino's Avatar
^ exhibit A Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Yes, not only are you a Sap Sucker, you like in your ass too. You like to be "air tight"!!!!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
How funny. Watching the fat boy lashing out at anything that moves. Poor little calf.

Yes, not only are you a Sap Sucker, you like in your ass too. You like to be "air tight"!!!! Originally Posted by bambino

Trump's lame excuse that it was locker room talker is pure bullshit even professional sports figures are saying it:
It confused Los Angeles Clippers guard Jamal Crawford.
Locker room?

— Jamal Crawford (@JCrossover) October 10, 2016
Portland Trailblazers guard CJ McCollum said he hadn't heard any "locker room talk" like that before.
I haven't heard that one in any locker rooms

— CJ McCollum (@CJMcCollum) October 10, 2016
L.A. Galaxy player Robbie Rogers tweeted that he was offended by Trump's remark.
I'm offended as an athlete that @realDonaldTrump keeps using this "locker room talk" as an excuse.

— Robbie Rogers (@robbierogers) October 10, 2016
Oakland A's Pitcher Sean Doolittle pushed back against that notion of "locker room talk."
As an athlete, I've been in locker rooms my entire adult life and uh, that's not locker room talk.

— Sean Doolittle (@whatwouldDOOdo) October 10, 2016
So did Chris Kluwe, a former Minnesota Vikings punter and outspoken Deadspin columnist.
Yes. That's not locker room talk.

— Chris Kluwe (@ChrisWarcraft) October 10, 2016
As did Cleveland Cavaliers forward Dahntay Jones.
Claiming Trump's comments are "locker room banter" is to suggest they are somehow acceptable. They aren't.

— Dahntay (@dahntay1) October 9, 2016
No, nonconsensual sexual advances aren't part of the locker room, Philadelphia 76ers guard Kendall Marshall insisted.
PSA: sexual advances without consent is NOT locker room talk.

— Kendall Marshall (@KButter5) October 10, 2016
"It's a Ted Bundy quote," sniped UFC mixed martial artist CM Punk. Not "locker room talk."
"Grab them by the pussy" isn't talk from any locker room I've ever been in. It's a Ted Bundy quote. #debate2016

— Coach (@CMPunk) October 10, 2016
Blake Griffin, a star Los Angeles Clippers forward, used the comment as an opportunity to mock Trump's heavy breathing.
All this heavy breathing seems more locker room-esque than anything #debate

— Blake Griffin (@blakegriffin32) October 10, 2016
Retired NBA center Jason Collins, the league's first openly gay player, riffed off of a tweet from John Amaechi, a fellow former NBA player who is also gay, about Trump's apparent lack of foreign policy communication with his running mate. He also found room to get in a breathing dig.
What do @realDonaldTrump & @GovPenceIN talk about? Oh I know-#lockerroom talk🙄🙀. & Donald what's with the snorting? Breathe thru your mouth😵

— Jason Collins (@jasoncollins98) October 10, 2016
On a serious note, former Olympic hurdler Queen Harrison said "locker room talk" -- like the phrase "boys will be boys" -- weren't valid excuses for making lewd remarks.
"Locker room talk", "Boys will be boys", "Harmless banter". These are not valid excuses for behavior. Never have been, never will be.

— Queen Harrison (@goQueengo) October 10, 2016
More than anyone, though, Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Chris Conley seem to take issue with the comments. He rattled off a Twitter rant pushing back against Trump followed by some words for wisdom.
This is like real? I'm waiting for people to come out and say that this is a joke

— Chris Conley (@_flight17_) October 10, 2016
Just for reference. I work in a locker room (every day)... that is not locker room talk. Just so you know...

— Chris Conley (@_flight17_) October 10, 2016
Have I been in every locker room? No. But the guys I know and respect don't talk like that. They talk about girls but not like that. Period.

— Chris Conley (@_flight17_) October 10, 2016
Apart from this debate and apart from the election. I'm appalled how many of you are tweeting me that talking and acting that way is ok

— Chris Conley (@_flight17_) October 10, 2016
I'm done. If that's the talk you hear around you then be the place where change begins. Regardless of this election let's be a better people

— Chris Conley (@_flight17_) October 10, 2016
Jacob Tamme, tight end for the Atlanta Falcons, dropped the mic by saying that he needed another shower after beating the Denver Broncos Sunday afternoon.
I showered after our game but I feel like I need another one after watching the debate.

— Jacob Tamme (@JacobTamme) October 10, 2016
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
A well known fact, they don't talk (most of them can't put together 2 coherent words) but they sure in the hell "BEAT THEIR WOMEN". A well known fact, athletes and domestic violence is rampant but do the team owners/managers fire them. No, why??? All one has to do is follow the money.

So don't talk to me about how men and women speak of the opposite sex when they are not around. We know how a number you boys speak about us (in front and behind our backs and it is not always in the best of light) and I'm sure you're not so naive as to think we don't speak about how "intelligent" or large or whatever you are. Its a fact of life and if anyone says different, I would venture to they are "fabricators" aka liars.
bambino's Avatar
How funny. Watching the fat boy lashing out at anything that moves. Poor little calf.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Rim my asshole Assmuncher. You're a little fag boi. Just like your boss Asswipe. I can run circles around both of you. He's old and repulsive, you're younger and a complete punk. And faggot. You haven't disputed this. You are what you are Assmuncher.
  • DSK
  • 10-10-2016, 06:50 PM
I understand just saying. Service is service don't denigrate it over small time online spats. I may hate the KKK and think they deserve to go to hell but their service is their service as long as it's not a service to kill me , their fellow soldiers, or to deliberately terrorize others. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Well, by your reasoning, service in the SS camps, but not killing the Jewish prisoners was service, so their service is service and they cannot be denigrated?