Do we NEED another CAITIE MAE thread?! Obviously, we do.

  • a1
  • 11-28-2010, 09:31 AM
Having to pay an hourly rate for her to get tested is fucking bullshit.

What's next, I have to pay for a Jenny Craig diet so a girl can be spinner and get my business?

It is everyone's own responsibility.

I'm trying to say this in a nice way because people are already getting defensive, and that is not purpose at all! But it offends me when people put off their own responsibilities on others.
Caitie Mae's Avatar
Oh and just so you know, Catie Mae, the rumor is that you're parents are praying for you in church about your condition. Apparently you had a boyfriend that engaged in highly risky activities that are not allowed to be discussed here. Originally Posted by a1
Have you been drinking this morning, a1?

ECCIE Guidelines (revisited)
#15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.
#22 - [...] Forbidden topics such as underage sex, illicit drugs, bestiality, revealing personal info, medical speculation, or images not in compliance [...] Originally Posted by st.Christopher#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
How easy was it for you to just toss that little insinuation out on a public thread? Which of these forbidden subjects did you intend for the public to pick up on? This type of careless disregard can fuck up someone's life.

I am lucky that I can come under a personal attack on the board and not have to cower and tremble because I can't afford to put gas in my car or food in the mouths of my children. I'm lucky that I don't have to be afraid of that what you just said didn't affect my ability to pay that rent you thought I couldn't pay without throwing myself to a fucking lynch mob. Others don't have the luxury of saying that although I don't have first-hand knowledge to support whether or not you actually are a bucket of feces with an internet connection, that off-handed "oh so you know" remark was a sack of shit move intented to put further speculation back on me.

Like I said, I am lucky that I can take it. The reason I keep coming back to this place is because I like to fuck and it tickles the shit out of me to make some motherfucker's day a little better by gargling his spunk and spitting it out on his dick then playing with it until he begs me to stop. I just love that shit! That makes me a little harder to intimidate that the girls who are here putting up with this kind of shit day in and day out because they have to.

Now, tell me, a1, are you calling me a pedophile, a junkie or a the star of my own dog and pony show? Don't make the public guess, that could get ugly.
  • a1
  • 11-28-2010, 09:54 AM
I am not implying anyting. Just telling you what the rumor was. Use your head. One of those activities that is not allowed to be discussed is a highly risky behavior for catching a life threatening, incurable disease. And I didn't say you. I said you had a boyfriend. Damn, can you read? Miss easily confused!

And for you to be whining about careless disreguard, you're the fucking OP!!!!!

And no I have not been drinking. I guess I'm trying to look at all sides of this story because like I keep saying, all there is is hearesay.

FUCK! Catie Mae! How many different ways can I say I'm not saying that the rumor is true. Quit being so defensive towards the one person on this thread that keeps pointing out the fact there is only hearsay!

I honestly didn't have an opinion on the matter of this rumor before you posted this thread, but you now irk me.
Luvyduvy's Avatar

CM - you started this with a very well written post. Since CM is not your real name, assume you have civie life separate from hobby and you are not engaged in the biz - then why even post it?

And now your emotional outbursts are getting to be quite 'revealing' - a1 did not start out being critical - just pointed out as did anova that there are responsible, free things to do in situations like this. No one is saying it's fair... but life isn't always fair now, is it?

I vote for the moderator coming in NOW !!!
  • a1
  • 11-28-2010, 10:05 AM
Thank you LuvyDuvy. It is not my intention to bash her or anything like that, but this has gotten crazy and went way beyond what I EVER intended it to.
Luvyduvy's Avatar
a1 - your original post was so on the money...I was going to write essentially the same thing at that time, but then thought why get into this??? LOL
Like many others I was not aware of the rumors the lady mentions. I think ladies sometimes don't realize how few people are actually engaged in these back channel whisper campaigns.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
It seems to me that the need for drama just keeps escalating from the run of the mill nc/ns, pimp-daddy, cash'n'dash, poor service, et al and, since those arenas have been flogged to death, it must be time to ramp it up a notch or two. Who knows who has what axe to grind or even that they do. Some people just get off on bringing others down by whatever means necessary. It's even easier to do here in the anonymity of the internet. This thing has probably gotten so far out of hand that any possibility of finding the source will be futile. Caitie Mae, you had few ways to handle this and none of them were either comfortable nor did they lend themselves to gracefulness.

