Provider Party!!!

cowboyesfan's Avatar

Makes me think of that "christmas party" busted in Houston Originally Posted by dodger
For those unfamiliar with the events of late last year -
Bestman200600's Avatar
Be careful. Remember the ASPD party in Houston.
I got to bite. What happened at the ASPD party in Houston?
The Houston deal would be a cake walk next to what this would be. It's called pimping and pandering...which is a felony BTW.
pmdelites's Avatar
I got to bite. What happened at the ASPD party in Houston? Originally Posted by clothesline
follow the khou link and that should help out.
As long as this remains a discussion of having a party, this thread can continue.

If you decide to set a date and post that, it must be in a different thread and the thread locked after posting.

What if.. Jazzy got a few well known providers together that are interested... Second, get those providers to PM a couple of their regulars each.. That way this will stay out of public view and minimizes the threat of any LE activity.. Only ppl that would know about it is ppl that can be trusted.. Keep it a small group for starters and see how that works out.. Just a thought..
Hobbyfun's Avatar
Sounds like fun But just to be safe I would screen and make the men pay upfront to who ever they want to see that way no money at the party will exchange hands and all activities are between two consenting adults all legal like.

My 2 cents worth.
Could I have some change back please.
Accidentally bumped this.
just be very Very VERY DAMN CAREFUL about all of this! providing a location for people to get together like this sure might be like honey to bees for the types of people you may not want there. Originally Posted by pmdelites
I can see the news vans parked up the street waiting to interview neighbors about sex parties in their neighborhood. LOL. If you are a single guy this party sounds like fun. If you are married or have high profile job you may want to consider the downside of this.
Harley*Jayden's Avatar
I plan on taking every precaution.. anyone who has not been screened provider or not will not have any info of the party or where it is taking place,, I would never put myself or others in danger or harms way Im the safest when it comes to that so dont worry about saftey issues!!!

Makes me think of that "christmas party" busted in Houston Originally Posted by dodger
Exactly what I was about to post...

Best to do something like this invitation only...


sounds like visual overload