fuck and leave!!!!

Guest042416's Avatar
It's just all about the money isn't it...you don't pay you ain't gettin any..plain and simple Originally Posted by primo2
not all the time, depends on the girl and how long etc

sometimes just going to dinner or movie presents itself to a little magic at the end, all depends.
For the most part, yes
Let's put it this way. I'd rather just see one that really does it for me. I found her.
Aftertalk's my favorite part, although I'm always afraid of talking her ear off, or seeming stalkerish if I try to contact her out of scheduling hours, so I tend not to check up between visits.
Texting in between is nice, and another way to get to know each other, esp if u r planning in seeing someone multiple times. Guess it all depends on the 2 people involved and what they both might or might not want
Texting in between is nice, and another way to get to know each other, esp if u r planning in seeing someone multiple times. Guess it all depends on the 2 people involved and what they both might or might not want Originally Posted by rodeomann22
I agree
Everybody has there own idea of what they want for the hobby. For some it is truly fuck and leave. That is all they are looking for. They don't want anything relational either because they don't enjoy it or are afraid of the drama that may ensue. And for them there are women out there who will gladly provide fuck and leave because they want to operate the same way. I on the other hand (and others I know) like and want more than fuck and leave. For me the hobby is very relational. Not at the same level with every girl I see but certainly with the girls I see on a regular basis. And it depends on what the girls want also. My two regular girls that I see weekly are like mistress's to me. We text back and forth during the week. If they have needs that I can help with they ask and I do help if I can. if I can't I say so and they understand. There is definitely a line that we both understand and we trust each other to not jeopardize our private lives. A couple other girls I see a couple times a month don't want that close of interaction but we still communicate once in awhile in between seeing each other. And one girl I see we do not interact outside of the time together. I think there are plenty of opportunities for each end of the spectrum and many in between. The key is finding what your looking for.

BTW Trish. I am still waiting to see you.
Angel Hopefully next Saturday the 21st Originally Posted by FlyboyNY

I totally agree, I prefer to find Mistress/Extreme GFE type that creates a good connection. The ones I see regularly we have a sort of friendship beyond F&L.
Guest042416's Avatar
I totally agree, I prefer to find Mistress/Extreme GFE type that creates a good connection. The ones I see regularly we have a sort of friendship beyond F&L. Originally Posted by Boatguy
that's fine that works, that's good.

but be careful of the other f and l we have had on here with some people

fuck and love

we all know the parties involved and the drama
The Drummer's Avatar
Fuck and Leave?

Some providers seem to hate this term?

I’m not saying that a limited few women aren’t sincere with their disdain for this attitude.

But please, the majority: Simply a thinly veiled marketing ploy.

We’re not that stupid. At least I’m not.
Angel you are 100% correct. OSD, in an exceedingly rare moment of clarity for you, you sir are also 100% correct. Flyboy, an oustanding and well thought narrative, however "relational" is not a word. Almost a Pooty Tang moment, but well said sir, well said.
The guys who are lecturing hobbyists for ever developing a relationship or feelings for a provider are just talking out of their backsides. Developing feelings isivoluntary and there are a lot more from clients then the bull shitters want to admit. They act like they have decided against developing any feelings so they just won't..Yeah that's how it works..Like you decide who you have feelings for and how strong they will be..These are the same guys that after trying to meet a provider 20 times in a row and it doesn't work out, get on here and say no big deal, just move on, its her lose..No not really...

I think a lot of guys won't text a provider in between vists because its viewed as a no no and they don't want to overstep their bounds..Tell them during the visit that it would be fine to text once in a while just to see how things are going. You will get the interest and the texts. I would like it if a couple of providers I have seen told me that..
I use this hobby as a way to take sexual pressure off my wife. I love her and have a great family, I just need more sex then she does. I tried the mistress thing, too stressful. I tried the hooker thing And at first tried to form relationships with a few of the nicer girls. Then went backpage and met some great girls. Now with this site I found a safer way to achieve my goal. F and L is not for everyone, let's be clear though, if money exchanges hands it is a service. Not many men would fuck and leave a girl they could fuck at no charge. Very few women act as well as county girl and angel, when that rare chance comes along most men will enjoy and reciprocate the rare moment. But let's be clear, we have been let down WAY more then not in this hobby and some people when the get hurt get detached as a way of coping. I love all that everyone on the board brings to the table and I miss placticman too. Hobby safe.
To each his own

Just remember, there is an aspect of this in which a provider provides a pretense of love, and it can be like an annuity for them. If they can start monopolozing your hobby money, then it like post sale revenue.

as a hobbiest, we cannot think we are more special than another, as some providers are playing this game with about 20 others

There is an aspect of this, in which frequent flyers get a discount, but again, this is like an annuity steam for the provider in getting consistant business, and reducing downtime
Very few women act as well as county girl and angel Originally Posted by Bigdaddy14606
Thank you
I would like to say that I truly enjoy my time spent with my guys.
Each of you has your own thing/things that I like about our time together.

I like to make our time together an enjoyable experience for us both whether it be a F&L or a Ftalk&L or Whatever it is that we do.
Guest042416's Avatar
All great responses, great thread,

Jackson you bring up some good points, but remember that its still money being exchanged and if no money is exchanged theres no texting going forward and no spending time toghether unless she will go for dinner and that's it or just chat in a bar, etc without a mission or sales pitch.

Some posters forget and make that mistake that's all im saying.