I will point out that as the light becomes brighter on those who spread these sorts of things, they will shrivel up and slink away. No one who has anything to do with this will step up. They will, instead, merely fade away. You, unfortunately, are in a box if you intend to provide in the future and some of your clientele come from the boards regardless of how UTR you are.

People, believe none of what you hear and half of what you see - end of story.
Caitie Mae's Avatar
Before I say anything else--if I say anything else--on this thread, I would like to offer my sincere apology to a1. I understand the intention of his post was not to attack me or to support a completely insupportable rumor. LuvyDuvy is right that I am emotional about this subject, but that is no excuse for my outburst at a1's expense. My own intention was not to injure or offend anyone, including a1.

Thank you M A X for your support. I have a great deal of respect for your contributions in the discussions here.

CoHorn, you offered much more efficient expression of my point and I should have been satisfied with that.

Without LuvyDuvy's gentle interjection I would probably still be on a rampage.

It seems that there is great importance put upon the responsibility of the accused and very little value upon their rights in matters such as this around here. I find that unsettling. I find it even more unsettling that I am expected to establish my defense, but no one has been called to account for the accusation. The burden of proof is grossly misplaced in my opinion and I have more to say on that subject, but for now I am going to step away from all of this for a while. I am grateful that I can step away without making a financial sacrifice. It is my empathy for those who don't have that luxury that causes me to become so emotional.

Lastly, I offer my apology to the mod staff and the board for not managing myself in a more professional manner. I truly regret my outburst.

Sincerely and with kindest regards,

  • a1
  • 11-28-2010, 11:14 AM
Catie Mae and I have messaged each other. I think we both were trying to defend ourselves. This is a touchy issue for everyone, especially for CM. Let's just say, she no longer irks me. I wish you the best CM and I hope all this clears up ASAP!
Luvyduvy's Avatar

Without LuvyDuvy's gentle interjection I would probably still be on a rampage.

It seems that there is great importance put upon the responsibility of the accused and very little value upon their rights in matters such as this around here. I find that unsettling. I find it even more unsettling that I am expected to establish my defense, but no one has been called to account for the accusation. The burden of proof is grossly misplaced in my opinion and I have more to say on that subject, but for now I am going to step away from all of this for a while. I am grateful that I can step away without making a financial sacrifice. It is my empathy for those who don't have that luxury that causes me to become so emotional.

Sincerely and with kindest regards,

~sweetness~ Originally Posted by Caitie Mae
Thank you for taking my words the way they were intended - does NOT always happen in cyberville.

Now - a word about your paragraph up there - "the burden of proof' 'you and not the accuser' 'importance of the responsibility' - again, some, rather a little emotion lingers - NOBODY is saying YOU MUST do these things. And no, it's not fair to you at all.

Why is it being suggested - again, not that YOU must - but it is a simple matter to get a free test and in 15 minutes be able to tell the BOZO that started this to STFU !!! It's easy, quick and definitive... End of Story!
(and another 24 hours and this will be over as a mod will surely RIP this thread.)

The accuser ??? will probably never stand up. And if they did, believe me - they would get reamed royally by a boatload of us... unless they could back it up, which obviously they cannot or they would have by now.

I heard this got started in the private ladies section - my guess is someone jealous of the CME - that is some hot stuff lady!

I'm out of pop corn - and quite full.
I heard this got started in the private ladies section. Originally Posted by Luvyduvy
And yet again, another unsubstantiated rumor.
rachet3375's Avatar
[quote]The reason I keep coming back to this place is because I like to fuck and it tickles the shit out of me to make some motherfucker's day a little better by gargling his spunk and spitting it out on his dick then playing with it until he begs me to stop. I just love that shit![quote]

whew! who needs drama when you got this? I love that shit too darlin', hope we can all get back to doin what we love to do.
Luvyduvy's Avatar
And yet again, another unsubstantiated rumor. Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
hence the use of the word HEARD - as in someone told me - and apparently that is not the case - so spank me!

And trying to let CM know, the cowardly accusations/accuser/rumor-starter will probably remain unknown.

but thanks for pointing that out Hotlips - sometimes I don't think through everything
CoHorn's Avatar
Reminds me of the recent outing post. The accused was redeemed, but the damage was done. She received lots of apologies, but obviously people didn't learn from it.