A provider broke my heart and my wallet!

FunInDFW's Avatar
The list of quality you're going to be fucking is non-existent after posting about revenge. Got yourself in a cycle now.
You'll be very lucky to find a real provider who will see you after this. Do they want to go through this with you, too?

Take option #2.
CowboyDave's Avatar
You cannot remain friends with her. Accept that. You have to go No Contact. Of course she will plead that "still wants to be friends", only so she can milk more cash from you. No Contact is the only way to go. She can't manipulate you if she doesn't have contact.
- delete her from FB
- delete her number on your phone and block it
- block her PMs on here
Take a vacation and meet some real girls. Thne come back and hobby some more.
Lecture over.
I know a guy who spent 5k on diamond jewelry, 1k for a full night in a baby dolls VIP room with a tab, and 2.5k on the stripper...

8.5k in one night. He had a blast. Had severe buyers remorse for a month afterward when he found out his most favorite girl in his world was married IRL...

Get over it... Move on. be glad you had the opportunity to have fun while it lasted.
OMG! Guest your acct and start investing in Golf. There are probably very few, if any, reputable ladies that would be willing to see you after this epic fail of a thread. You seem, vindictive and mean....which I get if things happened as you stated, but still. This was something you should have kept to yourself or only posted about in the men's area. You have RED flags all over the damn place. Why do you guys try to save these broken girls? It's never gonna turn out in your favor? SMH.
casey_carlin's Avatar
From a provider I feel like I have a lot of friends inside the hobby, but I keep a separation and they all know it. Now I have never been the the type to mislead anyone but I have seen it done on many occasions.

I say unfriend and go your own way. She knows you have feelings and I am sure that will be taken advantage of in the future.

I also vote for going to see a therapist. That kind of anger isn't healthy now or when you find a long term relationship. I have been married 13 years and he met me as a hobbiest. It can happen and it can work, but both parties have to be ready for a healthy relationship. Anger and resentment have no place in a healthy relationship.

Good luck sugar heartbreak is tough.

chicagoboy's Avatar
Don't listen to the naysayers ... follow your heart. Originally Posted by pyramider
Listen to pyramider!
PeterBota's Avatar
The list of quality you're going to be fucking is non-existent after posting about revenge. Got yourself in a cycle now. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Yeah look what happen to the predator bowdowntome. Not a hooker wants to see this guy.
darkmoonmaster's Avatar
I'm a nice guy and I always treat providers nicely, but I had really bad luck with this one. I admit that fault is on me for getting attach to her.

CowboyDave I think you're right i have to lose any kind of contact completely with her. She texted me the other night to go see her at the club but i'm sure that's because she still want to milk me more. She thinks i'm a fucking ATM machine.

She admitted that she's only dating that guy because he will help her with her boob/tummy job financially.I'm sure that guy that she is dating is only using her to get free pussy because she doesn't have a car and she needs a ride to work all the days and of course he won't pay $20K Plus for her boob/tummy job.

I wish i could lose contact with her completely but the problem is that I go a lot to that club where she works at, next time i see her i'll give her a cold shoulder and spend the night with another girl.

I think I really learned a life session this month: Only Pay for Play and never get hooked with a hooker.

No revenge on her, Karma will do its job on her.
NTXReggie's Avatar
First rule of fuck club...

...never fall in love with the hookers!!!

No revenge on her, Karma will do its job on her.
Live what you said 100 percent. She is into you for $8K, don't do anything that will cost you more. As they say when in Vegas, walk away from the table--the first loss is always the cheapest!

Immaculate advice from previous replies. Spend your time rereading them all several times. Don't know how old you are but the feelings you are having about her seem immature. Don't mean that to put you down. But take it from a lot of people that have been around the block...

...WALK THE FUCK AWAY! From her...from the hobby...maybe even females for a while. Get your head right...and NEVER, NEVER fall in love with the hookers!
Brandofan's Avatar
lda523287's Avatar
OP, I'm really sorry you had to experience all of that. You really seem like a sincere and honest guy. You've received some great advice from the community. The only power anyone can ever have over you is the power you give them.
corona's Avatar
Listen buddy you need to stop going to the club too!! You obviously can't handle it.

Cut all contact with her now that includes going to places you both go. You have to cut her out like a cancer.
Brandofan's Avatar
I had a friend just like this back in the day. He was quite literally addicted to strip clubs and like the OP had more drama with the strippers than all of Telemundo.

He knew he had a problem and like any addict he wanted to stop but he never could. All his spare cash went to booze and strippers. I never understood it but after Thailand and the Philippines no American strip club will ever measure up for me.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think I really learned a life session this month: Only Pay for Play and never get hooked with a hooker. Originally Posted by darkmoonmaster
you didn't learn it this month.. you learned that years ago, you just didn't have self-control, like many other guys on this Forum, who think they love a Whore, she loves him, and they somehow transcend the typical play-for-play relationship of the Proletariat.

if you really learned anything, you would exit the Hobby entirely.. this is not for you.