"Age-related Terret's Syndrome".
No real filter between what enters the mind and comes out the mouth.
Originally Posted by ICU 812
Idiotic? Not at all.
Sure I wrote that made-up phrase as a joke, but its based on my real world experience with my 97 year old mother-in-law. She thinks that just because she is old she can *and odes) just say whatever comes into her head, loudly and in public,
We were in a restaurant when in came a family of Siks, the practitioners of an Indian religion. The women and little girls were in non-western dress. The men were in suits, but wearing the traditional turbans.
My MIL made prated disparaging remarks that would have been easily over heard if the place had been less crowded and less noisy. When we left I was afraid that I'd have to make this apology for her behavior and offer to buy their dinner. Turns out they were completely unaware.
That is what I mean and its a real phenomenon, though not a diagnosable medical condition (and so the joke.)
I am convinced that President Biden often doesn't realize the negative impact of the things that he says.