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  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2014, 11:06 AM
So if the ACA was a car what would it be in your feeble mind an Eldorado, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

bet you needed to dig pretty damn deep to come up with something that profound didn't you ?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2014, 11:17 AM
not to be distracted by the chaff

the thread's point was Obama said premiums would go down and they haven't, they have escalated beyond the norm

chalk it up to just another of his lies of convenience Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

the point is insurance companies charge more for a policy that covers more ... simple

teres also the fact insurance companies were charging you max prices for a policy that didn't cover shit ..

ACA keeps idiots like you from paying too much for nothing .,. and a little more for something thats is an actual benefit to them nobody expects morons to appreciate that ... keep bitching, someone will be along to wipe your ass for you
rodog44's Avatar
bet you needed to dig pretty damn deep to come up with something that profound didn't you ? Originally Posted by CJ7
13 thousand posts on a hooker board and no reviews. That has to be a record.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2014, 11:52 AM

13 thousand posts on a hooker board and no reviews. That has to be a record. Originally Posted by rodog44

bet you needed to dig pretty damn deep to come up with something that profound didn't you ?
Looks like liberals are finally admitting Obama lied to us repeatedly, over and over ................

Thanks for the admission CJ.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2014, 12:09 PM
Looks like liberals are finally admitting Obama lied to us repeatedly, over and over ................

Thanks for the admission CJ. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I'm not a Liberal, however YOU ARE an idiot

I'm not a Liberal............ Originally Posted by CJ7
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  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2014, 12:17 PM
HAHAHA........................ Originally Posted by Whirlaway

at least you don't deny being an idiot ...
Deflect all you want............

The facts remain the same........America was suckered into electing Obama based on lies !

FACT JACK !!!!!!!!!!!!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2014, 12:27 PM
Deflect all you want............

The facts remain the same........America was suckered into electing Obama based on lies !

FACT JACK !!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

so Obie ran on a platform promising people would have low insurance premiums ?

Obie was elected because idiots like you came up with other unelectable idiots ...

Another ObamaCare Rate Shock On The Way

Posted 03/18/2014 06:49 PM ET

Health Care: The administration issued new rules last week to spare President Obama more political damage from his phony "keep your doctor" promise. But in so doing, they've set in motion another ObamaCare rate shock.

Soon after enrolling in ObamaCare, many people discovered the high cost of believing Obama's promises. Not only were millions required to change plans, but many learned that their "new-and-improved" ObamaCare plans forced them to give up their doctors and hospitals, too.

Turns out that insurers — desperate to keep premiums as low as they could in the face of ObamaCare's costly benefit mandates, taxes and regulations — set up narrow, sometimes extremely narrow, provider networks to hold down costs.

For those with serious health problems, this could mean disruptions in care, lack of access to doctors and hospitals, and potentially huge out-of-pocket costs if they ended up out of network.

Yet even with these narrow networks, premiums still climbed by double digits in most markets thanks to ObamaCare.

As this reality sank in, public anger mounted. So in its latest attempt to mend a self-inflicted wound, the administration issued a new set of ObamaCare standards designed to force insurance companies to expand their provider networks.

In its letter to insurers, HHS said that, starting next year, the agency will require all plans to offer "reasonable access" to doctors and hospitals. The letter didn't define what "reasonable access" means, but any plan that fails to meet this test won't be available in the federal ObamaCare exchange.

HHS will also require insurers to expand access to "essential community providers," boosting it to 30% next year from 20% this year.

And regulators will be looking at other cost-cutting features — deductibles, co-pays, pre-authorization requirements, etc. — to decide whether any of them are "discriminatory" because they might discourage the sick from signing up.

In other words, HHS plans to pressure insurers both to restrict their use of cost-sharing tools and expand their provider networks.

That might temporarily appease patients. But you simply can't mandate more generous health plans without also adding costs.

And when you combine these new rules with all of ObamaCare's existing mandates, and add in the fact that not enough young people enrolled, you have a recipe for another major rate shock when millions go to renew their ObamaCare coverage in the fall.

And so, the train wreck barrels on.

Middle Class Americans are in for a shock........

Health Insurance Rate Shock + Lower Care Standards............

The winners will be the poor and the uber wealthy..............

Obama (and the Dems) fuck middle class Americans, again and again.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2014, 12:52 PM
nice try..you have the rest of your life to keep trying
Yssup Rider's Avatar
News Flash:

Obama said we would get lower premiums ..........end of story....end of liberal bullshit/lies ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Please, Whirlyturd, MAKE IT the end of story.

rodog44's Avatar
bet you needed to dig pretty damn deep to come up with something that profound didn't you ? Originally Posted by CJ7
Profound, no. Just an obvious observation.